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Hoof hearted

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Posts posted by Hoof hearted

  1. 1 hour ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    No, I'm proper asking, as I think there was a U23 game today and I know nothing about his fitness. So seeing that post made me wonder?

    Forgot the troll face bro, was being totally ironic.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, VillaChris said:

    McCormack has scored his 20 plus goals at Fulham last two seasons...run by me where they finished in the league....barely avoiding relegation I think.


    Jolean Lescott was our second best striker last season, run by me where we finished in the league last season...

  3. Just now, TheStagMan said:

    Had three Kebabs on his way to the medical (was driven there by Gabby).....



    See how easy it is to make shit up?  Nothing anywhere on the net about him knocking us back for Norwich.

    You had me at kebabs and Gabby, you absolute animal!! :angry:

  4. Just now, OLDVILLAIN said:

    Hearing that villa have tabled 12m with addons with promotion clause to build it upwards to 15m..according to some of the fulham itks its a done deal within 24 hours

    Going on our recent past @OLDVILLAIN I'd hazard a guess that the clause will be, sell him for 17 quid and a box of DVDs after he scores his 45th goal by Christmas.

    • Like 2
  5. Just now, rodders0223 said:

    It's a lot of money if we don't get promoted.


    Is it really? If Everton signed him it'd be regarded as a steal, have we sunk that low? Get yourself on the positivity train rodders, this is going to be a hell of a ride my friend!!

    • Like 1
  6. Am I remembering right that Alex Ferguson came sniffing around for him a few years back? Help an old fart out but wasn't £20m the price that was banded about?

    I won't lose sleep over it, he seems a top pro but these decisions are made all the time in football, he was the last player I thought would be moved on though. Good luck to him.

  7. 1 minute ago, NeilS said:

    Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if their respective teams will want an additional £10m on top of those prices, judging by the transfer fees being bandied about.

    I've seen Bristol City want nearer £13m today, right or wrong, it seems a reasonable price tag.

  8. 1 minute ago, villa89 said:

    Calling one of your employees a snake isn't banter. Are you Richard Keys?

    Even Dr X. himself (possibly on the advice of the Villa PR team) has recognised his error.

    Oh dear, to quote the great Jim Jeffries, "if it looks like shit and it smells like shit... Then it probably is shit".

    When did openness and honesty become such a crime? You need to remember that TX comes from a closeted, secretive culture and is suddenly able to express himself, and be listened to, on a public forum for probably the first time in his working life, give the guy a break and just enjoy the ride ffs! It's not like the FA will commission Batman to snatch him from a Singapore high-rise to answer charges of bad grammar!

    • Like 1
  9. 48 minutes ago, villa89 said:

    The problem is they make him look like someone who just wants to be popular with the fans/be loved and they are incredibly unprofessional

    In your opinion of course, you do not speak on behalf of people with an actual sense of humour and understand banter! The Holloway tweet was spot on anyway ffs, the guys a prick and has robbed a living out of football. 

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, tomav84 said:

    I rate Baker, Elphick, and Okore over him...plus you have Toner breaking through too. Just hope we use the cash towards a playmaker or striker. His performances at the Euros confirmed how error prone he can be

    I thought it was the mentality of the squad last season that had affected his game but turns out he's just a bit shit after all.

    Shan't lose any sleep if he goes.

  11. 2 minutes ago, terrytini said:

    I don't know if you went on Saturday but the view of everyone at the game was unanimous - the players who fell apart mentally last season did so immediately Boro scored.

    It was very dramatic, very noticeable, and very much a re-run of last year.

     It is this mental aspect, rather than their ability as footballers, that is the concern (and the obvious need for a couple of people who score goals).

    The air of inevitability around the ground was tangible as well terry, friendly or not, the majority of them aren't mentally ready for this season, we could sign Messi and Ronaldo and I genuinely feel 3 games in they'd be broken as well. The rot will take years to disappear I'm afraid.

    • Like 3
  12. Just now, VillaChris said:

    Nope end of season.

    I think Newcastle will run away with the league in similar fashion to last time they were in it so 90 + points, likes of Burnley, Boro and Brighton were all around that last season.

    If we pull our fingers out and get in 3-4 good players we can still make play offs and get 70 + points. May even be good enough for 2nd if that's a low total.

    But yeah 20 point difference...by end of final game. 20 quid.

    Not going to argue about the point gap but I actually think Newcastle will struggle this year, there are teams like Derby and Sheffield Wednesday (they went on an insane run at the back end of last season) that are far better equipped mentally to win this league, we are just broken at the moment and I don't think any amount of players coming in will change that mentality any time soon.

    Just a sad state of affairs all around unfortunately. :'(

  13. 3 minutes ago, VillaChris said:

    They sold Townsend and Wjandulam for 40m so a little different and given them a fair bit to play with.

    Must say I'm amazed at people thinking we'll run Newcastle close, think they'll be a good 15-20 points clear of us and happy to wager that.

    By Christmas... £10 donation?

  14. 5 minutes ago, PieFacE said:

    I still think we need about 5 players.  Need to bring some players in fast.  

    Yes, agree to an extent, I genuinely thought we'd have a marquee (I hate that term!) signing by now, just as a signal of intent from the higher ups at the club. Starting to get a little nervous about the true ambitions of the club but will bite my tongue until the window closes.

    • Like 1
  15. 5 minutes ago, HanoiVillan said:

    No, I'm just going to stop you there. It is not too early at all to draw conclusions about how realistic this target is. 

    I think most people would agree that Barcelona and Real Madrid are the two biggest teams in the world, currently. So our owner has set as his target, being unambiguously bigger (in some way) than Juventus, Bayern Munich, Atletico Madrid and PSG, as well as all of Chelsea, both Manchester teams, Arsenal, Liverpool etc etc. Not just one of those teams, all of them. 

    So what would we have to do to meet that? Well, winning the PL once wouldn't count. I didn't mention Leicester and I bet you didn't notice. To become clearly 'bigger' than all of those teams, we would need to win the Champions League multiple times. 

    It's a nonsense. That I'm even explaining this to you is ridiculous. It's like explaining why Abu Hamza isn't going to be the next Prime Minister. 

    You have a bit of a dim view of the few optimists here when you think explaining why a known terrorist and all round ass hat isn't Prime Minister is as easy as saying Tony Xia's comments are pie in the sky.

     Well played sir, a true Villan at heart!

  16. 1 hour ago, Tommo_b said:

    The way I see it, last season we all for the most part thought the team would be mid table-ish, however after the Leicester game confidence was shot and the team never recovered, maybe there's enough about this team when playing confidently to actual be a strong championship side, hence why no panic buying.

    Like Dr Tony said, have faith in the manager.

    Great post and exactly my way of viewing the situation.

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