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Posts posted by JamesBCFC

  1. 13 hours ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

    I just saw the 20 goals he just scored and I'm perplexed as to how Bristol City fans can be happy with the transfer.  So i'm thinking either a) He has only scored the 20 goals in games that are not that important and against weaker teams. b ) he's general play is really bad. c) He actually misses a lot of chances and should score a lot more, d) they have an abundance of quality strikers that can net 20 goals and can spend all that money or strengthening other areas of the team, or e) its a classic case of fans thinking the clubs bank balance is their personal wealth and they are so delighted they are totally overlooking they have lost a 20 goal striker because have made a huge profit.

    Did i miss any out? 

    Mostly C

    13 hours ago, ender4 said:

    f) i think someone mentioned that its the first season that he has been a prolific scorer, so it could have been a one-season wonder and he might now suffer from second season syndrome.  i don't know how true this is.

    But an element of this. (he had 1 good season in Ligue 2 prior to joining us, and 1 good season with us)

    2 hours ago, Mjvilla said:

    I get the feeling that Bristol City fans aren't to bothered because that Tammy Abraham on loan from Chelsea has started like a house on fire...   Once his goals dry up a bit, he loses form or gets injured/suspended then I can see Bristol City missing Kodjia a lot more than they do now.

    And an element of this.

    I think all of us realise that Abrahams goals wont continue at the rate they have been coming, but we have been working on getting goals from midfield- something that was a huge issue last year. It started to get better with the loan of Tomlin who scored 8 in under half a season. Now he is our own player and we have brought in Paterson as well, Reid chips in with a few, and I'm hoping O'Dowda will get some as well. Freeman I don't expect any from, because his decision making at this level is poor and his shooting equally so (he has never scored a goal for us at Ashton Gate, and his only goal last season was heavily deflected- possibly going wide before the deflection).

    Plus we have signed a 20 year old who is a full international and has Europa League experience, and with a 1 in 4 ratio during his time at Gothenburg, which considering his age is a promising sign.

    We have had a very positive transfer window, even with Kodjia leaving and have brought in a younger player who is a similar style (Engvall) as a replacement.

  2. 1 hour ago, bobzy said:

    That's fair - but Kodjia has also scored 0 this season whilst averaging 3 shots a game (same as Ayew).

    I haven't really watched Bristol City, though, so no idea what those shots were like!

    The only time I can recall him coming close to scoring this season was against Wigan where he had a poor game for the most part, but had a low shot tipped onto the post in injury time, since then he has mainly been on the wing and his shots have been largely forgettable (not in that they were particularly rubbish, more that they were your everyday shots that didn't go in) there was one woeful one against Newcastle, but that was with his left foot, and as you will see he has no accuracy with his left foot.

    I have missed 3 games this season, so he might have come close in one of the away games against Norwich, Wycombe or Scunthorpe, but I don't recall hearing anything about particularly good chances in either of the first two, and he refused to play in the latter. (not sure he even played against Wycombe)

  3. 3 minutes ago, Eastie said:

    I'd stick gestede on the bench - think kodija has more strengths to his game than rudi - although adomah may get the best from rudi . 

    Adomahs crossing (at least with us) was very hit and miss, that said he causes defenders trouble regardless. Kodjia as the right of 2 strikers (perhaps alongside McCormack) with Adomah on the right wing would menace any side in this league

    • Like 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

    I'll repeat, you're on a Villa forum. Yes it is a surprise to me if you think you can have a "pop" at our club and think that everybody here is going to be fine with that and there will be zero backlash, regardless of the circumstances. 

    I feel like this conversation, generally, is a bit classless. We should all give it a rest perhaps?

    I didn't expect everyone to be fine with it, however since joining here I hadn't said anything derogatory about your club until then, and even that was hardly derogatory, by the same token why should I be expected to accept a slander on my character and a pop at my club, regardless of the forum.

    I think you'll agree a bit of banter is expected and we have had some already, but the posts I was responding in the manner that I did were not a part of that at all and were nothing but insults towards the views I had taken my time to give to you guys, and towards my club.

    • Like 1
  5. Just now, Eastie said:

    When this team has gelled and it will be sooner rather than later I see nothing in this division to be frightened of - no reason why villa shouldn't go on a good run of results and be right up there cone may .

    Thanks for your insight that you don't feel we will make the top 6 - only time will tell .

    Anyway good luck to Bristol city and I hope you stay up :D

    I hope we do too! :D

  6. Just now, AvfcTheObsession said:

    I think lots of Championship teams/their fans have been unhappy at the amount ourselves and Newcastle have spent. It's almost like we are the two biggest clubs down there, also benefitting from parachute payments for the first 3 years.

    Not fussed about the amount you spend tbh, but this isn't a league where you can buy the title. Derby tried last season and as a result have had to curtail their spending this year so they can meet the regulations.

    And once again I will repeat that "pop" at Villa was in response to an off topic "pop" at Bristol City, by a poster who has tried to belittle my posts, so is it any surprise I have given them short shrift?

  7. Just now, StefanAVFC said:

    Not convinced who's saying that..?

    Again, it was in response to a pop at Bristol City fans being happy with the fact we roughly broke even with transfer fees and that we are going about things in a sustainable way.

    If Villa have a net spend of £30 odd million each season then they will be in trouble and get fined/have a points deduction.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Gary Thomas said:

    Plenty of Villa fans were thinking the same mate!  I think most of us "hope" we will go up  - few if any think it is guaranteed.  

    Personally think you'll fall short of playoffs, had you down as mid table before all transfers were done, but after the signings made think 7th-8th

  9. 14 minutes ago, Delphinho123 said:

    Be careful calling our keeper 'dodgy', mate. There are plenty on here who think he has just been 'unlucky'...

    I can only comment on the one game I saw him in, but at no point did he impress me. Didn't command the box, should have done better with Tomlins shot that he spilled into the path of Abraham for our equaliser and was fooled for the freekick by the exact thing I had spotted while stood in the stand directly behind him.

    In fairness to Gollini he wasn't at fault at all for our second goal, where a combination of a tremendous run from deep, a perfectly timed and weighted pass and a sluggish defence put Bryan in a great position 1 on 1 and a cool finish across the goal. In fact that goal has given Lee Johnson a bit of a headache as Bryan is seen as a left back, but can play left midfield, or left wing, but at the time was playing as a central attacking midfielder and did a great job.

    11 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

    Unsure what this paragraph has to do with Kodjia. Just reads like a pointless, off-topic pop at Villa.

    Well it sort of was, but it was in response to a pointless off-topic pop at Bristol City. It was also to say about the financial restrictions in the division and how by spending a huge amount in one of the least predictable major leagues is no guarantee of anything.

  10. 4 hours ago, Butterfingers said:

    I have read your posts.  I have interpreted them as stinking of bitterness.

    You have begrudgingly accepted that he's half decent and then by the same token suggested that he's limited, has baron spells, needs a high ratio of chances and then you suggested that we've grossly overpaid and that you are laughing all the way to the bank.

    Go and enjoy your £11 million being spent "behind the scenes" if that's what matters to you.  I'm more than happy paying £11 million for an international striker who got 19 goals last season for a side that finished 18th.

    I have said he is decent from the start, so not begrudgingly accepted it at all.

    He does have barren spells, 2 in 17 is a prime example of this (never heard of him having a spell as a Baron though).

    He does need a high ratio of chances, speaking as someone who has watched him for over a season, he does miss more than he scores. But that is also the case for most strikers unless they are world class.

    He has limitations in his tactical thinking, and this isn't just the view of a lone "bitter" fan, but something that we had accepted was a part of his game during his time with us, it was even highlighted by our manager. I have also said about why this is (not having had the academy training that most pros do) and how in some ways he benefits from this (his moments of unpredictability which haven't been coached out of him and lead to him creating chances for himself or team mates).

    No need for the "behind the scenes" bit to be put into quotes when it is a factual statement. As a club we are playing catch up with other on the backroom set up, but are catching up at a good rate. We have just redeveloped our stadium and are improving our academy, improving our scouting network, improving our medical staff and equipment, developing apps for our players to use to get feedback from their training and monitor them away from training during the off season, buying into new techniques for training sessions such as using drones to get an overhead view of things.

    You can be happy at your club spunking away money if you want, but in this division you are by no means guaranteed to go straight up. You are allowed to lose £39m over 3 seasons and just how much was Villas net spend? You have a great attacking threat, but as shown when we played you, are vulnerable at the back, an ok midfield which seems to have troubling fitness problems and a dodgy goalkeeper as well as a losing mentality among the players. It's no surprise that most people I know who aren't Villa fans don't expect you to go up this season. In fact many were thinking you could go down again, until Lerner left and Dr. Xia took ownership.

    • Like 3
  11. 29 minutes ago, bobzy said:

    First sentence - loads (unless they're top class) and loads (I'm assuming you've watched **** all of the Championship last season; Bristol City were decent going forward and complete wank at the back).

    Second part - maybe?  I mean, I have no idea what "todays' market" is; the obscene money is in the Premier League.  Ross McCormack was, what, £12m but has a few seasons of consistently scoring a good number of goals behind him.

    Third part - Following on, that's a gamble, but more calculated given McCormack's consistency.  Kodjia has done it for one season.  Again, I don't think you've seen Kodjia play much (if at all - me either btw) so I cannot see how you're guaranteeing he's "better than what we have".  It may well have been critical bringing in a striker, and maybe he'll work out, but I don't get the hype personally and think we've massively overpaid.  People don't seem to care about this at all, that's fine.  I do.

    Absolutely 100%

    I have said this a few times, but obviously only because I'm bitter and can't say anything good about Kodjia apparently, but we carved out numerous opportunities per game. The only one I can recall off the top of my head where we created absolutely nothing was away at Derby where we lost 4-0. Every other game we created plenty and, particularly early in the season, came away wondering how we weren't scoring more (the ball wasn't going in the goal-duh!).

    Creating goal scoring chances hasn't been an issue at Bristol City since we were relegated from this division. In our first season in League 1, when we were bottom at Christmas, Sam Baldock was on about 6 goals at that point, but could- and perhaps should- have been in his teens already, such was the number of 1 on 1 chances he missed. We built on that attacking flair but started scoring goals and not only finished comfortably mid-table, but proceeded to romp to the title the next season.

    I wouldn't expect Butterfingers to know how good we are going forward, or have been over the last few years. But I would appreciate it if they stopped talking out their arse about us.

  12. Sorry to disappoint you @Butterfingers but I'm not bitter at all. Kodjia refusing to play in a game left a bad taste, but I have wished him well regardless.

    As for there "always being a sting in the tail" when I say something good about him, it's because I am being honest about the player, though maybe next time I will give 2 reviews of the player you sign from us. One honest review for everyone else, and one special review just for you where I pretend the player is the best thing to have ever happened to me or the club and how things will never be the same now he has left.

    In regards to me bringing up the quotes about the price. That was to show that despite the suggestions that City fans were saying Villa had overpaid just because he had already been sold and that those comments were spawned from bitterness, they had originally been made months before Villa formally expressed any interest, and as such showing they were the genuine thoughts of our fans.

    Whether he was worth the £11m or not time will only tell and I think he will do a good job for you (something I have said the entire time and is clearly a sign of how bitter I am).

  13. 1 minute ago, Butterfingers said:

    He got 19 goals.  One less than the divisions top scorer.  If he gets 19 again this season, he can miss as many as he wants.

    it is very rare for strikers not to miss chances, hence 19 or 20 goals being considered an excellent tally.

    You also failed to mention that he scored goals out of nothing that no one else in your side would have scored.  the one balances out the other.

    If strikers convert all their chances, they'll be on 40 or 50 goals a season.  That is why 20 is always considered an excellent return.

    I didn't fail to mention that at all, I have said it multiple times. Perhaps you need to go back and read my posts, rather than picking and choosing which bit you want and making untrue assertions about my club.

  14. 10 hours ago, Butterfingers said:

    How many 20 goal a season players need "a whole host of chances"?  How many chances do you think that lowly Bristol City made?

    Bristol wanted more than £10mil for him, he had 3 years on a contract remaining.  For me the £11mil was about right in todays market for a player whose club didn't want to sell and who was tied in for 3 years.

    Every signing is a gamble, regardless of the fee involved.  Kodjia is better than what we have so has improved the side.  Our options were limited in who we could bring in, with us being a championship side.  For me, it was critical that we bought in a striker.  Hernandez fell through so what options were left?  Maybe the Notts Forest kid but isn't that just as big a gamble given his injury?

    We made plenty of chances last season, even if we finished 18th.

    Just because we finished in a low position doesn't mean we didn't make the chances. Our issue at the back was the main reason we did badly.

  15. Baker is good, and seems to have got over injury issues (I believe he had them before joining us, can you confirm, or is it just a rumour I'd heard?). However there were 3-4 times last season where he had to be subbed or he would have been sent off.

    I like a hard tackling defender, but at times he is just downright reckless or not thinking. Against Blackburn at home last year he was sent off early in the second half, but could have been gone before half time.

    He was at one point a part of the worst defence in the league, however so was Aden Flint and he isn't a bad defender at this level, I think the problem was our overly attacking mentality at the time. Baker is a solid player and if we didn't have Magnusson here then I wouldn't have minded Baker back. (That said it is early days and I firmly believe Magnusson is an upgrade, but he is a starter and Baker is your backup so I'd be concerned if your backup was better than our starter)

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  16. One last thing (for today, I think I'm close to my posting limit today already!) is going back to what I said before about offsides.

    Incredible technique as it was, and I really wish to take nothing away from the goal, but he looks offside at the original cross for his goal a couple of days ago.

  17. 4 minutes ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

    I have noticed that over time @JamesBCFC's posts have slowly taken a more negative tone. 

    To be honest, I don't really mind. I prefer to judge a player in our colours, in our system and under our coaches. However one thing I have been pondering is the additional experience he has of the league and the country generally. 

    James, I noticed you said he goes through purple patches? At what stage(s) of the season was he most prolific? 

    Have they? Haha, I hadn't realised, and certainly wasn't intentional.

    I'm just trying to keep it balanced, he is a good player, but not prolific needing several chances per game.

    He was fairly consistent I think, with one (long) spell where he netted just 2 in 17 games.

    To start with he benefited from Wilbraham being a battering ram, and taking the physicality. Once Jimmy got used to the physicality he was able to play as the lone striker more effectively.

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  18. 25 minutes ago, Butterfingers said:

    Bristol fans don't seem able to comprehend that money in the bank doesn't benefit them, be it £7mil,  £11mil or £15mil.

    as far as money in the bank, we have plenty already, but are doing enormous work behind the scenes.

    The aim is for the club to be self sufficient, but our owner is willing to sanction the big fees if necessary

  19. 13 minutes ago, VILLAMARV said:

    They don't seem to lack a good scout as far as strikers go to be fair to them.

    We took Bournemouths head scout last season, then Man Utd took our scout who found Kodjia :(.

    He did find us another lad who we signed for 50k in January, and got rave reviews from his debut for Plymouth on the weekend.

  20. 3 minutes ago, DCJonah said:

    I find it odd that a player who scored 20 goals wasn't rated higher. Have Bristol City had lots of goal scorers over the last few years and just been a bit spoilt. 

    We had Benteke and were all gutted when he finally went.

    Yes and no, we had a terrible side of journeymen for a few years, then after relegation found ourselves bottom of League 1 at Christmas. We ended that season with the 3rd highest goal scoring partnership in the country behind Sturridge and Suarez and another pair I can't remember. One of our 2 strikers then left the club for little more than £1m after scoring 20 odd goals in the league.

    Our promotion season in league 1 didn't have a single extremely prolific striker (though Aaron Wilbraham of all people scored more than 20 in all competitions) but a several players who all got a fair share- Aden Flint (a defender) was our second top scorer with 15, including a hattrick on the final day, with a volleyed rabona. Kieran Agard (recently sold for about £400k) managed 14 goals, Matt Smith (not Dr Who, but a loanee from Fulham) scored 13 times in 17 games, Jay Emmanuel Thomas (left on free transfer) scored 12 and was only a bit part player, used as a sub. until injuries to Agard and Wilbraham gave him a run in the first team alongside Smith. We then had 24 more goals from our midfielders. Long story short goals were coming from everywhere.

    Kodjia is a good player, but much like Baldock when he was with us in League 1, needs several chances to score. There is still doubt (mainly from fans of other clubs who saw him only 1 or 2 times) that he can replicate last seasons tally, bearing in mind he has only had 2 good seasons in his career, and that was one of them.

    • Like 1
  21. 16 hours ago, striker said:

    No, no, no. Not trying to get at you at all although I can see how it could be interpreted so sorry for that. I just follow two teams which is all it is.

    Can't wait to see Kodjia play. It could be that JamesBCFC might have to admit that Kodjia was a steal by the end of the season. :) 

    It is a possibility, but I do doubt it.

    Even before the whole 'asking not to play against Scunthorpe' thing came out, I don't recall a single comment from any of our fans suggesting we should have got more from the sale.


    7 million and thank you very much .

    above is a post from our forum back in June when he was linked with Wednesday


    Should just slap an 11m price tag on his head. Nobody would come in for him for that much and if they do.... then well we've done amazing to make that much money on him. We don't want another Maynard situation, looking back now there won't be a single city fan who would say no to 6m for him....

    another at around the same time, suggesting, even 3 months ago that £11m would be an overpayment


    The question with any player sale has to be "is it enough to replace the player with someone as good, if not better" and strengthen elsewhere in the team?  I don't think £4 million is anywhere near that.  Especially as we don't want to sell, I think we should be looking at £8 million upwards

    and another, I wont keep on with these otherwise it would be an incredibly long post, I will add just 1 more though, which will be my own comment from back then


    I really don't think Johnson would have given the date that Kodjia will be back training (the 4th) if he was expecting him to leave soon.

    As for Newcastle, if they were interested we can change what we ask for based on their other signings this summer and our need for him. If they came sniffing I'd be telling them £15m plus add ons. Don't think he's worth that much, but in the market we have right now its a reasonable price to put on him

    at the time Kodjia was away on international duty and there was speculation of a bid from Newcastle, hence the bit about training (this was at the start of July).


    I hope he does well, only so we can get that extra 4 million in the clauses, and may even get a bit extra from the sell on

  22. 5 hours ago, VILLAMARV said:

    Also not unheard of to be able to deliver that information without the nonsensical guesswork at the start though is it really? Jump to random conclusions much? Anyway welcome to VT and thanks for introducing yourself in such a friendly way. ;)

    Anyway while we're on the topic of people who have 2 teams in the Kodjia thread, @JamesBCFC ;) Where does the "Jimmy" thing come from?

    Not sure if he had the nickname before joining us, but he had the nickname "Jimmy Danger" from the squad. I think he was referred to in interviews as Jimmy more than his actual name.

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  23. 3 minutes ago, av1 said:

    Without looking up his stats again mate I'm sure his one stand out season at Blackburn was the exception rather than the rule. I did look up his stats a while back and that 1 season aside, i think he had scored about 20 goals in the previous 8 or so years. 

    I'll admit that previous to this year I've never really watched the championship, but he looked absolutely useless in the PL, so I'm not holding to much hope for the bloke. 


    you are right, never prolific before that season. But that is also true of Kodjia who we signed after he had 1 good year in a much weaker league. Some players are just late bloomers. That's said you are in a better position to judge Gestede than I am, having only seen him from afar.

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