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Posts posted by pablopicasso

  1. Hi General as you might not have been aware of one of the oldest clubs Scarborough have announced that they are out fo business with huge debts.

    Please use short links

    Like the nurses is there no way that Aston Villa could try and help them and show the big clubs actually care about the smaller clubs?

    Even try and give them a friendly (Reserve team maybe?) at Villa Park and donate the cash to help the club start again?

    Just a thought as I would be so upset if something like this happens to us (Thankfully don't think it ever will) But feeling for any Scarbrough fans at moment

    Yeah I'm with Chris on this one General. It takes a man to stand up and be counted. Let Villa lead the way for the smaller clubs. By god the respect and feedback we'll get will be so important for the future of the game. We came up with the concept of the league, so looking after teams I see as a way of saying that Villa isn't like your normal big club.. we care.

    that would be a great gesture from us...

  2. general...

    a quick comment about buying stuff from the website...

    i ordered one of those 82 style jackets about 3, possibly 4 weeks ago...

    it said it was 'in stock' on the site, and the money was taken out about 2-3 weeks ago, and i waited for my delivery...

    it hasnt arrived yet, and when i rang yesterday to find out what was happening, the very nice lady at the other end of the phone told me that it was out of stock and was only coming into stock today...

    now, im not raging like a madman, but it would have been nice to have been advised it is out of stock to see if i wanted to cancel the order or change it, as it could have been a gift for someone, etc...

    i know this is trivial in the grande scheme of things, and it hasnt bothered me too much, but i just wanted to bring it to your attention as im sure, you want the best experience for villa fans in every element of the club...



  3. This is going to read like I know a mate who knows a mate who knows a mate but hear is maybe the worst kept secret at Villa that has come from a reasonable source :

    The Villa management rate Moore ability wise but attitude and the affect he is trying to have on Gabby have convinced them he has to move on and they are awaiting the right offer for him . They aint going to say anything publicly incase it puts people off but I can tell you 100 percent after a meeting I had with Ellis at the end of the previous season in the Corner Flag that the old management team were having problems with his big time attitude after the hat trick against Boro.

    Shame because he can do it but if he is going to be another Dalian or dare I say Collymore before he has even done anything then there aint no place at Villa for him .

    this is what i have heard also..

  4. that is the same **** who said that their current lineup could tear any side in europe apart after the argie signings and the same person who has stated that hayden mullins is the best defensive midfielder in world football...

    amongst several other delusions...

    i know he is saying what some of us want to hear, but he really is not the man to "sell" reo coker to us...

    as i said, only a few weeks ago, he was slating reo coker and stating that he wasnt good enough for the shammers, when they were being amazingly shit....

    a few good games later and hes the bees knees again...

    wait for him to leave and we will have signed one of their "rejects" according to the likes of this clearing in the woods....

  5. Positives:-


    - England Under 21: 18 appearances, 11 as captain. Undefeated as England Under 21 captain. (P11 W7 D4 L0)

    - West Ham United: 142 appearance, 100+ as captain, 11 goals. Lead club to promotion and an FA Cup Final.

    - Milton Keynes Dons: 64 appearances, 25+ as captain, 6 goals. Club's youngest ever captain.

    Physical Attributes:

    - Pace: Able to sprint away from most midfielders when he charges forward.

    - Power: Very rarely loses a 50-50 with an opposition player when in possession.

    - Stamina: Able to cover all of the pitch and then some. Outlasted Gerrard easily in the FA Cup Final.

    Defensive Work:

    - Tackling: 135 successful tackles made last season. With a success rate of 87.4%. World class statistics.

    Fitness Record:

    - Injuries: Only had 2 significant injuries at West Ham United.


    - Intelligent: Very well spoken off the pitch during media interviews.

    - Experience: Been Promoted, Faced Relegation, Played In Europe, Played In An FA Cup Final, Faced Administration and much more.



    - Passing: Has a very limited range of passing, particularly when going forward.

    - Shooting: Tends to snatch at shots, making his shooting accuracy very poor. Only 31.8% of shots on target.

    - First Touch: Quite often his second touch is a tackle, which leads to counter attacks losing momentum.

    Mental Attributes:

    - Substitutions: Tends to get easily upset when he is substituted.

    - Criticism: Does not respond well to criticism. Be it from the media or from the fans.

    - Off Field Problems: Was the alleged 'leader' of the infamous "Baby Bentley" brigade at West Ham Untied.


    - Goal Scoring: Scores around 3-5 goals a season on average. Good for a Defensive Midfielder, not enough for a Box-to-Box Midfielder.

    - Assists: Gets very few assists, as he plays very few "killer" balls. Needs lots of work on this.

    A very raw player who really is the personification of a "rough diamond". Could be mouled into a really high class central midfield talent, or could never really improve technically and progressively get worse as he loses his physical attributes. I think it depends completely on who is his manager for the next 2 to 3 years and whether they have the managerial and coaching ability to turn him into the high class player he threatens to be.

    Just read this about Reo-Coker on another site. Made for interesting reading IMO. Wouldn't mind him here, would still maybe prefer Barton though?!

    NRC would add to what MON is building though - young, british and pacey. I like.

    to be fair, macgill is a complete and utter c-unt....

    clueless to the end and his opinion is to be taken with a large gin, rather than a pinch of salt, because he really is that **** stupid....

    seriously, ignore anything that clearing in the woods says, because he really is the opitomey of fickleness/thickness/stupidity/idiocy/being a clearing in the woods, etc etc...

    was only a few weeks ago that he was slating curbishly, eggertsson, reo coker, boa morte, tevez, ferdinand, etc etc...

    i cant state this enough, but he really is thick as **** pig shit and makes jade goody look like she deserves the nobel peace prize...

  6. How come West Ham fans thinks they are bigger than us? We are getting constant beat over at that KUMB forum, I think they must be the most f'cked up fans in the country. As far as I know they have never won the league. They have a smaller stadium, they have been in the Championship for ages and a shitty squad. Funny

    because they are clueless deluded fucktards and KU-NT, sorry, KUMB is a site run infested with thick deluded shammer scum...

  7. general, quick question about the holte hotel redevelopment....

    i seem to recall a high figure of 8 million being banded around for the cost of the renovation of the holte hotel,, due to the structural work, etc, that had to be undertaken...

    is this the case?

    if not, what is a closer figure to the cost of the renovation?

    i ask, because its handy to know when other clubs fans question randys input into the club, because the information is not being spoonfed to them by the media....


  8. general, are there any plans for us to get involved in the west ham tevez/mascherano dispute at all?

    i really think that as a long standing and respected member of the premier league, that have no connections with the relegation battle, that we should add our voice of discontent with the 'punishment' that has allowed west ham united to completely lie and cheat, and go relatively unpunished...

    this does affect our club, as west ham have money to spend and will be looking to compete with us in the near future, but more importantly, the integrity of the game is at stake, and if clubs are allowed to "buy" their way out of trouble, then that sets dangerous precedents..

  9. Several things to answer;

    ‘no one cared today’; well of course they didn’t, it would churlish and silly to think that this is more important than three points. But thats not to say its not important. If identities/logos/crests weren’t you would wonder why that so many big brands care so much about them. Its a reflection of the company, and this crest would certainly not reflect as good as Villa could be.

    To the next; what are we going to do? Nothing, bar complain in these forums (that the club will read and hope take note). I don’t actually believe the club will or would change it. Why? Because if they could see the problems they wouldn’t have done it in the beginning (in my opinion).

    To LMs points. I don’t think its going to change. To its importance; We live in a modern visual culture, where everyone makes judgements on what they see. I fear that something that is as poor reflects badly on us. Maybe its the 0.01% of how the club performs; maybe its the way that somebody in some far away place picks a club or a sponsor invests in the club. Its not like they say ‘I will do it based upon the crest’, but its a subliminal influence on them. We have to be the best we can.

    i agree again with this totally 100%...

    although a friend made a good point for me, to help me come to terms with it...

    its getting rid of another ellis element, and for that, after thinking about it, i can accept it a little better...

    but from a design point of view, it still does not portray the image of us being the best we can be...

  10. anyone read the transcript of the meeting?

    an absolute **** farce...

    basically, the premier league have decided that the shammer clearings in the woods broke rules b13 and u18, by lying and playing stupid and crying ignorance, in an attempt to deceive the premier league into allowing the tranfers to be sanctioned...

    the premier league then say its all bad, yada yada, then claim that its nobodies fault that they knew about it months ago but allowed the shammers to continue playing tevez, and that it would be unfair to deduct points now, because its taken 6 months for them to sort it... also something about not wanting to upset the fans who have known about this possible points deduction for ages, and that they dont want to impact on the shammers chances of prem money next term....

    an absolute **** disgrace...


  11. the response from a fuming bury fan...

    Not really, I'm just extremely angry that your club has got away with cheating. It wasn't an honest mistake that West Ham have made here, its been an on going thing that they hoped no one would pick up on. You've even had the brass cheek to keep on playing one of the players! Now look at our situation.

    Manager decides to play a loan player in the cup game replay, resting a key player that was a bit tired. Bury win 3-1, loan player doesn't score or assist in any of the goals but he played most of the game. Next day manager realises that said loan player should not have played. After talking to directors manager and club contact FA to tell them what happened.

    It was us that actually brought the whole matter to the FA's attention.

    We got kicked out of the FA Cup for owning up, and even had our cup money from the previous round taken from us. We had the strictest of punishments. Your lot have been using this player for months, continued to do so, and had a very leniant sentance imposed on you by what is in all essence the same governing body.

    From what I've seen of West Ham fans, you like to think your victims, but when in reality you cheated for months and got off pretty much unscathed. So what if you've been docked £5.5 million, you've still got a chance of staying up, even though its pretty slim. Whats £5.5 million compared to the £30 million you'll get if you manage to stay up by the skin of your teeth? To me, you and everyone else it's chump change in comparison to that big honey pot. You've got nothing to lose from this and everything to gain, whereas a club like Bury, my club who told the FA about their incident got treated like criminals and lost around £200,000 which is peanuts to clubs in this league but is alot of money to clubs in the lower reaches of league football. The arse also fell out of our season as a result. We were pushing for a playoff position around the time this all came to light, now we're hanging on to league survival by four points having not won a game at home since the weekend before our hearing.

    A fairer punishment for you would have been similar to what we at Bury had. Prize money from FA Cup taken off you, which Tevez played a part in, expulsion from the next round (starting next season), and points docked from every league game him and the other Argie chap helped you pick up.


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