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Posts posted by Jonesy7211

  1. I hope things are different now. I'm generally a cynic, but teachers are already exhausted because they're already covering for staff shortages when another teacher has to isolate; they're being asked to test potentially infected children and further risk themselves; and people now know more about the relationship/cronyism between the press and the government.

  2. I don't think even the Torygraph or Daily Heil would run negative headlines against teachers and their unions for demanding information that has influenced a decision that could cause so much harm. Even before the 1st lockdown parents were removing children from schools because we had no information.

    I would fully support the teachers against the government, as would so many other people. This government is so out of touch with the country every decision over the last 9 months has been greeted with derision and suspicion. The papers know this, even the Heil. We should have been moving to remote learning as soon as the new strain was discovered. Typical tory mess, we'll probably do it in two weeks when thousands more will have died and the figures keep getting worse.

    We're nowhere near getting the vaccine to all those who want or need it. The fear people have along with the contempt they have for the tools in charge means the teachers will be backed. Look at the outrage over the way the NHS has been treated. If there's any outpouring of positivity for teachers in public in the next few weeks I fully expect Boris Johnson to jump on the bandwagon...


  3. With Barkley missing so many games I also worry about his motivation for us once he's fit. When he came there was talk about his main driver being making the England squad for the Euros. The more games he misses the less likely it is he'll be included. I may be underestimating him but I wonder if we'll see the same player when he does return.

    I agree that we shouldn't be signing him based on his current injury record with us. Our squad does not have enough quality to cover frequent absences.

  4. A football journalist, Martin Samuel, regularly reminds his readers that he, and his colleagues, write more articles on Man Utd than any other team as those stories generate far more hits than any other team.

    So, in my mind, I feel there is going to be bias from the FA towards utd for a similar reason as to why the reporters write so many Utd stories. Considering the size of their fan base around the world, to me it seems logical that the FA want them to be as successful as possible due to the revenue they bring in to the league.

    I'm not one for conspiracy theories, but we're all aware that elite level football is all and only about money now. Everyone involved in the Premier League makes more money with a successful Utd.

    It's for that reason VAR can always be viewed with suspicion as any on the pitch event is always open to interpretation with no comeback once a decision is made.

    • Like 2
  5. 1 minute ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

    This is our best back 4 for me and if Mings is fit he should always play.  He’s a leader.

    Completely agree. Makes the other players around him better too.

  6. I've seen it on twitter, so big pinch of salt, that the mutated strain is more transmissible in children than the strain we've struggled with all year. If true now more than ever there needs to be a real alternative to getting kids crammed into a stuffy room. And that's children of all ages.

    Not suggesting a full lockdown but what other choices are there? Until the vaccine is delivered to as many people as poss (which the Tory tools will absolutely definitely bugger up), I don't know how else we can keep people safe from the new strain.

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  7. 1 minute ago, Sulberto21 said:

    One important thing to add was what he said regarding the building up of squads. To paraphrase he said something along the lines of it takes 3/4 seasons to get to the squad you want with the options that are needed.

    Very good point, I'd forgotten that.

  8. In the post match interview today Deano was asked outright by Le Saux and Townsend if we'd be bringing anyone in. To paraphrase him he said only if the deal was right. But then he added when it comes to transfers we've always got our finger on the pulse.

    Sounds likely to me.

    • Like 2
  9. 3 minutes ago, Genie said:

    4 hour notice, I’m surprised they’ve been allowed

    They've not given all the details yet, Amazon said it was for Covid reasons and more details to come.

    Edit - Started responding before TreeVillan had answered, apols.

  10. 8 minutes ago, rodders0223 said:

    El Fraudiola.

    Love it.

    Since commenting last night I've been on the Sunderland and Newcastle forums. They all say the same things we do. It's not that he's defensive, it's that he's so negative and inept, and will never offer any reasonable excuse for his sides shortcomings other than remove himself from any blame.

    I stop short of feeling sorry for the Newcastle fans, but it must be awful knowing he'll never get the sack as long as he's keeping them in the league.

  11. 23 minutes ago, Keyblade said:

    That run of games infuriated me. We had a good chance to get back into the top 2. Then we go and lose at home to QPR and then to Bolton away, barely laying a glove on either. We lose even more ground on Cardiff and to make matters worse, Fulham then pass us into 3rd.

    I was at the QPR game and we just didn't turn up as an attacking force. Eze and their left back at the time (I forget his name) ripped us apart. They had carte blanche to come forward as we just sat so deep.

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  12. When they finished above us, and when we went down, I agree they made the most of it, but that's what counts as success for small clubs with a small club mentality. For us it's silverware and going toe to toe with the big boys of Europe. Being annoyed with them is like an elephant being annoyed with an ant because it's on the same road. Same with the other West Midlands clubs (traditionally, looks like Wolves are here for a while longer yet :) ).

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  13. Good result for the baggies today, but Liverpool were nowhere near the level they usually play at. If an in form Liverpool team turn up there simply aren't many teams that can resist them. Not trying to diminish the result, but I highly doubt we see Liverpool play that poorly again at home this season. If they do, they'll lose if they're playing a higher quality oppo.

    Regarding the baggies staying up though, I think we have to be mindful of two points;

    1. The level of investment over the summer, or lack of, meant they were always always going to struggle. They were onto a hiding to nothing any way, they're arguably one of the worst teams to ever come up. The wheels fell off for them in the last third of last season, and Brentford really should have got pipped them to the post. They are a championship squad that is woefully short of quality, form, and confidence.

    2.  I thought Bilic being sacked was an awful decision, and the quality of football is not going to improve under Allardyce. That being said, he set them up very well today and they took a deserved point at Anfield. Fair play to him.

    As an aside, all this mind the gap stuff we see from other Villa fans on facebook/twitter is a little small time. We should be head and shoulders above them. Our first XI is so much better than theirs; we've spent millions and millions more, and our club finally feels like everyone is pulling in the same direction. I feel sorry for their fans more than anything. Their owner is sucking the premier league money out of the club. They need to invest massively to even compete with some of the lesser teams in the league. It can be no fun for the fans. I think we can all sympathize with that, especially the years Randy closed his wallet and when we nearly went to the wall under Tony. Talk of them going down to have another go at coming up again is pie in the sky. They're going to need to appoint a new manager when Big Sam leaves at the end of the season, which means they'll need to spend money bringing in players for the new manager. I can't see them coming back up for a good long while under the current ownership.

    Also, I grew up in an era when the baggies were perpetually in the bottom half of what was division 2. They were never a rival to Villa, and I still don't see them as one now. My views may be completely abhorrent to those that were used to the baggies being in the top flight.

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  14. I'm gutted about Engels. When he first played for us I thought he'd be the one to push on, he looked decent at the start of last season. Now we don't even know when we'll see him again.

    Really hope his head hasn't gone after the spurs game last season. It wouldn't be the first time this has happened, for example Karius after his Champions League howlers.


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  15. Regardless of the first booking, for his second booking we were caught on the break by Palace and Mings was done by Zaha. Done by his movement and skill, and done by his play acting.

    He's not the first and won't be the last. Yes, Zaha is annoying, but he's also a quality player. Palace are so much worse without him, the stats prove this. Along with Grealish, he's one of the most influential players outside of the top 6.

    Try and be objective here; Mings is still in my opinion our finest centre half, but today he was out thought and outplayed by a top player. It happens to the best. Watkins gave Van Dijk a torrid time in a little game earlier this season. There's been many games where top defenders have been made to look poor by skillful attackers.

    Saying this, I don't think he should have had the first booking personally. The ref had lost control and should have gone to var to check both Zaha and Mings for any violent conduct.

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  16. In the past 10 years when we've added leadership to the team, it's been in the form of players that I feel were past their best. Whelan, Jedinak, Lescott, Richards, etc off the top of my head. I have no doubt this was a major part in our relative demise as much as some of the chairman and manager issues we so frequently suffered. We had no leadership on the pitch and it showed.

    Two players that we've brought in that stand out for me and they've been effective as a real team leader are Terry and Mings. The difference in the feel of the club since we've brought these guys in has been immense. I know Jack is our Captain, but Mings is becoming increasingly important to us as a club figurehead. He's obviously level headed, smart, and well spoken. I feel he must have also had a major hand in the improvements of Konsa, and more recently Hause. You can hear him guiding them through games.

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  17. Palace have no injuries or suspensions, we'll be getting the best of them.

    My only doubt is which of them turns up? The one that outplayed manure at Old Trafford and hammered the baggies, or the one that folded against Liverpool? I think we've got the quality to beat them but it will not be an easy game.

  18. Thought he led the line well today, he competed for a quite a few launched balls that he had no right to win.

    Also noticed he dropped deep a few times creating space for our other attacking players. Anwar definitely benefitted from this.

    So unlucky with his disallowed goal. Such a bad decision. I really like him, and to me it looks like the players enjoy playing with him which shouldn't be underestimated.

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