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Posts posted by A'Villan

  1. Glad to see some positivity and enthusiasm for this one from VT. 

    Can't and won't speak for any attitude or personality issues because I don't know. I only saw passion, perhaps a bit petulant too.

    What I can vouch for is him being a very talented player a few years back. I remember the hype that Wilshere had way back when, Guendouzi was another level of skill to Wilshere.

  2. I had a box cutter pulled on me at the base of the high-rise commission flats a few years ago. I stood up for myself and that caught him off guard because he realised he was going to have to use it. Lucky for me, a hardened looking senior came out of the building in that moment and told my attacker that he wasn't going to do anything. They knew each other. "You're a *insert estate name* brother, right? Let me do this." But the old timer wasn't having it, and he ended up walking me a few hundred meters clear to ensure I was safe.

    Honestly, I don't remember being more nerve ridden in my life. Heart pace rhythm was through the roof, and while during the brief encounter it was tense, afterwards I felt like jelly.

  3. For once I'm not all that excited about recruitment for playing personnel. I think we've got a good if not great team at our disposal, and a manager and coach who can get them playing to the standards necessary so that we are where we want to be.

    • Like 4
  4. On 24/11/2022 at 20:14, blandy said:

    Floods in SA and NSW, voting, corrupt politicians, Ukraine Drugs...I guess I just missed you. Damn. The news is depressing everywhere, no wonder people get anxious.

    My sincere apologies @blandy I got the time muddled up. The show was QandA and it aired live at 8:30pm AEST. You didn't miss me though because the panel didn't have enough time to get to my question.

  5. I'll be on TV tonight, on the ABC. My input:


    Australian Commission On Saftey and Quality in Health Care

    Principles of care underpinning the clinical care standards:
    -Treating patients with dignity and respect.
    -Encouraging patient participation in decision-making.
    -Communicating with patients about their clinical condition and treatment options.
    Why do the foundational principles take a backseat passenger position to the assumption that a person's behaviour is lacking somehow and a diagnosis implicit of there being an inherent problem with this person, is the tried and true way to deal with behaviour that we seek to change?
    No matter how polite or diplomatic one says it, what it is in essence suggesting, is something's wrong with this person or their way of living, and that people who know better should be appointed to try and attempt to solve this.
    This is not only condescending and undermining of someone's being but it also gives credence to all of the possible factors and aspects that make a person the way they are, have been accounted for. This is legitimised because the industry and its authorities have decided it's what's best.
    Let's be democratic and scientific and question this?
    Why tell people they are the problem and that if they follow what is recommended by clinician, they may get better, unless prevented by obstructions?
    How often do clinicians assume responsibility for that work not producing outcomes?
    How often do those in treatment assume responsibility for shortcomings?
    How many people in the public health care sector have been asked, at any stage along the way, if they felt like they were able to make decisions free of counsel or instruction from their clinician?
    Is self-determination being practiced and endorsed as it is meant to be?
    How many people in the public health care sector have been encouraged to make decisions independent of their treating team and clinicians?
    Where is the dignity of risk being given an opportunity to see if it can elicit behaviours and coping strategies independent of what is textbook?
    Could it be that by trial and error with clinicians as a safety net, dignity of risk allows for the development of behaviour and coping strategies that are unique and tailored to the person in treatment?
    How many of us, are told, today in therapy, we are going to seek to identify the talents that you are blessed with that will equip you to have meaningful relationships and contributions in your personal life and society at large?
    If we assume, why not have some faith in ourselves?
    Pessimism is too entrenched in failure that it never leaves for pastures new.
    What can be done to rectify and amend the shortcomings of an industry that claims and undoubtedly for the most part aims to offer support and raise standards of living?
    We are all fallible and no one needs to be told they are at the heart of it, not good. However is it not fair to say, leadership should return the faith it demands from those in treatment?
  6. I'm not sure I'm ready or willing to conclude that our position and standing at present is a matter of SG being poor, as if that were the sole cause of our team not performing as we would hope, and expect. 

    I don't like what I'm seeing under SG, and anyone who's paid attention to my posts will have seen that I said I wanted him out before reneging to allow him some time. That's something I haven't done as a Villa fan and supporter. I like to look for what people do well before I look for flaws.

    My inclinations aside, I don't believe and had the feeling that SG is up to the task of raising us to where we need to be.

    The answer might seem obvious, that SG isn't up to this. However, what about the question of whether or not the team and executive level decision making that appointed him? Are they up to this?

    Smith may not have had the reputation and contact list to recruit the kind of talent that we need. That said, he was, and at a guess still is, exactly what we need and want for the position he and SG occupy. A good football coach and mind. He can develop, implement and instruct in a way that has his men playing the way he envisions for them. I did like Smith. Apologies for getting carried away with another long winded post, but I really do not know if the roots of our current poor standing are all SG.

    The strength of the team is in the individual, and the strength of the individual is in the team.

    The responsibility goes way beyond SG.

    • Like 1
  7. The only aspect of this match that's been encouraging for me is that during my hiatus over the last few weeks, I actually wondered what happened to Willian. He was brilliant for Shaktar Donetsk and served Chelsea well. I've always been a fan of Brazil since Ronaldo, Rivaldo and Ronaldinho captured my heart and attention. 

    And so VT, when the focus is on it being good to see Willian back in the PL, as the source of what's good about this match..

    You know it's one miserable time for Villa.


  8. I am compassionate. Always.

    Even in the moments where I choose to reveal that my kind and supportive approach can change swiftly to ruthless and determined fight, and any assumptions that I am inherently weak or meek as a consequence of my being gentle and giving in spirit, only serve as fuel to ignite my desire to engage the conflict so that it's dealt with as I see necessary. 

    Thinking I won't go there because of my kindness, means you're less prepared when shit hits the fan and it all kicks off.

    While I am capable of anything and everything that the worst of us do, it's this awareness and understanding that allows me compassion when I deal with anybody and everybody. Even the inherently evil, it's not wise to succumb to temptation and indulge anger and hate.

    If I was to kill, I'd want to do it as kindly as I could. Unfortunately the word kind isn't really synonymous with killing when the executioner hasn't honed his ability to be so, unless they have a rare and natural talent for it. Without a refined ability and a circumstance that allows for it, battle and arguments are generally fairly brutal and unforgiving. When I say kill and fight here, I'm not only talking about physical combat, I also mean a task at hand or something that needs addressing.

    I don't see why one must assume a certain level of degradation to be dominant. Being callous just because we are fighting someone who is dangerously unable to muster any concerns for wellbeing, hell, they may even get off on seeing it eroded and diminished, is a sure way to see that you've earned yourself an enemy for life, that's until death, you know?

    It takes all kinds though and every kind has their take.

    Not everyone is concerned with my values, and equally my values aren't concerned with everyone else and how they choose to live.

  9. On 20/08/2022 at 02:14, Vive_La_Villa said:

    Listening to Gerrard comments it sounds like Carlos is a very strong character and person. I have a feeling he’ll be back a lot sooner than people expected. 

    Hardest side of coming back from an injury is the mental side, the discipline to do what you must to ensure you heal as best and quickly as possible and not stray.

    • Like 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, Zatman said:

    Thats just one thing in about 8 games this season. He hasn't dominated a game and is nothing compared to what Grealish was doing here

    I see it every time he takes the pitch but I don't really care for pointing out the one percenters if they aren't already acknowledged, as it's not like every one of those moments is a game changer I'm making out Coutinho to be.

    Lazy posts from me, but it's long passed bedtime tonight. 

  11. 1 minute ago, Zatman said:

    He is 30 years old and his last good season was in 2018

    Of course will support him but he has shown absolutely nothing to say he will come good

    Okay, agree to disagree. 

    That pass outside of the boot to Ollie first half against Southampton is just one instance.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Zatman said:

    He wasnt needed and in reality has shown very little since he has been here. Brazil have dropped him from the national team and he is probably our 3rd best attacking option after Buendia and Bailey

    I take it you're going to decline the invitation to renege on your stance then.

    Thats fine, I wasn't asking us to look to what's done, just support Phil when he comes good, if he does.

    I agree he's not there yet

  13. On 20/09/2022 at 02:33, Zhan_Zhuang said:

    Wish people would have a day off, just the same s*** in every thread.

    It's monotonous.

    Be the change you want to see in the VT world. 

    Personally I think your martial arts disciplines and philosophies reads true when you speak and is always welcome in my view.


    Edit: truth is stranger than fiction. Made my post before reading on to see the Bruce Lee imagery.

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