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Posts posted by JamesBCFC

  1. I see Kodjia scored for you again. Noticed a few pages back there was a fair bit of criticism of him on exactly the things I said about before though.

    Actually hope he starts scoring plenty for you (not enough to catch us up though ;)) as I put a bet on him to be top scorer during preseason.

    He took that goal today very well indeed.

    • Like 4
  2. 13 hours ago, VillaChris said:

    You're still picking up wins while apparently not playing well...have a striker in sh*t hot form and you also have a great knack of turning losing positions into points with loads of late goals already.

    You not think this team/squad is as good as what you had in 2008?

    You had a similar game v Forest to what we had against them...fall 1 nil down, quickly turn it around into a 2-1 lead and while Lansbury blazed over towards the end he of course curls it into the top corner v us.

    I think the team/squad we have is far far better than the one we had in 2008.

    But that squad had absolutely no right to be where it was in terms of the players ability. The current squad I think probably isn't far off of a top 6 side right now, and is in the main, very young. Personally think we will fall just short of the playoffs and have a stronger push next year.

    Maybe I'm being a bit pessimistic, but I'm just trying to stay grounded for the time being. If we are top 6 in January I will dare to dream because I know Lansdown will spend money if Johnson thinks we need to.

  3. On 28/09/2016 at 21:43, VillaChris said:

    Think Bristol City will make the play offs.

    Sir Dwight of Gayle with his hattrick....is that his 7th goal in 8 games Trent?

    Pretty happy with that...put a tenner on Newcastle to win at 22/1 when they were 3-2 down. :lol:

    Doubt we will be in the playoffs. 

    We just haven't clicked yet, and while I'm happy with LJ as a manager he has only got the set up right in the first half 1 time this season.

    Don't think it is still the case, but just before Tuesdays game we were the club that had spent more time than anyone else in this division in a losing position. Don't remember the number but it was almost 40%.

  4. Was Adomah really used as a RB?

    If so it's no surprise he didn't pull up any trees. He is a right winger pure and simple. Could perhaps play through the middle with some work.

    A very good right winger for this league though.


    He's also a top quality bloke away from the pitch, which while not exactly importabt, is always an added bonus.

  5. On 26/09/2016 at 17:55, sne said:

    We do have our in house Bristol supporter @JamesBCFC  who can probably answer this

    He was mainly used as a central striker with Wilbraham as a target man alongside him.

    Once Lee Johnson came in we switched to 4-2-3-1 with Kodjia as the lone striker.

    He did play as a winger in the second half against Burton and against Newcastle, but apparently (and this may just be rumour) wasn't too happy about it.

    • Like 2
  6. Just now, Villan_of_oz said:

    Hi James, no offence intended but i really dont think in our current situation that anyone on VT cares about Bristol City's aspirations for this season. Im not telling you what to do you but maybe saving you from anymore heated interactions, on this a forum for Aston Villa. Cheers

    Fair enough and no offence taken. Wasn't looking for a heated interaction, was simply sharing as a few on here seemed to think our aspirations are simply to stay up this year, the article also shows that we had to work very hard to get the loan signing of Abraham so despite the growing reputation we are getting as a club that is improving and getting things well sorted (2-3 more articles coming out in the next week I believe) we still have to go through more effort to show our worth, something a team such as Villa may not need to do.

  7. Evening chaps.

    Just thought I'd let you know we are now officially promotion rivals this season. Whether that is actually the case in the league table will remain to be seen (not a comment on the current table, its early days, either club may fail to challenge for promotion) but in an interview that came out today it was said that "The aim for this season is nothing less than promotion. We are going to do whatever we can to push to get promoted and get into that top six"

    Its actually quite an interesting interview with the leagues top scorer and the effort LJ went to in order to sign him. Here is the link if anyone is interested

  8. very nice strike that. What astounds me is that it was left footed. In all of last season and the home games this season I had never seen a left footed shot of his get within 6 yards of the goal!

    (before someone jumps on my back, that isn't a dig at him, just genuine astonishment. The goal was very good and hopefully he will get plenty more)

    • Like 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, Keener window-cleaner said:

    Athletic, fast, strong, good technique, hard working, good on the head - this was one of the most promising debuts I've seen, he so deserved to score.

    Perhaps off topic, but is that goal decision system, eagle eye or what it's called, in use in the Championship?

    Re his header that their freakish game of his life-keeper saved on the line, it looked like it didn't cross the line on the replay, but was a hard call. 

    No goal line technology down here. was a tough shout but good decision by the ref/lino

    • Like 2
  10. 6 hours ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

    To be fair the BC fan has expressed his views politely. I don't think it's a case of sour grapes at all as they watched him week in week out so its fair for them to judge. End of the day we need goals and he scored them for one season. We've taken a gamble on him doing it again and I couldn't care less what we spent as long as it doesn't mean we now reign in future spending like we did with the past regime. 

    We have a lot of attacking options now. If the goals don't start flying in after the next 5 games or 10 games then management/coaching would need to be questioned. 

    Appreciated. (I can't 'like' posts, so this is my equivalent.)

    None of my views about Jonathan Kodjia have been influenced by him leaving or the manner he went about it.

    I will hold my hands and say I got frustrated by a few of the posters on here, and perhaps responded in a manner I shouldn't have.

  11. 1 minute ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:


    I'm not even remotely bothered by that. That was days ago. 

    Comment on the post, not the poster. 

    Today you posted "I get it he's not very good" when I have at no point said he is not very good.

    Odd that you didn't say anything to the poster who called me bitter for being honest about Kodjia- double standards?

  12. 1 minute ago, DCJonah said:

    Sorry if it seems clueless. We didn't just sell our best forward to you so I haven't been on your forums to tell you how you overspent and to learn 

    I came on here to give an honest summary of our game against you and also get the opinion of your fans at the game. I didn't do this for our games against Burton, Newcastle, Norwich or Wigan because another forum I was on (I am currently taking a break because the other City fans there are extremely negative, and even were during our double winning season) has multiple members from each of those clubs, while it has very few Villa fans (2-3 I think) and none were at the game. Rotherham I wasn't at so I can't give my views of the performance so I wont be on the Rotherham forum, but next Saturday I will be on the Derby forum win, lose or draw, to trade opinions.  

    I stuck around as a day or so later you were linked with Kodjia and I gave my honest views of him (good player, will score, offside a lot, can create chances on his own, worth about 6-8 million)

    I also gave my honest views when you were linked with Adomah (good player, will cause teams issues, extremely inconsistent at crossing, couldn't name a value as I haven't seen him regularly for a few years).

  13. 7 minutes ago, DCJonah said:

    Once again who said anything about guarantees? But signing a player who did it last year gives us a better chance. 

    And I bang on about money spent? How many times have you gone into detail to explain ho we've over spent? 

    If you're thrilled with the money, great. I'm happy for you and your club in your fight for survival. I'm also very happy with the business that was done between the two clubs. 

    1 time.

    I have given my opinion that you overspent, then after remarks suggesting that was out of bitterness I gave 1 post in detail where refer to posts at the start of the summer on our forum where posters there were saying what price they would sell him for, which was for the most part a fair bit below what you paid.

    Thrilled with the money? Not really, just glad that for a change we are finding a player and getting resale from them, rather than our past transfer method of buying people past best for more than their value and then seeing them leave for free after 3 years of bad performances.

    "fight for survival" :rofl2br:I realise you're trying to get a rise out of me, but you're just making yourself look clueless. Needs another :rofl2br: because your post was so stupid.

  14. Just now, DCJonah said:

    Who said spending money guarantees anything? 

    Our aim is promotion and so we're buying players to build a squad capable of it. No guarantees but we're backing our manager to match our aims and objectives. Once again, hence you have our money and we have a guy who scored 19 league goals last season. I know which I'd rather have. 

    You keep banging on about the fact you have spent money and we haven't (although we spent circa £11m ourselves). How about a reminder that a player doing well in one season for one club is no guarantee he will at his next then?



    I would just like echo @GENTLEMAN's comment.

  15. Just now, DCJonah said:

    No you're right 

    You're doing well for a team trying to stay in the league. We have different objectives and aims hence you have our money and we have your best striker from last season. 

    You appear to have our clubs aims mixed.

    The noises from our management and players suggest an aim for the playoffs, though the official line is mid table. However if we are in the mix for automatics (unlikely) in January, I can assure you we will spend money where necessary. We just wont do it recklessly on a player with 1 good season in their career (I really did wish Kodjia well, but remarks from you and some of the others are not giving a nice impression of Villa fans and making me start to rethink that).

    Spending money is no guarantee of success, I thought you would have learned that by now after your time in the Premier League, last year Derby were the big spenders and look how their Premier League season has started... oh never mind. Sheffield Wednesday also spent a fair bit last season, I'm sure they are doing well in the Prem... oops, not again!

  16. 10 minutes ago, DCJonah said:

    We do need more points. That's why we went and signed a guy who scored 19 goals in this league last season. You enjoy your bank balance this year though. Nothing like cheering on a full wallet. I'll look forward to the debut of our big money striker. 


    Thought Mcormack already made his debut, though you wouldn't have known if he was there or not when you played us. (I'm aware that wasn't his debut for you, just saying how badly that big money striker played).

    In the league game where we didn't play Kodjia but could have, and todays game we have scored a total of 5. So hardly a problem getting the goals without him in the team is it?

    2.5 goals per game without him, compared to 1 goal per game with him.

    • Like 1
  17. 6 minutes ago, DCJonah said:

    I don't need to see the goals. You failed to score more than the opposition. But money in the bank is still good. 

    well you spent the money but have half as many points, so I don't see the problem. Especially when that single point is more than you picked up in your last away game

  18. 1 hour ago, DCJonah said:

    Well who needs to win games when you can have £11 million kept in the bank. 

    our failure to win today was down to 2 horrific bits of defending, though I'm sure that if you had seen the goals you would have been aware of that.


    1 hour ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

    I get it, he's not any good. 


    At no point have I said he's not very good. No need to be bitter because I said something you didn't like about your team (even though there was nothing actually derogatory about the club) in response towards a slander of my character.

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