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Posts posted by OLDVILLAIN

  1. 14 minutes ago, VillaHatesMe said:

    If Leao leaves Milan, it won't be for a club that isn't already a perennial Champions League participant. 

    We have that covered...


    Agent Gerrard in his gold helicopter and suit lands outside Rafaels house..he offers Leao a golden handshake and a golden cigar..he signs right away😛


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  2. 1 hour ago, CVByrne said:

    Did you watch any football last season? Putting them together up Top under Gerrard turned our form around and we went on a run. It's clear you might need your head examined not us.

    I don't think they should play every game together, some games are better for other players and a different system. 

    Sorry i have been to plenty of matches home and away and nearly everyone i know in Villa circles has the same opinion as me.

  3. If people think that "as if by magic" our two main strikers are going to totally transform themselves into scoring machines this season they are going to be sorely disappointed.

    Watkins and Ings do NOT work upfront and anyone that thinks that they do need their head examined.

    If Gerrard wants to play that 4-2-3-1 system he is going to need someone up front who can put away the chances and currently the only person i can see that can do that in the squad is Archer.

    The club will not put all that pressure on a kid so young so its a definite sign for me that we are going to sign another Striker and either one of Ings or Watkins will be sold.

    There will be a few outgoings this week..Our defence looks solid now..we need one more world class Midfielder and striker and that will be us done.

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