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Posts posted by andyjsg

  1. Great card this weekend, even a couple of the undercards would make most main cards. I know prelims are on facebook, but does anybody know about where the rest of the undercard Hardy, Miller, Barboza etc would be on?

  2. Rory MacDonald is one scary dude, even his stare has something of the serial killer about it. Poor Che, be the last time he asks for a match-up for a while.

    Shame its Mir against Dos Santos as I think he will get smashed like he did against Lesner.

    Still some good fights before then, Miller V Diaz and the Korean Zombie v Poirier should be interesting match-ups. Looking forward to seeing the winner of the last TUF, Diego Brandao fight too.

  3. Im selling a car on ebay currently as a Classified Ad, seems to work well as had a few offers, but none at home much I want (although getting closer).

    Funnily enough Im after a 1 litre 206 for the Mrs for when she passes her test as I don't fancy insuring her on the new car I have coming at the end of the month.

  4. It amazes me how people can be against these work schemes and I'm disappointed the Gvmt has backed down a bit as in the end these people who were threatened are currently getting money for FREE and usually claim they cant get work because of no experience and then when offered experience complain or quit.

    The only reason these companies are pulling out is because they are frightened of a group of degenrates standing outside and moaning about having to work.

    Its the ultimate in procrastination, complain about working for longer than they have to actually work.

  5. On a side note, Game HQ is in Basingstoke so if it does all go tits up the local job market is going to be even more **** competitive. :|

    Had a mate who used to work in the warehouse. I also failed a phone interview for a tech role there a few years back mainly because Im not good at buzz words. Despite the hit to my ego, they actually did me a favour as 2 years later I ended up in the role Im in now earning double what they were offering.

  6. Yep was pleasently surprised.

    Nearly 100k sold here compared 250K ish in the states.

    Still plenty of people around with cash to spend it seems.

    Anyway, I love it, forgot how much fun Everybody's Golf is.

  7. whats the remote play feature thats mentioned but IMO not that well explained

    i know that some games have PS3 features but is it a case of the gf is watching eastenders whilst i sit playing my ps3 through the vita screen? if so im sold

    or is it mainly just a case of the other way round where i can plug the vita in to my ps3 and play the games on my tv? because if its that then im not

    It will be the first one, play PS3 games on the Vita, but nothing is supported from day 1.

  8. They have already said there will not be a remake of VII...bad times! :cry:

    Doh!! I did see it was on the PS Store the other day (in original guise I guess) after getting all nostalgeic when you guys were talking about it.

    Oh well, maybe if they get it running on the vita I would be interested as would never have the time to play through it again at home.

    I still have UFC3: Undisputed to get cracking at.

  9. What is bizarre for me reading this and the FF thread is I completed VII but I don't remember most of what is being discussed (Junon etc), it seems my memory is shot to pieces.

    Maybe if/when they do a HD makeover I will play through again.

    I see X is getting a remake and I never played it so will possibly pick that up....

  10. Too hard to call I think.

    I mean time-wise I probably spent more time playing Street Fighter II and various iterations since then any other game, but best game ever? Probably not.

    I also love Super Mario World and Mario 64, not so much on Sunshine just felt it was missing something and Ocarina of Time is of course awesome.

    I have a few personal favourites such as Escape From The Planet of The Robot Monsters on arcade, Meglomania on Megadrive, Chrono Trigger on the SNES and Final Fantasy VII.

    Whilst dated now, Halo is truly genre defining imho. Not many games I have sat for hours throwing granades under a truck to see what will happen - loads of fun!!

  11. Well I decided about a week ago I fancied one, mainly due to the fact family stops me playing regularly at home.

    I have about an hour each way into work so the chance to play near console quality games on the move is appealing. The best example is I traded Rayman Origins at the weekend as I have managed to play it for about an hour in the 2 months Ive owned it and on Vita I will get the time to actually play it.

    Other than probably Rayman and a couple of PSN games, others look okay rather than great, but when has that ever been different for a launch of a console. There is definately potential for top games and that is enough for me.

    Im interested to see reviews of Ninja Gaiden and Unit 13.....

  12. I generally support the Republicans, as my economic beliefs lean strongly to the right; but as an atheist I have real problems associating myself with these moronic bible bashers.

    In addition to this, Republican or not, one must also acknowledge that Bush was deeply stupid, whilst Obama is highly intelligent... most embarrassing.

    I couldn't agree more with this. I think I would end up voting for Democrats in America as I find the Republicans far too extreme, or at least at the moment. They have heavily veered far off to the right and I couldn't align myself with these homophobic, racist nut jobs.

  13. The other half has been trying to quit for 6 months.

    Patches, mouth spray, mints...non of them worked.

    Then I got her Allen Carr's book...and I can't believe she quit as soon as the last page was turned, I'm very proud of her!

    Tis excellent, I used it once before and it worked then 8 months later I was back. I have though been smoke free for over a year now and essentially I used the mantra from the book to control my willpower.

    All the patches, spray etc do is keep nicotine in your body. The book just teaches you how weak-willed and pathetic you are :-)

  14. I think it will be difficult for Bisping but I think he is very underrated (and hated). He has only really been stopped by Hendo and I personally think he was unlucky on decisions with Silva and Evans. As boring as it is he will just do he score points and run away thing he does so effectively.

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