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Posts posted by Aston_Villan4

  1. 3 minutes ago, richp999 said:

    Since when did that matter though? I thought it didn't matter if you 'got the ball'... You can't just slide through a player taking them out, and hopefully just touch the ball on your way through.. And it be all OK? 

    If that was the case, our defense could just take out any players at will, as long as they touch the ball at some point

    I don’t know. Just trying to figure out why they would’ve disallowed that.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Villarocker said:

    Absolutely nailed it! Bailey's goal was chalked off for something minimal. That guy completely made no contact with the ball and tripped Bailey - it was a clear pen. The fact VAR didn't look at it is baffling. 

    That’s not true. Ortega clearly touched the ball before tripping bailey.

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