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Posts posted by VILLAFC2000

  1. Spoke to an ex poster the other week and he's fairly sure it won't be Dave M up next ( felt almost sorry for him the other day when he got to ask Cameron a question which Cameron just sort of waved away without much thought)

    The bint that sits next to Ed and nods her head a lot would be where I put my money ... Harriet Harman ??

    But it says a lot about the state of the labour party that there is no strong candidate at present , maybe someone will sneak through ..I quite like the bloke from Essex who appears on the one show from time to time , straight talking and quite honest , very rare in a politician

    I am undecided on EM as a leader, Labout scored an own goal when his brother was not voted in, this will cost them at the next GE probably. However I wouldnt exacly call Cameron a strong leader.

    "If "winning" PMQs is about putting in a performance characterised by confidence and displays of strength, then of course Cameron will "win" every time. That's the nature of the man".

    The trouble with Cameron he can be his own worst enemey.

    "At a time when people are becoming increasingly fearful of the economic prospects for themselves and their families, the idea that the country is being run by someone defined by their self-satisfaction, their callousness, and their palpable sense of entitlement, is not necessarily one that appeals. Polls show that Cameron is seen as someone who doesn't understand the concerns of ordinary people. Those struggling in this recession will find it increasingly hard to see why the Prime Minister looks so pleased with himself".

    "The second contrast to emphasise is the one between Cameron's confident demeanor and his personal competance. The state of the economy will make this case for Miliband by itself. Cameron has been described more than once as a lightweight who doesn't grasp detail. The EU debacle underlined this point. Again, look at it from the point of view of the average voter. Why is the Prime Minister strutting around looking so pleased with himself when the economy's going down the toilet? (Remember that by 2015, Cameron will own the state of the economy 100%. There'll be no pinning it on Labour by then).Remember that his personal approval ratings are negative2".

    As for the Leader of the Labour Party I think Labour should get David Milliband back some where in to the party.

  2. are not so much annoyed at the anti-democratic HOL?

    it's Ok because Prescott has taken a seat there so he can bring it down from the inside and I believe him , i mean otherwise he would be a hypocrite wouldn't he

    Good to see the "ahhh but Labour" defence is fit and well Tony.

    No one mentioned Prescott but as a deflection from the issue, it's like a trusty old sweater for you isn't it, one to be got out when points can't be defended :-)

    you raised the HOL not I ... I was merely giving you some breathing space to get back to left foot forward for some more quotes :winkold:

    Have you watched this...?


  3. As we seem to have moved ot

    It's well documented that many lib dems wanted to go in with labour

    It's also well documented that balls an co knew they had **** the country right over and didn't want to be in government but sniping from the sidelines

    :-) Tony - I notice how you were always happy when the Tory party were in opposition to say that the job of opposition was to oppose. The H word again?

    Many Lib Dems did not want to go with Labour, nor did they want to go with the Tory party. The country did not want a Lib Dem / Tory merged Gvmt that was interpreted by Cameron as a green light to impose radical right wing schemes. As said no party had a big enough majority and we were left with this frankly awful Gvmt that has been nothing more than a mouthpiece for the Tory right and its backers, backed up by the blundering and inept Clegg and Alexander.

    What's happening now is Cameron is trying every tactic he can to try and win favour with the electorate, we see that with the lies and spin they try and put on what he has done, while behind the scenes he is pandering to his backers. That is neither good for the country in general nor is it good for the LibDems.

    If theres one critism of Cameron from his own party its that he moves to quick and does not always dwell on matters.

    I think this move is about pressure from the City that is London, and we live in a democracy.......!


  4. As we seem to have moved ot

    It's well documented that many lib dems wanted to go in with labour

    It's also well documented that balls an co knew they had **** the country right over and didn't want to be in government but sniping from the sidelines

    Credible source Calvin...?

  5. Clegg could bring down this Coalition at any stage.

    And that would get him where?

    The ballot box and electoral oblivion for his party.

    Thats nailed on anyway. Waiting till 2015 is just delaying the inevitable.

    They could perhaps walk away with a little pride by walking away now and not bending over and taking any more shaftings from the tories.

    What is now blatantly clear is that the reasons they gave for selling out - coming together with the tories for the good of the country and to tackle the deficit - are failing. They now find that having gone back on numerous promises and against their principles it has been a waste of time as the deficit is not being tackled and will likely be 100billion come 2015. In fact that perhaps looks optimistic.

    Being in a coalition with the tories has been a disaster for the Lib Dems and one that will take years for them to recover from.

    They should have gone in with Labour.

    What was there not to agree on compared with the Tories.I have never forgiven clegg for this and nor have a lot of his voters. He made a pact with Scameron long before the GE for his own self greed, power and ego.

    He is slowly finding out the consequences of his actions.

  6. Clegg could bring down this Coalition at any stage.

    And that would get him where?

    The ballot box and electoral oblivion for his party.

    You have to look at the big picture.

    Do you think the the lib dem voters are happy propping up a Torie government in this coalition?

    The point is with his lies, deceitfulness and ego Clegg has completely taken advantage of his power. The Majority of Lib Dems voters are not particualalrly pleased with him.

    So if this Coalition comes to an abrupt end that will mean the end of Clegg - which a lot of voters are already counting on.

    Some say that this is what the Tories want to happen as they can then call another GE. They will hope to pinch a lot of the UKIP voters and get in with a majority.

  7. He was sacked here, which is increasingly quite obvious.
    Absolutely and maybe the fact that people still seem to be obsessd with him points to the fact that deep down they feel we are worse off without him?

    Yes we are much better off without MON.

    I mean its not as though we nearly got relegated last year.

    We have attracted so many quality players

    Not to mention the football we are playing it is much better now than it was under MON.

    Our defence looks much better from set pieces and we are scoring goals left right and centre.

    Its good to see us back in Europe this year - oh wait

    The attendences are much better this year - oh wait

    we have a great chance of making it to wembley this year - oh wait...!

  8. Clegg made a statement basically saying that he agreed with Cameron. Does he still represent the Lib dems anymore?

    Do you actually have a clue.

    I think you needed a question mark at the end of your needless insult.

    When I posted that comment Clegg had said what peterms has reproduced above. That appears to be an agreement with the Tory statement.

    It seems today the Guardian has found a "source" that claims he is now outraged. It does not seem very congruent anyway.

    It really inst quantum physics.

    The Liberal Democrats are the most pro European party there is in the UK. There is no way Clegg would be happy with this its an outrageous lie.

    The only people who would even suggest that Clegg agreed to this long ago would be a Torie.

  9. Clegg made a statement basically saying that he agreed with Cameron. Does he still represent the Lib dems anymore?

    Do you actually have a clue.

    " Clegg made a statement basically saying he agreed with Scameron"

    Where did you get this ine from the Daily Fail...?

    Clegg says he is outraged by this. Not a wise move from Scameron at all. Clegg can bring this Coalition down at any moment, he needs to start playing his cards better.

    He is said to be outraged he was rung at 4 in the morning to be told we are going it alone.

    I find it difficult to believe anything he says so it could all be a smokescreen.

  10. Definitely recommend Inside Job.

    These corporate Banks are exactly the banks that Cameron is fighting for and whose interests Scameron truly represents.

    Labour are the in the hands of the trade unions no more so than the Tories being in the hands of London's Banks.

    It was the banks that caused the Global recession which will cause a generation of rebuilding.

    Remember a vote for Scameron is a vote for the Coreperate fat cat bankers.

  11. Why do I think he didnt ?

    Clegg could bring down this Coalition at any stage.

    If that were the case, why do you think that would mean that Cameron would not have consulted with Clegg? Surely it would reinforce the idea that he would speak to him?


    Indeed, I can only think of two reasons why Cameron might not have spoken to Clegg about it: either that Clegg told him aforehand that he should do whatever he thought and he would bring his lot in to line, or that Cameron couldn't care less about having the Lib Dems in coalition (judging by their use of Beaker especially in the last few weeks I don't believe they'd throw away such a useful tool).

    Exacly the point this will come back and bite him on the arse. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

  12. t;]

    ...Why then Did Scameron not even talk through this with Nick Clegg...

    Why do you think he didn't?

    I or something).

    Why do I think he didnt ?

    Clegg could bring down this Coalition at any stage. As I have already said the Fib Dems are the most pro Europe Party there is in this country.

    Its going to be interesting so see the results of the Lib Dems at the next GE. There supporeters are FUMING and I mean FUMING. This will be shown in the next GE. Scameron can forget forming another coalition. Another unwise move.

  13. Even Churchill was pro Europe...!

    Or more accurately:

    “ and a receipe for dictatorship.

    You talk of dictatorships.

    The liberal democrats were the most pro European party before the GE. Check out their Manifesto.

    Cameron has been babbling on and on for a long time about how important the Coalition is - Yardi Yardi Yarda.Why then Did Scameron not even talk through this with Nick Clegg especially when they love Europe like a pig loves Muck?

  14. Even Churchill was pro Europe...!

    As Cameron is, but not on this point.

    What was formed as an economic co-operation has turned into the vehicle for politicians with steamroller ambitions, and who have little or no regard for the democratic rights of its people.

    So, using your historical analogy, the small players in Europe are long since vanquished, Sarkozy is Marshall Petain, and Merkel is Adolf Hitler.

    Whether that casts Cameron as Churchill, I don't know.

    Welcome to the Fourth Reich :(

    What on earth are you talking about. I was simply making the point that Churchill was more pro Europe that Scameron.

    Now your comparing Merkel with Hitler....


  15. Wake up and smell the coffee sun beam...!

    Quote from the Belgian PM.

    " This is not an intelligent move"

    Congratulations. You quote the leader of a country that hasn't had a government for nigh on a year. Advice on compromise politics from a Belgian politician is rather like receiving child care advice from another famous Belgian, Marc Dutroux.

    And the rest of Europe what do they think...?


    If Belgum is not you cup of tea, then how about Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, head of the Germany's FDP group, p, goes as far as to say it was

    "a mistake to let the British into the EU".

  16. Protecting the financial services industry (which by the way is far bigger and more connected to the economy than you think) doesn't mean damaging every other sector.

    The United Kingdom consists of 90,060 square miles. David Cameron has fought tooth and nail for one of them.

  17. Our, as in the country. It's easy to just demonise and City and think of it as some bubble but in actual fact it's one of our biggest assets.

    Our as in the 100s of thousands of people who are linked directly with the Euro Zone.

    Ours as in the large, medium and small businesses that trade within Europe.

    Ours as in the country that trades the most with the Eurozone.

    There are more people in the country than the fat cats.

  18. In his opinion. However, as far as our interests are concerned, it's a very good move.

    I love the way how you say "OUR", what are you talking about and can you define "OUR"

    If you said its in the Financial services and the bankers in Londons best interests I would agree.

    Do you know how much money is traded in the euro zone through each year,

    Do you know how many people jobs depend on the Eurozone?

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