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Posts posted by Gingerlad

  1. Everything on the list apart from Heroin.


    Please tell me you're joking.

    For one thing it'd probably kill a jinja

    Its been proven that for a Ginger, taking the drugs mentioned is less harmfull than standing in direct sunlight for more than 2 mins.

  2. Goodbye England's pig

    may you never grow in our heart

    You were the chav that placed herself

    where legs were spread apart.

    You called out to our racists

    and you whispered into their brain

    now you belong to Satan

    and you can't spell out your name

    And it seems to me you lived your life

    having Cancer In The Minge

    ever fading with the sunset

    when the pain set in

    and your trotters will always fall here

    along England's meanest swills

    your hair has fell out long before

    your fanny ever will

  3. Gay Ray goes into the doctor's office and has some tests run.

    The doctor comes back and says, "Ray, I'm not going to beat around the bush. You have AIDS."

    Ray is devastated. "Doc, what can I do?"

    "Eat 1 curry sausage, 1 head of cabbage, 20 unpeeled carrots drenched in hot sauce, 10 Jalapeno peppers, 40 walnuts and 40 peanuts,1/2 box of Grape nuts cereal, and top it off with a gallon of prune juice."

    Ray asks bewildered, "Will that cure me, Doc? "

    Doc says, "No, but it should leave you with a better understanding of what your ****' arse is for."

  4. Mummy takes little Johnny to the zoo. As they pass the elephant cage, the elephant has an erection.

    "What's that, Mummy?" asks the child.

    "Nothing, Johnny, nothing," says the embarrassed mother, swiftly leading him on.

    A week later Johnny's dad takes him and the same happens. "What's that, Daddy?"

    "That, son, is the elephant's penis."

    "Mummy said it was nothing."

    "Your mother's spoiled, Son!"

  5. A guy goes to his local golf club and sees the most beautiful woman. He asks her to partner him in a game to which she agrees.

    She wipes the floor with him and as a runners up prize she gives him the best blowjob he's ever had. Obviously he invites her to do the same the week later, again she kicks his ass and gives him another mindblowing blowjob. He asks her if the next time she wins they can have full blown sex.

    She declines explaining that she's actually a transsexual.

    The man is going **** nuts, to which she enquires: "but you weren't complaining when I was giving you those amazing blowjobs".

    "**** the blowjobs" he says, "you've been playing off the **** women's tees!!"

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