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Everything posted by ozvilla28

  1. That's on McGinn mate no one else. The lineup was wrong from the start. Dinge is all over Moreno Rogers snd Duran come on as subs. Tim should have started. The defending issues is on the coaching staff to never been fixed.
  2. Address the defence issues or our finish position will come tumbling.
  3. Pathetic second half switched off again cannot defend so sloppy. Been saying this will come and haunt us conceding goals has not been addressed garbage.
  4. Same issues weekly and we see no improvement baffling and we have a set pieces coach school boy stuff.
  5. Line-up looks all over the place. No Digne. lack of experience with Rogers and Duran.Tim should have started this game. Back 4 panic merchants.
  6. Defending like we do and concede will cost us big time just yo sloppy.
  7. Utter garbage gifting goals has not been rectified this problem.
  8. Got to start well and keep it tight. Need to win the midfield battle. Defence nothing silly get a clean sheet. Starts of second half's need to be better to.
  9. Steady and composure switch on especially defence.
  10. Injuries have been ridiculous honestly every game.
  11. High intensity and let's put them on backfoot straight away.
  12. Come on credit we're credit is due he got taken to the cleaners by Ange fullstop. Yeah that system worked ok first half, but why on earth be conservative and not play our natural game and put then on the backfoot straight away. They aren't city or arsenal we did to them right from the whistle payed spursto much respect. On top of that at home to. What's going on with these sloppy goals conceded hasn't been rectified the first 2 we're a shambles this will come back and haunt us.
  13. Goes missing to often for me not enough impact in games for the wages his on.
  14. Those first 2 goals we conceded were typically sloppy goals we have been copping hasn't been rectified. A tight defence for me leads you to success. We can score , but defence is huge weakness. The first goal between 2 defenders and the other one a brain fade. Let me say McGinn was the only one out there fighting hard trying to turn it around the rest went missing bigtime.
  15. We didn't stand up, went missing again switched second half sloppy goal. Tactics first half didn't like them at all yeah we kept spurs to one shot first half but there no city or arsenal who we took the game on to from the first minute and were at home go for it.
  16. What I can't understand why fear spurs we didn't fear city or arsenal.
  17. Alot went missing after they scored no response or pressure on them.
  18. Our players go missing when the heat is on to don't stand up.
  19. We sacrificed our game for what big deal to keep spurs to 1 shot on goal. We're at home go for it they aren't Barcelona.
  20. Mate got the tactics wrong to begin with paying to much respect to spurs first half to sacrifice our game we're home go for it.
  21. Name one player who's standing up ?? When the pressure is on they go missing.
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