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Everything posted by WhenSaturdayComes

  1. Definately. Its one of the games that ive been looking forward to 8)
  2. Nope. Brother was murdered. He's on compassionate leave. Expected to be back in contention for SHA but O'Neill will almost certainly start with Beye. I wouldn't put it past those Small Heath fuckheads to try get a 1up on him by saying something during the game. **** scum. I would not consider him for that reason alone.
  3. 4-4-2 worked last night. The only failure was that we never took the lard off for NRC at two-nil, reverting to 4-5-1.
  4. The mere fact that 91% of us thinks he a waste of lard, means Martin will just continue to pick him.
  5. ST holder in Lower North, with some away games chucked in. Got so disillusioned under Doug, so started stopping away more and more, that i couldent be bothered by the end of DoLS tenancy. But im back in the fold, and here to stay.........and believe it or not, feel quite happy about the direction in which we are heading.
  6. 4-5-1 away from home, and proberly against the better teams at home, where we have to keep it tight.
  7. Totally agree General. I think you will find that most peeps gripes are around squad strength, and see the results from Feb to now a result of that, and those results do bare that out.. Its certainly knocked a lot of confidence out of a lot of people regarding the Manager, but you can rest assured that you and Randy still have our overwhelming backing. All the best General, and thanks for the reply.
  8. A rousing reply General. At the start of any campaign, you make sure that the grunts under your command whom have to carry the mission, are prepared and properly equipped to carry out the tasks set. Poor preperation, insufficent strength in key offensive and reserve areas, and troops being asked to operate in roles they are not used to, would (im sure General), have had you fuming and demanding that the right resources ARE in place, or risk high losses, and defeat due to a likely drop in morale. OK, the military is about life and death, and even sacrifice. But the ethics of preparation and being equipped properly hold true in other walks of life, including sport. Is Randy enforcing these basic facts onto his commander in the field, as you would of done during your military service?
  9. General, can you send a copy of Pilchards post to Martin? I would like him to read it. Well said Pilchard mate, youve spoke for a lot of us.
  10. You've chosen the correct option, I'm proud of you!! Upa da Villao To old and long in the tooth Been here before on SOoooOO many occasions, and fans are fickle because Football is a fickle game 8)
  11. I dont like these polls, but ive just voted for him to stay. But its cutting it very fine. If he drops his stubborness and learns from his mistakes, delivers the three quality reinforcements we seriously need, then i can see us riding this out, and becoming better because of it. Dispite my worries, i think we would make a monumental mistake getting rid at this time. Im more worried of whats going on behind the scenes. Seems to me that Randy has his sandbag in place, and listening to and watching Martin lately, he does not look happy, and sounds increasingly frustrated. If nothing else, something is going to give one way or the other pretty soon. Does anybody else have the same feeling on this?
  12. You should do stand up, that was fooking hilarious So are we in a better state today than where we were at the end of last season? And you say patiance...... Its been 4 years, and we still dont know whoms playing right back or left back! Dont get me wrong mate, i want Martin to turn this around. But we have a squad thats weaker than what finished last season, and it looks like that we have no chance of seeing the 5 quality players arriving, that Martin said were a minimum requirement! Oh, wait for it....the transfer window aint closed yet. Well if he turns up many more gems like Heskey, then we might as well let it close now. And dont aim the fickle shit at me either, cos in 30 years of following my club home and away, im proberly more experienced to tell it how i see it. Martin? Love the guy....but you cant deny there are problems?
  13. Me to mate, but you can only judge on what you see and hear :cry:
  14. Did anyone hear Martins aftermatch comments on WM tonight? Well if you did, then like me, you will have heavy doubts on where we are supposed to be heading. He was so incoherent he could of been on smack. It got to a point where he sounded like a complete idiot. I got the impression hes on the verge of walking, and you know what.......he will. He will walk away because he want to keep his media image alive. Its not his fault, its the fickle fans, its the lack of investment. Trust me, we are seeing the end play
  15. All fans are fickle, thats why we are fans
  16. Your a brave man watching that shite again
  17. Those signings need to be serious though. Not cut price cast offs or Nicky Shorey/Heskey panic buys. We have the cash, and its now, we have to spend it. Weve had all summer, and to be honest, yesterday was always going to happen. Thats the annoying thing. To many players decided to hide yesterday, and thats an ominous sign.
  18. Some people won't have it mate. They'll just say we've always played shit football. People won't be happy until we are Arsenal. And whats wrong with that? Is that not what we should be trying to do? Yes but quite obviously we need patience to get there. Something we almost did last year. Very true. But more of yesterday, and that patiance will have gone. OK, there are a few on here that hope Martin will fail. But there are lots of us that like the man immensly, and want him to succeed. I hope he does. But look at yesterday and tell me everything is going to be ok. Its not the losing, its how you lose.
  19. For the umpteenth time, it's not just about one game. What about all the games before when we played some fantastic football? 7 Away wins on the bounce. This all proves to me that MON and the squad have it in them to turn things around. It was not just because of Laursen and Barry. And the form we ended last season indicates that they have not got that in them. Something is very wrong behind the scenes, only a blind man would fail to see that. You are basing all this on assumption though. When we have seen countless interviews from people saying the team spirit is brilliant. It certainly looked like that yesterday :winkold: Yes, its all assumptions. But thats all we have to go on. You can only comment on what you see in front of you, and yesterday was scarey.
  20. Some people won't have it mate. They'll just say we've always played shit football. People won't be happy until we are Arsenal. And whats wrong with that? Is that not what we should be trying to do?
  21. For the umpteenth time, it's not just about one game. What about all the games before when we played some fantastic football? 7 Away wins on the bounce. This all proves to me that MON and the squad have it in them to turn things around. It was not just because of Laursen and Barry. And the form we ended last season indicates that they have not got that in them. Something is very wrong behind the scenes, only a blind man would fail to see that.
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