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Posts posted by STO

  1. I would want Purslow under pressure as he needs to deliver as much as anyone else at the football club.  Gerrard is likely to have been mostly down to him, having been promoted the season before and him going down the fanboy route.  We have stood still for 12 months and Emery has been brought in to kickstart us, putting him in a good position because, within reason, he can ask for pretty much what he wants.  Hopefully, this leads to a few players coming in over the next 2 windows to make us reliable and competitive.  Wouldn't it be lovely to get to the stage where we can go to any ground knowing we are going to be no mugs? 

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  2. 2 hours ago, Aston_Villan4 said:

    You don’t think Luiz or Dendoncker are capable? Winger and forward should absolutely be top priority.

    The word capable suggests our bar is lower than is needs to be.  We need better than Luiz or Dendonker to move to the next level.  Just like we need better than Watkins. 

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  3. Unless he's playing really well and we give him the ball a lot when he is, he is a waste of a shirt.  I appreciate that you could ay that about anyone in the side but a number 10 is a luxury player and if it isn't working well, it's a waste of a shirt.  

  4. Just now, The_Steve said:

    We said he wasn’t for sale - how is that the case? So we should just roll over for them? 

    How is what the case?  No, we don't roll over for anyone. Absolutely, but this is a business decision and we have just lost 25 mill on a bang average player.  I appreciate that others rate Douglas, but unless he signs a contract, which he won't, then we have just lost money.  

  5. I reckon the only reason we turned it down was because we couldn't get a decent replacement in.  25 mill for a really average player, in the last year of his contract, is a really dumb decision.  Poor end to the transfer window. 

    • Confused 1
  6. There is a risk for Luiz that he might not end up at the club of his dreams if he decides to leave on a free transfer next season.  Signing a new contract with Villa might just be his best option.  

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