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Posts posted by il_serpente

  1. A couple of days late, but Seiji Ozawa, long time conductor of the Boston Symphony and probably the first Asian to be given a job conducting such a high profile orchestra.  Also turned heads with his unkempt mop of hair, animated conducting style and non-traditional dress.

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  2. I recognized 20 names, though several of them I have no idea what they are known for or why I recognize their names.   Before seeing the list I recognized Oprah.   After, I picked out Jane Fonda and Serena Williams also.

  3. The Brighton defender who was running back with Johnson broke his stride to raise his arm and appeal for offside on the pass to Son (it wasn't) and missed intercepting the assisting pass by a half step.   He should get roasted by the manager for that.   If he just plays on and does his job there would be no goal and they get a point.

  4. 3 minutes ago, VILLAMARV said:

    If I remember correctly you're in the states. One of my favourite bits of visiting the states was realising many places had dog parks and not dog parks. Invariably the dog ones had no kiddie playground and so on. I think it would make a massive difference to people who don't like dogs running at them and jumping up at them if we imported this model over here.

    I was always a cat person and I knew a kid who was attacked back in the day in the midlands and ended up out of school for a year having skin grafts on his scalp because an alsatian attacked him, that always tainted my view, but recently a friend took on a rescue collie and she's my mate now. So I too have mellowed somewhat.

    Indeed I am.   Did my use of ass vs. arse give it away?😁

    Nothing's universal over here, but I think it's become pretty standard in metropolitan areas to have leash laws in effect in most public areas, with specific dedicated areas, usually fenced in, where dogs can run off leash.  That's not to say that there aren't people who let their dogs run off leash in regular parks or elsewhere (actually a hot topic of discussion on NextDoor around here) or occasional issues with aggressive dogs in dog parks.   But you're generally pretty safe if you're out and about as long as you're not in the neighborhoods where posers with an affinity for intimidating dogs tend to live.   The dog park I go to is just a playground next to public tennis courts where they pulled out the play equipment, erected a fence and installed a dog shit bag dispenser.  The dogs that go there are all socialized to each other and generally get on great with each other.  In fact, I'm headed there in a few minutes for our daily 4PM play date.

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  5. 13 hours ago, fightoffyour said:


    I was always strictly a cat person and though I was was never really anti-dog, I probably wouldn’t have been bothered much if I never encountered another one until my wife and daughter convinced me to agree to adopt a rescue puppy.  I’m now both a cat person and a dog person.  The adoration and loyalty they can show is infectious.   They can be a pain in the ass, and make things like travel a lot more difficult, but I don’t regret getting him at all.  There’s a regular crew that show up at a local dog park the same time every day and I really enjoy the sense of community hanging out with the other owners and the dogs as they all play together (dogs, not owners).   Of course, we live in an area where you’re just not going to encounter the types of people who are attracted to the dangerous breed and unable/unwilling to put in the work to train them properly.

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  6. If you have access to Apple News or Scientific American, there's an interesting quick read about why relying on summary statistics vs. visual representation of data sets can be dangerous:


    They reference Anscombe's Quartet of 4 very different data sets (as seen by their graphs) that have identical mean, SD and corellation coefficient.   Some people took it further and created the Datasaurus Dozen which shows you can change data points while keeping the summary stats the same and get wildly different results.   The gif below cycles through the baker's dozen scatter plots of data sets that all have the same summary statistics.



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  7. 11 hours ago, Genie said:

    I appreciate streaming is poor in terms of sound quality, but it gets my vote for convenience.

    In my car I have a usb loaded with music I rarely change, and my phone connected via bluetooth that I do update fairly frequently.

    That's me you're talking about.

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