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Posts posted by Gingerlad

  1. My Dear Fellow, I entirely agree with you. You are making my point exactly.

    Let these people get on with raping their wives, stoning their daughters to death and blowing eack other up. They like it.

    But if their fingerprint is found on one bomb in London or New York, then POW!


  2. I just think if people don't help themselves then why should the tax payer contiune to pay for their treatment over and over again. Be is fat, cancer ridden smoking alcoholic heroin addict. I respect you for having the balls to admint here you had a problem and much respect to see you beating it. Drugs are adrain on society in all kids of ways like you mention but people who really want help get it, like you. People who go to thee courses to avoid jail or whatever don't deserve the help.

  3. Yeh I realise I didnt word it very well, let me try and explain it, I too have lost a friend to the war in Iraq. So I dont talk about this not knowing what its like.

    I meant wouldnt you rather your friends had died in war that had meaning than a war that was pointless? im sure it can be phrasedmuch better and obviously you'd rather they didn;t die at all. Sorry if my last post upset you.

  4. I wouldnt call it ignorance, just my opinion that differs from yours. Why should I pay for someone to keep abusing their body asking for help, abusing their body, asking for help, how long do you let it go on?

    Alcoholics that get new livers or have medical treatment then are in the pub the next day. Why waste money on saving/helping people that aren't prepared to help themselves?

    I've taken drugs, lots of drugs in fact. i was using Cocaine every day for about 6 months. I realised what I was doing to myself and I stopped.

    I understand some people may find it harder to stop than others but getting help and then just going back to your old ways is just a waste of peoples time and money.

  5. Wow.

    SO a drug addict signs up to a rehab programme, goes through it all and gets clean.

    2 days later they're back on it.

    Why should we keep paying to rehab these people who don't really want to get clean? Let them do what they want and throw away their lfe. Help the people who want help.

  6. If somebody wants to throw their life down the toilet, who are we to stop them?

    Indeed. We shouldn't be stopping them, we should be discouraging them and providing proper treatment.

    If somebody wants to throw their life down the toilet, why should the state discourage them or provide proper treatment?

    Exactly. If people can't help themselves then why should the tax payer keep forking out to try and help them.

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