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Posts posted by est1874

  1. 1 hour ago, Zatman said:

    So you were ok when they tried to disadvantage Villa by having a breakaway league

    Of course not. I'm not talking about that, we're talking about this season where them knocked out of Europe could very possibly cost us a Champions League place which could affect our fortunes and finances for years to come

    But yeah sure, change the subject and harp on about something they did years ago that has no relevance to Aston Villa currently.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Zatman said:

    I despise the other English teams, I refuse to cheer them on especially scum that tried to kill the game with a breakaway league

    We do our own job be fine

    You do you. If it potentially disadvantages Villa, I don't give a **** what happens to other teams, good or bad.

  3. On 03/04/2024 at 14:35, thabucks said:

    Loads jizzed all over the fanatics designed Luke77 branded all claret shirt but I never really got the love for it. I don’t mind if we end up with something similar (the right shade of claret). It’s normal all about the sway and 3rd for me as have 20+ claret body blue sleeve shirts … 

    It was gorgeous.

    • Thanks 2
  4. We don't talk to the ref. You never see McGinn, our captain, talking to him at all. Ever.

    We also never "crowd the ref" - which honestly is a testament to our character... And yet we have the 3rd worst disciplinary record, unjustly IMO. 

    It's an unfortunate fact of the modern game that if you don't put pressure on the ref, you won't get the rub of decisions in your favour. Ridiculous, but that's how it is.

    On the other hand regardless of whether we want to box clever with the officials, the team captain should always be asking him to explain/clarify decisions and is entitled to address the referee to point out patterns of poor behaviour from the opponent.

    Terry was great at this. Jack didn't do it because he became a target of the refs for his "diving" i.e. drawing fouls so they couldn't take him seriously. I'm not convinced McGinn would be taken seriously either, and maybe he knows it, hence why he doesn't try.

    I'll bet a big calm lad like Mings or Torres could get the ref's attention in a positive sense, though... Just saying.

  5. I've no issue with his comments. It's encouraging to know that the team are finally realising they have a collective impostor syndrome / inferiority complex to overcome.

    Villa have suffered from this as long as I can remember and will never overcome it unless it's faced up to. I honestly don't care whether that's behind closed doors or not. Sometimes you need to address the elephant in the room, even if the door's open.

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  6. 1 hour ago, sheepyvillian said:

    We're not the only club who have missed opportunities. All clubs have them, it's who has the least that counts. If we end the season in 5th, then that's where we'll deserve to be, regardless of excuses. 

    I don't agree. You can't say we've deserved the injuries we've had, which have been a big factor at key times this season. 

    You also can't suggest we've deserved to face United, Newcastle and Spurs on their absolute best days this season when all 3 have been largely shite or jammy elsewhere.

    Football doesn't work the way you suggest. The concept of merit is elusive when it's not a level playing field out there.

  7. 11 minutes ago, sheepyvillian said:

    5th place is a certainty if not 4th. Ain't no way United are getting anything above 6th. Europa League would still be an achievement from where we have come.

    Yes but also a big missed opportunity. You can't just ignore or dismiss that because of where we are.

    But hey, we're Aston Villa. Undisputed champions of missing big opportunities.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Herman22 said:

    People can say what they want. I’d be checking the refs betting records at half time. He came out with the absolute intention of getting Brentford point(s) in that game. 

    Anyone who thinks these refs aren't making money for their mates or betting on games just like some of the players evidently are needs their head checked.

    It's so **** obvious there's fiddling going on.

  9. 2 minutes ago, AshVilla said:

    He's being doubled up on whenever we have the ball.

    Not much more he can do tbh.

    He could try receiving a basic pass to his feet and not inexplicably putting it out of play.

  10. Just now, osmark86 said:

    this is the problem with English fandom imo when compared to support in other countries (at least here in Sweden). why not cheer them on instead of waiting for them to give you something to cheer? never understood this mindset.

    It's not the local Sunday league team this. These tickets cost £35-60. It's premier league - the fans pay the inflated prices to go along to be entertained. I don't blame anyone who's sitting there yawning. 

    I lost my voice screaming the lads on against Spurs and got humiliation to take home with me for my troubles, sometimes it's down to the XI men on the pitch to play better, not on the fans to make it so.

  11. Just now, Callum said:

    VP is dead man. 

    You should know by now that the VP crowd reflects what's on the pitch.

    We're never going to be the type of fanbase who gets the team going, we need the team to get the fans going and then it becomes symbiotic. 

    At the end of the day it's the lads on the pitch being paid silly money to be there, not those in the crowd paying their hard earned money to watch 11 lads looking ponderously at an opposition wall.

    When the team plays up, the fans wake up. It's always been that way at VP.

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  12. Just now, Robtaylor200 said:

    Not getting past them, we need a SJM thunderbolt 

    No we just need to be better - cannier, quicker, better movement. Right now we're just standing over the ball waiting for Brentford's shape to crumble. Daft.

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