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Hoof hearted

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Posts posted by Hoof hearted

  1. 5 minutes ago, LakotaDakota said:

    will buy one of these, not that fussed about the rest


    Looks inside out to me! 

    Love the home top, will buy as usual. Away top is a bit meh in my opinion but it may grow on me as the season progresses.

  2. On 24/06/2016 at 12:36, TRO said:

    Stevo....I appreciate your point and you may well be right.

    I am worried it may turn out to be a distraction and we have been littered with passive decisions over the last 6 years.

    I hope my comments ARE unfounded, but its just my view.

    It will be an almighty battle physically next season, I just happen to think we are clutching at straws.

    Its clear my view is in the minority.....maybe we can revisit it when the season gets started and more evidence will be on display.

    You, say we have nothing to lose.....It may be at the expense of signing another player and half way through a season Stan Breaks down or fails to cope with the rigours....His training will need to be monitored and assessed 

    Like I say, I'm just not in favour....its not just 37 ...its 37 + Leukemia.....too much to ask for me.

    I agree with everything TRO has been saying but I hope and pray our opinions are wrong regarding Stan, my brother-in-law is a Leukemia survivor so I've seen first hand how it physically ruins a person (more so the treatment not the illness ironically), his story alone should be enough to inspire the younger players coming through and he should be given a role at the club regardless of his playing career. His mere presence should invoke a pride in the team, playing or not.

    Imho of course.

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  3. 1 minute ago, villa4europe said:

    My rashford stat might suggest that we had an unwillingness to try and take players on but in general I disagree with this, I personally still think it was a mixture of bad tactics and pretty much non existent movement that's lost us the game, we were so static, that's laziness IMO, it's the likes of sturridge and Rooney demanding the ball despite them having nothing in front of themselves, drifting in to shit positions where the opposition are happy to let them have the ball rather than being clever enough to find space in dangerous positions

    rooneys done it for years, so did Gerrard and lampard before him

    you watch the likes of Modric, rakitic, iniesta, Kroos etc, they could find space in a telephone box

    our effort off the ball is horrendous making the bloke on the ball look clueless when the reality he doesn't really have any options on other than a Hollywood pass

    Perfectly put^^.

  4. 2 minutes ago, The Fun Factory said:

    Said earlier paralysed by fear. Apart from Rooney i bet most of the England players can't even remember a positive summer tournament of their childhood when England did well in. I don't think they enjoy playing for their country. Which is just as well as I don't enjoy England games for about 90% of the time either.

    I don't think I've watched a full 90 minutes since Italia '90, maybe the '96 semi final?! Just can't be arsed with the aggro and upset it causes. Club > Country all day, every day for me and quite frankly, I'm surprised a lot of people are surprised at the result!  At least the rest of England get to feel our seasons pain for a few hours!

  5. 6 minutes ago, Zatman said:

    I have to say that Hodgson copping all the flak but the players are getting off free from this. Except for Dier I cant think of one that could leave the tournament with head held high. Same thing happened with Sven and Capello among others, why wont English media have a go at players the true cause of this. Raheem Sterling 50 million, 200k a week and he cant control a football

    Rashford did more in his 5 minutes total playing time than everyone else (bar Dier) did in 4 games, Hodgson shouldn't have gotten the job to start with, he fell lucky because of Mauricio Pochettinos (who imo, the FA should be tapping up as we speak) coaching at spurs more than anything, a semi trained chimp could utilise Leicester and spurs' English players to good effect but Roy Hodgson has to go all Jimmy Saville and select his "Big boys" from the stone age.

    One positive from tonight is, he never gets to infect our eyes with soccer AIDS again, good riddance.

  6. On 12 June 2016 at 14:53, John said:

    Gary, Dennis Mortimer and Tony Morley all made the provisional 40-man squad for the 1982 World Cup but only Peter Withe made the final 22-man squad and he did not play in the competition. Shocking that a team that had won the league in 1981 and then the European Cup in 1982 were so under represented in Ron Greenwood's squad and that both Gary and Dennis never got a full England cap.     

    The same can be said for Leicester this tournament, how Jack Wheelchair got in at the expense of Danny Drinkwater boggles my mind.

    I guess even back then managers preferred their "big club" players over form and actual quality. It's why Italia '90 was the last major tournament I took any interest in, club over country all day long for me.

    • Like 1
  7. 14 hours ago, useless said:

    Never heard of him or seen him play. Good luck to him.

    He was captain when Bournmouth knocked 8 past the smellies, no more needs to be said. 

    Welcome to currently the best club in Aston, Michael!


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  8. 6 minutes ago, TrentVilla said:


    Word has it Samuelson faked Tim Peake's space visit and that the ISS was in fact a haulage container in his back garden at his maisonette in Billericay.

    Some say, that The Stig is a figment of his imagination..

  9. 4 hours ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    He is another one I have a soft spot for I can't lie, as well as Baker, I think I am slightly biased towards the old boys I have "grown up with" to be honest. I don't feel they are as bad as people make out, and I don't think they have ever necessarily had the chance to play beside beasts/motivators like Laursen/Mellberg etc. I genuinely think some of our young players through the disastrous season could step up with the right players and structure around them. Ironically though, I am yet to see the special in Grealish!

    Agree with a lot of this. I actually think Baker will develop into the better defender and could possibly iron out the mistakes, Clark has made too many too often at centre half but would make the perfect holding midfielder in my humble opinion, but you can't argue about them both being model pro's unlike the rest.


    Grealish is just meh btw.

  10. 1 hour ago, Rob182 said:

    Hopefully he's one of the players that RDM has said he wants to keep, that has agreed to stay.


    Irrespective of the different feelings across the support for the reasons he didn't play a lot more last year, I think we can all agree that he can be a massive asset in the championship.


    Seeing him as a first choice winger would be really exciting, especially if he had fewer 'potential' players around him and more established players.


    Adama being the only wild card, or one of two wild cards in the team, is the ideal way that I can see him succeeding.

    Summed up pretty much perfectly Rob.

    • Like 1
  11. 51 minutes ago, Gary Thomas said:

    I am looking forward to see how he does under RDM and Clarke.  With some propper coaching this guy could be absolutely phenomenal in the Championship.  More raw ability and pace than I have seen in a long time, he just needs to learn to play in a decent team and make better decisions.  If he stays could be special next year. 

    Gabby had "raw pace and ability" I seem to remember!

    I like Traore, any player that gets bums off seats is fine by me but he certainly isn't the kind of player you build a team around, yet. 

    He should definitely get a run of games next season, we need to stamp our authority on that league as we will be considered a scalp by many teams and he may be the outlet required.

  12. 21 minutes ago, Gary Thomas said:

    Some people are trapped in the status quo - the idea of Villa being a top club in world football (again) is simply incomprehensible.  Unsurprising given our recent history, but history tells that the old rules can and do change and very few things are impossible in business and sport – look at the history of clubs in the prem.  To me it is not about becoming top anything, I really don’t want to become a Man City, a Chelsea, or a Madrid; although it is great to have big ambition again.  Personally, I just want to become a great Aston Villa again. We have such a rich and storied history; one of the oldest and most successful clubs in England. I want us to have a football team that is worthy of our name and history, not one that disgraces and soils it.  I want to see good and exciting football again; not the sterile inept shit we have had to endure for years.  I want players to feel proud to play for us, to want to play for us; not just see us a stepping stone to bigger and better things.  I want to see a packed and noisy VP where getting a ticket becomes hard again. I would like to win the odd trophy, but more than that I would like us to stop being the whipping boys in the PL where we just bend over against the Sky Five.  That would be more than enough for me.

    Cracking post! 

    I get the feeling a lot of Villans (specially the younger generation) have developed a kind of small club mentality, no thanks to the inept running by past torch bearers, we are Villa ffs! [insert 'big' clubs name here] wouldn't be where they are if it weren't for a brave few men with awesome beards in 1888! We are by far, the greatest football team, the world has ever seen, of that I have no doubt my pedigree chums and Dr. X has come here with that mentality, I think I actually love him! 

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