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Posts posted by TreeVillan

  1. is not a defender

    ...or a midfielder

    I seem to remember him playing there against arsenal and scoring a blinder?

    I think it was Tottenham, but he may have scored against Arsenal as well. Clark did well in the DM role.

    It was Arsenal. Scored 2 in fact.

    twice as injury prone than Okore.

    Is okore injury prone?

    No, but this is VT where hyperbole is king and one bad injury suddenly makes you injury-prone.

    He's been injured twice, I'm being harsh I know but with how our defenders are always sidelined I would prefer us to stay away from Ferdinand.


    Didn't someone say before about some regulations that nothing can be announced for 30 days after announcing club for sale? Maybe we will hear next week?Didn't someone say before about some regulations that nothing can be announced for 30 days after announcing club for sale? Maybe we will hear next week?

    I've said it a million times over on twitter. June 11th is the earliest day I expect to hear anything.



    Hey wannabe ITK, nice to meet you.

  3. Keane could have a short term boost on the team and the club BUT we sacked Culverhouse and Karsa for bullying which a lot of players at Sunderland and Ipswich claimed Keane was doing

    There's a difference between bullying spoilt prima donnas because of their performances and bullying tea ladies.


    Just had a quick scan through the last few pages and didn't notice this mentioned, so apologies if it has been said already.


    News on SSN saying: "Sky Sources- New York property tycoon Tevfik Arif to unlikely be in running to buy Aston Villa"

    Love the way everyone is too busy arguing to read that our 'new buyer' may have already withdrawn their interest.



    We already knew.

  5. I can never tell whether you are being nice or sarcastic. I'm guessing the latter. In anycase, I hope this puts to bed the false ginger accusations.

    Be proud, I may just post a pic of my long flowing ginger locks.. it's a site to behold!


    Being a pessimist here, wasn't Lerner always against having a gambling sponsor? But then we signed up with dafabet. Does this lead to the idea that Lerner is just getting the best financial gains now rather than caring about ideals?


    Was it ever confirmed that Lerner didn't like betting companies or was that just the assumption/rumour?



    I honestly don't know, I just remember reading something along those lines previously.

  7. Being a pessimist here, wasn't Lerner always against having a gambling sponsor? But then we signed up with dafabet. Does this lead to the idea that Lerner is just getting the best financial gains now rather than caring about ideals?

    • Like 1
  8. So have puns been banned now?

    I'm out.

    They're not banned, briny, but pages of the things don't help people reading on small phones and the app. Same as massive nested quotes. Most threads are fine, but there's so many pages so quickly that scrolling through pages full of puns to get to some "news" is annoying for many posters. We're just trying to keep the site useable for everyone. Hopefully people understand why.

    The Kwan puns are the best thing about this thread.

    • Like 1



    Anyway David Armitage has stated that there may be an announcement on Monday and interestingly he says that it won't be before 2:30 pm. That time could be nothing but seems a bit random, some people have pointed out that it's the time the New York Stock Exchange opens (9:30 AM their time) maybe then we all know together a little bit more about this story.

    Who is David Armitage?


    Thanks for that I always wondered how Google worked....anyway as you can probably guess there are quite a few people with the name David Armitage.





    The way some people reply to him shows what a bunch of bullies some people can be. Maybe Mendi genuinly believes what he's posting maybe it's something he's being told and he's excited to pass on the information.

    If people don't believe it then it's easy enough just to ignore.

    It's not easy enough to ignore when page after page of this thread is being shit up by him complaining he's not going to say anything.

    Everyone ignores all the other BS on this thread. People often comment about being ITK, some people just troll. Either way its only Mendi being singled out.



    lol you really had to make another account to defend yourself?

    • Like 3

    Anyway David Armitage has stated that there may be an announcement on Monday and interestingly he says that it won't be before 2:30 pm. That time could be nothing but seems a bit random, some people have pointed out that it's the time the New York Stock Exchange opens (9:30 AM their time) maybe then we all know together a little bit more about this story.


    Who is David Armitage?



  12. I'm gonna call it out.


    I think the Indian thing was an elaborate prank hatched within these very boards :)


    The Milner part being the wink and indeed nod 


    It'll still be in the Birmingham Mail soon.

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