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Posts posted by CarryOnVilla

  1. 3 minutes ago, duke313 said:

    Also, the "Emery factor" in extracting every ounce of ability out of a player.

    to be hard on Ross, he doesn’t come across as particularly intelligent or an ideas man on the pitch. So he may need a manager who does all the thinking for him. Emery is definitely that manager.

  2. 27 minutes ago, Anthony said:

    Ironically, despite the print media's huge loss of circulation over the last decade and more, they still have stranglehold on opinion shaping in our broadcast media. The BBC still has a regular "What the Papers Say" segment, and defer to their judgement on what the nation thinks is important. As time goes on I see the print media becoming more like propaganda think tanks (e.g Tax payers Alliance), with the public facing bit their 'justification' for 'understanding' the pulse of the nation.

    You’d be surprised how much the media, think tanks and politics bleed into each other. People switching around all 3 professions with great ease 

  3. 6 minutes ago, Zatman said:

    Will he do as well as Moyes though?

    He is a manager that i dont really rate that highly

    Honestly, how the league is now, I can’t see how he’s going to achieve anything meaningful with West Ham. Even if he gets them playing better, it’s likely outside of Europe mid table for the next few seasons  

  4. 4 minutes ago, ml1dch said:

    It's the febrility of their spread of votes that does it - with a few exceptions, most of their seats have pretty small majorities with the vote broadly splitting along pro / anti independence lines. Which as we know, is narrowly in favour of anti at the moment. The thing that then pushes the SNP over the edge is that if they are seen as the most viable anti-Tory vote (as has been the case since 2015), that's enough for SNP to take the seat from Labour. If that switches, and Labour are seen as the more likely option to keep the Tory out, the seat flips. 

    They win big and lose big. 

    Ahh good assessment, didn’t think of terms of how close thr swing was of each seat. 

    so it does seem like Westminster is going to have lot of gains in Scotland again. 

    sad for the independence, but good for the Union 

  5. 2 minutes ago, ml1dch said:

    Yes, but it's also thought to be the only place in the UK where the Tories might gain seats as well. But if they do that suggests a complete SNP collapse, which is obviously Bad News for the Tories in terms of overall seats. The most recent YouGov poll, stuck into Electoral Calculus gave Labour 41 seats, SNP 8, Lib Dem 5, Tories 3.

    My guess as things stand is something like Labour up twenty, SNP down twenty, everyone else up or down one or two. 

    Madness! I had no idea that SNP’s collapse was that bad. I was think like a few seats max, not an entire decimation 

  6. 51 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

    Why is wearing hearing aids perceived as more of a stigma than wearing glasses? 

    I often wondered this before.

    my conclusion is 3 things

    its basically newer technology than glasses, so for a long time it’s a new thing to notice. 

    It’s rarer to see on people, because it’s probably more likely to have eye problems than ear problems. Or at least ear problems that traditional ear aids solved. Or the conditions they solved, were under diagnosed 

    And the most important, they are an eyesore to see on people. Like they do no favours for the peoples wearing a brick on the side of their head. Where as glasses can and often make people look better, smarter or more attractive. 

    Now, the stigma is fading off, particularly when you can get tested and served them at opticians, they are a lot smaller  and better now. And the first generations that started to see them are now are so old and deaf that they need to wear them themselves. 

    now my issues is, people like my 88 year old nan. when the aids don’t fit her well, it’s creates feedback and I can hear them whistle from 20m away. Really Annoying and more so when the whistlers can’t hear it themselves 😂

  7. A manager who was that tactically inept he relegated his team in the easiest premiership season to survive, then gets one of the most prestigious managerial jobs in world football 


  8. 4 minutes ago, StewieGriffin said:

    Regarding the switch from Fanatics to in-house production/selling...

    Does this mean the club now get to keep a greater percentage of kit sales? Another handy financial boost if so.

    If I’m correct, clubs get very little of shirt sales, yet they make money from adding names and numbers on the back 

    • Thanks 1
  9. 1 minute ago, Talldarkandransome said:

    Well the quicker they release the bloody things the more they will sell.

    Are we restricted by end date of Castor or something

    Yes. Last possible date we could have played a match in their kits was the conference final, at the end of the month.. so many are suspecting 1st of June 

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