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Posts posted by est1874

  1. 3 hours ago, GingerCollins29 said:

    How definite is it that after martinez, traore and rashica that we are looking for other additions?

    Tbh if the ink dries on all 3 of those deals I will be very very happy with our business.

    In a (very) ideal world I'd love a truly quality LB and some proper back-up for CB and CM, but I'll file that next to Amy Adams fantasies.............. for now.............

  2. The lads running Arsenal must be some cads alright.

    Massive cuts to non-playing staff while still signing new players on big contracts (Willian for instance must be on a hefty wage).

    Drama from the existing players over taking wage cuts a month or two ago.

    If they're now refusing to pay a player what he's contractually entitled to, I can't see Project Mikel progressing as promisingly as it has been thus far.

    I've nothing really against Arsenal and would rather see them do well over - say - Spurs; but the noises coming out of the club right now are not good.

  3. data.analyst { 

    xG is fine.  It can be useful, depending on how it's being used, but it's a lot less intuitive than people seem to think it is.

    Anyone using it as the metric by which to assess a team's performance in a game is on a hiding to nothing.

    There aren't enough variables in the calculation for it to give an accurate picture of how a match went, for a start.


  4. 5 minutes ago, penguin said:

    For me: Leeds, West Brom & Fulham are a much weaker bunch than Watford, Norwich & Bournemouth.

    Plus we’ve strengthened and don’t look to have finished yet either. After surviving last year I think we’ll be OK this year.

    Much as I despise them with a deep and profound loathing, I'd be surprised if Leeds didn't stay up this year.

    They have one of the best managers in the division and some very capable players.

    They're well ahead of WBA and Fulham in terms of their style of play and their flexibility.

  5. 3 minutes ago, dudevillaisnice said:

    Does have a wiff of Norwich about it all... still only the first game but so far all the predictions look predictable. 

    The problem being, many of those predictions have us finishing 18th and going down with them.

  6. 4 minutes ago, gurru991 said:

    Funny that you say that cause they were trashing him on Fox talk but thats typical 

    Bunch of bedwetters

    Helped to keep a clean sheet and won a penalty.

    Castagne will get the headlines because he's scored on his debut and it was a well-taken goal to be fair, but I fancy Justin to have a really good season.

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