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Posts posted by GarethRDR

  1. I had the best tomato soup of my life on a holiday to Vienna many years back, and I ever since have been unable to remember the name of the restaurant.  It had a whole ball of buffalo mozzarella at the bottom of it, just slowly melting away.  I have not gone at least a full week since without thinking of that soup at least once.

    • Like 4
  2. I used to be a back pocket walleter.  I switched it up when I got tired of wearing through wallets at an alarming rate.  Wouldn't ever go back, for both cost and comfort's sake.  Also switched from leather to 100% polyester.  I'm fairly certain my current wallet is going to outlive humanity.

  3. On 05/05/2024 at 22:20, hogso said:

    Think I'd say Goonies x Stand by Me x Elfen Lied. 

    But then I dunno how many people know Elfen Lied. 

    I remember going into Elfen Lied absolutely cold.  That opening episode is brutal.

  4. Won't really work if the tickets have already been bought, but I've found great success with the "I don't really fancy it, but why not put the money saved by me not coming to you going all out and really treating yourself?".

    Thus far this has only backfired once; this year, in my efforts to avoid having to see Dogstar my wife has forked out for the VIP tickets as they include a photo with the band, thus enabling her to be within arms-reach of Keanu Reeves. 

    She's booked a hotel for the night, and lunch the next day at what described as a "sushi conyevor restaurant but for cheese not sushi".

    Heaven help the poor bastard.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  5. On 22/04/2024 at 13:41, cb_82 said:

    Fiorintina 50th and Bruge 25th means IF we got through we would face another

    If it's a Villa / Fiorentina final, save for a) some moment of magic from Bonaventura or González or b) some colossal brainfart performance by Villa, the final is going to be a slaughter.  Fiorentina have just about managed to squeak through to the semis via some very poor teams, have been perennial choke artists whenever they've had any recent sniff of silverware, form has absolutely nosedived since the new year and they're already bracing for another summer of turmoil (talk of having to sell González to fund another overhaul of the squad) as Italiano won't sign a new contract so is as good as gone come the end of the season.  All that against the backdrop of Joe Barone's death as well.

    • Like 2
  6. 6 minutes ago, fightoffyour said:

    growing up with that at the right time

    I think this is very much the crux of it, sitcoms by their very nature are inherently tied to the zeitgeist.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, fightoffyour said:

    Some don't have the longevity to be considered seriously, including GM's DP and even The Office. But for one-offs you can even throw a shoutout to Nathan Barley while we're at it.

    I was thinking more format-wise than longevity considerations, though appreciate we're getting into the realms of this thread being personal favourites vs. what would actually be considered the "landmark" sitcoms, so to speak (Darkplace falls more into parody than sitcom for me, hence I wouldn't have otherwise mentioned it.  I think for example, if you could have Darkplace as a sitcom, you could have Look Around You as well).

    Being as objectionable as possible, one reasonably couldn't have a conversation about "best" sitcom without Friends being in the mix, for example, yet I don't think there's been a mention of it in the thread thus far I believe?*  It walked on the heels of Seinfeld, it's aged very poorly in places, but if we're talking cultural impact, popularity and longevity, it has to be up there.

    Nathan Barley was tremendous.

    *@Genie got it on page 1.

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  8. If you're saying I can't consider my painstakingly (both figuratively and ring-sting-ingly) put-together collection of hot sauces as "art", then we have a problem.

    • Haha 1
  9. Completely bloody passed me by that a) there's new Bat For Lashes due at the end of next month and b) she's touring.  Just managed to grab one of the remaining cheap saets for the Barbican show in June, finally ticking 'em off my to-see-list.


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  10. What's the current shirt fit like vs Kappa for us porky bastards? Given this will be our last season with a decent badge for the foreseeable, I'm considering plumping for the home and away. I was an XXL in Kappa but as they always run stupidly tight, hoping I can go down to an XL and it still be a nice loose fit.

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