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Posts posted by DelboyVilla









    I'm sorry but buy this argument that Lambert is a shit manager and is just "lucky" not to be sacked. Given all the shit he's had to deal with from the board I don't think he's done a bad job at all.


    He's the only manager in the Premier League who has never had to rely on results to keep his job. If he was decent he would have resigned because of all the 'shit from the board' but he knows he will never get such a high profile job again.

    Plus I don't see what shit from the board is either there are plenty of managers who work to a budget and he has always been adamant that he makes all the footballing decisions such as his failed 'young and hungry' experiments.

    All the past few years have proved are that Norwich was his glass ceiling!

    All Premier League managers have to rely on results to keep their job - including Lambert.

    So Lambert is indecent because he's sticking with a job despite having to work under tough conditions?

    What tough conditions?

    With Lambert's record over the past two seasons any other Chairman in the League would have sacked Lambert. Managers with better records than Lambert have been sacked! All he has had to do is suck up to Lerner! Easy for a hard up gimp!

    I have no problem with people slating Lambert.

    But most of your criticism seems to be based on total conjecture.

    Your probably right but show me where anyone on here has ever dealt in facts.

    So are we in for more surviving in the Premier League years for the foreseeable then?

    People deal in facts all the time on here.

    There's plenty of people who level criticism at Lambert and back it up with facts. That's fair enough even if I don't agree with them a lot.

    But your posts seem to be relying on stuff like "we will finish in the bottom quarter this season" (conjecture)

    and that Lambert is only surviving by "sucking up to Lerner". Again, conjecture.

    Criticise all you like, but don't make stuff up. That smacks of desperation, whichever side of the argument is doing it.

    Fair Enough Stevo.

    But isn't this forum also for giving one's opinion? Most posts are actually opinions of the posters not facts. Hey ho though we go again!

    Of course it is.

    But giving your opinion and passing your opinion off as fact are two different things.




    I thought I was giving my opinion as otherwise I would have pre-cursored the statement 'This is a fact 100%'.... which I didn't. Remember I am just a dumb Brummie who hasn't mastered the Queen's Englishyet, that is a fact!


    I think PL is a very good manager and I very happy that he is here for the long haul. What we need is stability and a manager with an eye for a good bargain in the transfer market and PL has that.  


    Stability? Could have kept McLeish.


    Eye for a bargain? It's hit and miss - like most managers.


    Some of the worst performances I have ever seen from 20 years of watching Villa and he's yet to prove to me we are heading anywhere with his "style".




    Actually McLeish and Lambert have almost identical records so Lerner could have just saved himself a few million in compo to the ginger one and not paid out compo to Norwich so as to bring in Mcleish's carbon copy's bully boy mates (sorry I mean Lamberts backroom staff).



    This place is bloody ridiculous at times, and predictably so too.


    After the Liverpool game if you came on here you'd think we didn't have a care in the world and plenty of people predicted that the boo boys would be out in force again should we predictably be well beaten by one or all of Arsenal, Chelsea and City.


    Fast forward a couple of weeks and how accurate a forecast was that.



    To be fair I post on a couple of other sites and it was only VT where the critism of Lambert had subsided. There has been a tendancy to shout down any Lambert critism on here and I therefore think the 'boo boys' as you call them got bullied off here?




    This place is bloody ridiculous at times, and predictably so too.


    After the Liverpool game if you came on here you'd think we didn't have a care in the world and plenty of people predicted that the boo boys would be out in force again should we predictably be well beaten by one or all of Arsenal, Chelsea and City.


    Fast forward a couple of weeks and how accurate a forecast was that.



    To be fair I post on a couple of other sites and it was only VT where the critism of Lambert had subsided. There has been a tendancy to shout down any Lambert critism on here and I therefore think the 'boo boys' as you call them got bullied off here?





    If you'd come on posting all this after the Liverpool game and after we'd gone four games unbeaten, winning three then at least it might carry some credence.


    As it is and as it always is it's done after we lose when all concerned become easy targets.




    I did, got abuse and I reacted to it (when I should have let the mods deal with it) and recieved 4 warning points from the mods.


    As life too short to have bullies sitting behind their keyboards throwing out personal and disgusting insults I decided to lurk. At least at the moment everyone is remaining civil and a reasonable discussion is being had.

  4. This place is bloody ridiculous at times, and predictably so too.


    After the Liverpool game if you came on here you'd think we didn't have a care in the world and plenty of people predicted that the boo boys would be out in force again should we predictably be well beaten by one or all of Arsenal, Chelsea and City.


    Fast forward a couple of weeks and how accurate a forecast was that.



    To be fair I post on a couple of other sites and it was only VT where the critism of Lambert had subsided. There has been a tendancy to shout down any Lambert critism on here and I therefore think the 'boo boys' as you call them got bullied off here?







    I'm sorry but buy this argument that Lambert is a shit manager and is just "lucky" not to be sacked. Given all the shit he's had to deal with from the board I don't think he's done a bad job at all.





    He's the only manager in the Premier League who has never had to rely on results to keep his job. If he was decent he would have resigned because of all the 'shit from the board' but he knows he will never get such a high profile job again.


    Plus I don't see what shit from the board is either there are plenty of managers who work to a budget and he has always been adamant that he makes all the footballing decisions such as his failed 'young and hungry' experiments.


    All the past few years have proved are that Norwich was his glass ceiling!


    All Premier League managers have to rely on results to keep their job - including Lambert.


    So Lambert is indecent because he's sticking with a job despite having to work under tough conditions?




    What tough conditions?


    With Lambert's record over the past two seasons any other Chairman in the League would have sacked Lambert. Managers with better records than Lambert have been sacked! All he has had to do is suck up to Lerner! Easy for a hard up gimp!


    I have no problem with people slating Lambert.


    But most of your criticism seems to be based on total conjecture.




    Your probably right but show me where anyone on here has ever dealt in facts.


    So are we in for more surviving in the Premier League years for the foreseeable then?


    People deal in facts all the time on here.


    There's plenty of people who level criticism at Lambert and back it up with facts. That's fair enough even if I don't agree with them a lot.


    But your posts seem to be relying on stuff like "we will finish in the bottom quarter this season" (conjecture)

    and that Lambert is only surviving by "sucking up to Lerner". Again, conjecture.


    Criticise all you like, but don't make stuff up. That smacks of desperation, whichever side of the argument is doing it.




    Fair Enough Stevo.


    But isn't this forum also for giving one's opinion? Most posts are actually opinions of the posters not facts. Hey ho though we go again!



    I think he's pretty fortunate to have kept his job and I think he's extremely fortunate to have been given a new deal.

    The sale of the club has allowed him the freedom to produce awful results and provided the necessity for some stability in the club.

    I think he's a very fortunate man.



    Yes I think Mantis would be better off asking Lucky Lambert for this weekends lottery results he would be jammie enough to pick them!


    Yes and even when we are for sale and according to some would not be attractive to a decent manager he chooses to sign a new 4 year deal? I think Paul Knows exactly which side his bread is buttered! He's probably set up for life now?


    I asked you because apparently we will finish in the bottom quarter again this year so surely you must be able to see into the future?




    No I made an educated assessment based upon previous performance which is all I can do. I think you will find quite a few pundits and journalists actually predicted we would finish the year in the bottom three so I am not alone in my assessment.


    Maybe it was my grammatical error to use will.





    I'm sorry but buy this argument that Lambert is a shit manager and is just "lucky" not to be sacked. Given all the shit he's had to deal with from the board I don't think he's done a bad job at all.





    He's the only manager in the Premier League who has never had to rely on results to keep his job. If he was decent he would have resigned because of all the 'shit from the board' but he knows he will never get such a high profile job again.


    Plus I don't see what shit from the board is either there are plenty of managers who work to a budget and he has always been adamant that he makes all the footballing decisions such as his failed 'young and hungry' experiments.


    All the past few years have proved are that Norwich was his glass ceiling!


    All Premier League managers have to rely on results to keep their job - including Lambert.


    So Lambert is indecent because he's sticking with a job despite having to work under tough conditions?




    What tough conditions?


    With Lambert's record over the past two seasons any other Chairman in the League would have sacked Lambert. Managers with better records than Lambert have been sacked! All he has had to do is suck up to Lerner! Easy for a hard up gimp!


    I have no problem with people slating Lambert.


    But most of your criticism seems to be based on total conjecture.




    Your probably right but show me where anyone on here has ever dealt in facts.


    So are we in for more surviving in the Premier League years for the foreseeable then?

  8. I think he's pretty fortunate to have kept his job and I think he's extremely fortunate to have been given a new deal.

    The sale of the club has allowed him the freedom to produce awful results and provided the necessity for some stability in the club.

    I think he's a very fortunate man.



    Yes I think Mantis would be better off asking Lucky Lambert for this weekends lottery results he would be jammie enough to pick them!


    Yes and even when we are for sale and according to some would not be attractive to a decent manager he chooses to sign a new 4 year deal? I think Paul Knows exactly which side his bread is buttered! He's probably set up for life now?


    OK he's just about managed to do what was asked by the skin of his teeth but that's his limit we will still finish in the bottom quarter of the table again this year with him in charge because of his poor tactics. We needed to improve our manager to move forward. As far as I am aware the only player to break into the International side is Delph the others were already Internationals? Whose to say Delphwouldn't have made the World Cup under a better manager?


    Can I have the weekend's lottery numbers as well please?




    PM me with your bank details and I'll just put the money strraight in!



    I'm sorry but buy this argument that Lambert is a shit manager and is just "lucky" not to be sacked. Given all the shit he's had to deal with from the board I don't think he's done a bad job at all.





    He's the only manager in the Premier League who has never had to rely on results to keep his job. If he was decent he would have resigned because of all the 'shit from the board' but he knows he will never get such a high profile job again.


    Plus I don't see what shit from the board is either there are plenty of managers who work to a budget and he has always been adamant that he makes all the footballing decisions such as his failed 'young and hungry' experiments.


    All the past few years have proved are that Norwich was his glass ceiling!


    All Premier League managers have to rely on results to keep their job - including Lambert.


    So Lambert is indecent because he's sticking with a job despite having to work under tough conditions?




    What tough conditions?


    With Lambert's record over the past two seasons any other Chairman in the League would have sacked Lambert. Managers with better records than Lambert have been sacked! All he has had to do is suck up to Lerner! Easy for a hard up gimp!


    Oh Bobszy you are funny!!


    I do agree that Ancellotti is a top manager and on a par with Mourinho. Remember Carlo was 3 minutes into stoppage time from losing his job last year?


    And I doubt Lambo would want anyone to talk about victories at VP as his record is not exactly anything to be proud of?


    What you have to remember is Lambo is has been very lucky to land a job which he doesn't have the skills to carry out to even a mediorce level. He's had no pressure of losing his job and has had the comfort of knowing he can perform awfully so long as he toes the party line. No other Premier League manager has this reassurance or comfort even Mourinho or Ancellotti live or die on results?


    I find it amusing that you actually think he doesn't have the skills to carry out the Villa job to "even a mediocre level".  His remit will have been to stay in the Premier League despite not having the financial resources of even the mighty Hull City.  He's done that.  He's found us one of the best strikers in the league for only £7m too.  He's built a young squad with players now breaking into International teams.  Have results been good?  No, they've been poor - but they've been good enough to keep us in the league.


    I genuinely don't know what people have expected other than this struggle for the past few seasons.  What's the expectation?  Top 6?  Top 10?  What is it that Lambert should've produced that he hasn't?




    OK he's just about managed to do what was asked by the skin of his teeth but that's his limit we will still finish in the bottom quarter of the table again this year with him in charge because of his poor tactics. We needed to improve our manager to move forward. As far as I am aware the only player to break into the International side is Delph the others were already Internationals? Whose to say Delphwouldn't have made the World Cup under a better manager?

  12. I'm sorry but buy this argument that Lambert is a shit manager and is just "lucky" not to be sacked. Given all the shit he's had to deal with from the board I don't think he's done a bad job at all.





    He's the only manager in the Premier League who has never had to rely on results to keep his job. If he was decent he would have resigned because of all the 'shit from the board' but he knows he will never get such a high profile job again.


    Plus I don't see what shit from the board is either there are plenty of managers who work to a budget and he has always been adamant that he makes all the footballing decisions such as his failed 'young and hungry' experiments.


    All the past few years have proved are that Norwich was his glass ceiling!


    Give him a new contract. If we wait until the summer he only has 2 years left - start negotiations now!

    I understand your point, but I can't see him signing a new deal unless there is a salary increase involved, and IMO last season's form hasn't justified that.




    New contracts at VP are never performance related!

    • Like 1
  14. Oh Bobszy you are funny!!


    I do agree that Ancellotti is a top manager and on a par with Mourinho. Remember Carlo was 3 minutes into stoppage time from losing his job last year?


    And I doubt Lambo would want anyone to talk about victories at VP as his record is not exactly anything to be proud of?


    What you have to remember is Lambo is has been very lucky to land a job which he doesn't have the skills to carry out to even a mediorce level. He's had no pressure of losing his job and has had the comfort of knowing he can perform awfully so long as he toes the party line. No other Premier League manager has this reassurance or comfort even Mourinho or Ancellotti live or die on results?

  15. I find it odd that people outside of Chelsea actually like Jose Mourinho.


    He moans and whines and, as frequently shown, has no class whatsoever.  During his time in Spain, he encouraged Pepe et al to (quite literally) kick lumps out of Messi/Barcelona and poked/gouged Tito Vilanova in his eye.  Top bloke, Jose.


    Paul Lambert is a much better human being.


    Personally I prefer the Premier League with him in it. OK he's arrogant, childish, moanie, mind game playing and the rest but one thing he is always entertaining. This is not the first time he has left a game early apparently he did the same when they beat Arsenal 6-0 last year, he wanted to call his wife so he says? It just his way and football is all about love and hate and without passion it would be boring.


    You might think Lambo's a better human being but who cares? We personally don't know either therefore are not qualified to answer anyway! Mourhino is a million times better manager. If Mourhino managed us for a week we would see far better play and we might even get Man City a little worried for the weekend. Instead we will hope and pray we can avoid a thrashing and we don't loose all our confidence!! And we go again!


    It is not the 80s anymore, we can't compete, it is a financial game nowadays.

    How come lower league teams keep beating us then? How did Leicester beat a team that's spent more this calender year than any team in the history of the sport?

    How did we beat Chelsea, arsenal, Liverpool and city last year?




    The worrying thing fo rme was how Mourhino described us as passive and not reacting to going behind. Fair enough we are more solid in defence this year, I mean we couldn't have got much worse could we? Fair enough we are no where near as good as Chelsea and won't be without major investment but neither are every other team apart from Man City. The thing that has always bothered me with Lambert is that 'lucky to come away with confidence intact'? It's defeatist and I bet Man City are bricking it for next week? If we play like we did on Saturday then Man City will have the easiest 3 points of the season. Look at Hull, they attacked them and got a couple, OK they lost but at least their fans saw their side have a go.


    If we sit back against Manure then they will tear us a new one, you have to attack them, sitting back will not work. I wonder if Lambert will work that one out?









    So doom and gloom. We're a football club, just like the majority. We have good seasons and bad, win the odd cup. That's the nature of the beast.

    I wonder if those alive between 1920 and 1957 were this consistently miserable.

    They wouldn't have been as miserable because all those managers back in that time didn't have as bad home or cup records as this idiot we've now got in charge!
    Yes when Villa were relegated for the first time in their history I'm sure the fans weren't miserable at all because over eighty years later a manager was going to have a really bad home record.
    Not a really bad home record...just the worst ever in our history. Most of the fans (not me) wanted Lambert and defend him to the hilt and cannot ever admit that he's not a very good manager and one of the most negative ever.
    When people say its the worst ever in history, you mean losses right and not based on points gained. As McLeish gained less points at VP than any other manager so surely that's the worst. See with stats you can twist them anyway to make a point in an argument.
    He's lost 10 matches at home in the League.....I think I'd rather draw than lose

    Well he'd won 6 compared to McLeish's 4, and still gained more points than him with his draws. So I'd rather win.

    He's no better than McLeish...We had not lost to Stoke or Fulham at home in decades and yet Lambert managed to do that last season....




    He's also just given us the best start to a league in 16 yrs. Your point is silly.



    It's not where you start it's where you finish! And his point is valid as for the past 2 seasons Lambert's points total has been very similar to McLeish. Being 3rd after 5 games means diddly in May.


    Just because Lerner has given him an extended contract to add to his long list of idiotic decision making we don't all have to be gushing praise onto a manager who preformance has been below average so far. You can't polish a turd but my God some people certainly have tried to roll him in glitter!

    • Like 3
  18. I think it makes very little difference for a centre back which side they play.


    Maybe if two players were exactly the same ability then you'd choose a left footer over a right footer for that reason.

    But you wouldn't put a less good defender in just because he's left footed.



    Totally agree.


    IMO this is nothing to do with feet or fitness and more to do with confidence of the player after returning from a long term injury?



    He is injury prone in my opinion, as in "prone to injuries". They never seem to be particularly bad injuries but they do seem to linger. Don't understand the big argument to be honest.

    Not compared to Joe Cole he's not injury prone or prone to injuries?

    He's nearly 30 and is probably injured about as often as most defenders his age?

    Not compared to Joe Cole or players like that no, but they are pretty extreme cases.

    For a 30 year old central defender he is probably somewhere near average yes. Quite difficult to build a long term defence around that though. In my opinion.

    Really good player though.




    Yes he's a good player but he is coming to the twlight of his career.


    I had hoped the Okore would have been pushing for this mantle but he seems to be taking longer to get over his injury than expected?

  20. I was asking you not Gabby. You don't think the sickness was a contributing factor?

    Nobody said they stopped concentrating did they or is that what you're suggesting? They were beaten and choose to limit damage and according to the manager the sickness played a massive part in that.

    Is he lying?



    You seem obessed with the lying thing and I never said anyone was lying but to be honest Lambert couldn't lie straight in bed could he look at all the lies HairyHands posted on here as gospel reportedly from Lamberts mouth?


    Yes it seems to have affected us but these things happen and you have to deal with them. I will never take a defeat easily and will always be disappointed. It's not been an easy 2 and a bit years for me!!

  21. He is injury prone in my opinion, as in "prone to injuries". They never seem to be particularly bad injuries but they do seem to linger. Don't understand the big argument to be honest.



    Not compared to Joe Cole he's not injury prone or prone to injuries?


    He's nearly 30 and is probably injured about as often as most defenders his age?




    No, I haven't compared us to Borussia Dortmund but they had a style of play which worked against Arsenal and it is hardly a great secret in fact in the first game last year I think we bullied them a bit.

    Are you saying that we are incapable of playing a pressing game?

    A certain style of play works for one team but not necessarily another, though. Dortmund are one of the best pressing teams in European football. Barcelona are one of the best possession-based teams in European football.

    When it comes to playing against a Champions League side, I don't expect Villa to match the abilities of these kind of clubs - it's ridiculous.

    Maybe not the abilities but the efforts certainly.

    Aren't Liverpool a Champions League side?

    How about the sickness? How about going 3 goals down in 4 minutes?

    I'll keep asking.




    As Gabby said you can't blame the sickness!


    And you have to concentrate for 90 miuntes not just 86 minutes!


    I hope we don't sit back against Chelsea!


    Wow how can people think that it's possible to have a proper opinion of a game without seeing it?  If you listen on radio or read an article then your opinion is based on what someone else sees.  This is a new low imo, like seriously?    Westwood is pure class, it's plain for anyone to see(not read or listen!).  The guy has been improving constantly and is our most consistent player.   


    The notion that it's impossible to understand what's happening in a game by listening to the radio is fatuous. If that were true, nobody before the 1950s would have known anything at all about any games except those they attended in person. 




    There are plenty of people who attend VP week in week out for years and still appear to know sweet Fanny Adams about football?



    No, I haven't compared us to Borussia Dortmund but they had a style of play which worked against Arsenal and it is hardly a great secret in fact in the first game last year I think we bullied them a bit.


    Are you saying that we are incapable of playing a pressing game?



    A certain style of play works for one team but not necessarily another, though.  Dortmund are one of the best pressing teams in European football.  Barcelona are one of the best possession-based teams in European football.


    When it comes to playing against a Champions League side, I don't expect Villa to match the abilities of these kind of clubs - it's ridiculous.




    Maybe not the abilities but the efforts certainly.


    Aren't Liverpool a Champions League side?


    Why did Lambert waste the cost of a plane ticket to Dortmund where he watched BD hassle, harry and over run Arsenal completely bullying them and then sit back and let them play how they wanted against us???

    Was it the little poorly players???

    Or Lambert's inability to actually impliment tactics that don't involve 20% possession??

    While harshly worded I kind of get your point. I imagine our game plan was effected by the sickness and loss of key players.

    Against Liverpool we pressed and hassled them throughout. I think the players were physically unable to do this due to a few factors.

    If the arsenal performance becomes the normal way we play then fair enough, criticism will be justified. But after a great start to the season we should allow that poor performance when there's other circumstances that contributed to it.




    Slightly disagree with on the Liverpool game in that we hassled and closed down their important players in Gerrard, Henderson and Coutinho and let the rest have the ball (swapped from Coutinho to Sterling when required) you can't do this so easily against the Arse as they have better footballers but they can be very light weight and don't like pressure! We let them play though!

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