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Posts posted by TreeVillan

  1. On 01/04/2023 at 08:57, av1 said:

    I’m pretty sure that I claimed on here that he’d be our POTS after those few games, I was really impressed. 

    Shows what I know 🤣

    If it's any consolation I thought he was a fantastic player lol. 

  2. 10 hours ago, Davkaus said:

    Except from corners, where it's ok to shove, pull and wrestle people, until the ball is in play. **** if I know why.

    It would be weird to give fouls when the ball is out of play. 

    Also in defence of the officials they do pull players up for being overly aggressive during the set piece build up. I see it every game where a team has a corner for example and as soon as the ball is played the ref will call a foul because they didn't listen.  

  3. 20 hours ago, villa4europe said:

    Putting the de zerbi stuff aside for a minute, that's the frustrating thing about our media in general

    Someone makes a stupid audience baiting comment like "spurs should hire a British manager'

    No one ever stops for a second and dares to ask the follow up question" which one?"

    There's such a reluctance to press and force these clowns to back their bullshit up

    The media have been pressing for Harry to make a return. TalkSport were pushing hard for this I know. 

  4. 14 hours ago, Rds1983 said:

    You forgot forcing WWE to sell his insane comic that he wrote all about himself:


    I mean Vince didn't have to say yes, TUW was just making as much as he could with his time. Vince would happily drop a wrestler without a pot to piss in if he weren't drawing 

  5. 19 hours ago, villa4europe said:

    By the time Geoff has finished explaining a goal I can go online and find it

    Sky's hands are kind of tied with the 3pm kick off stuff but until they can show goals the format is dead

    I expect the majority of viewers used to watch for the entertainment they provided before they made it boring. I doubt many people cared that they could get on their phones and Google it faster. 

  6. 6 hours ago, AvfcRigo82 said:

    Wasn't it! They were all iconic. He also donned a white leather one too at some stage and then a lavender/purple version which was when he lost the title to Slaughter at Rumble '91.

    Just out of interest, why were you not a fan of the Warrior?

    I hated wrestling as a kid but got into it through mates as I hit my teens during the Attitude era, perfect timing really. 

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