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Posts posted by Johnnyp

  1. Just now, Zatman said:

    He was sold a bit easy but he also had to run to try clean Young mistake. Was a poor goal all around

    I get that but that’s what teammates do - if they all played for themselves we’d get nowhere. Swings and roundabouts. Porous midfield for that chance in the first half where Adams went through, Young last ditched tackle. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Tom13 said:

    Based on seeing his technique and intelligence with our eyes.

    He’s the unluckiest or most persecuted player to ever pull on the claret and blue. Smith, Gerrard, Emery. None of them taken to him. Odd. 

  3. 6 minutes ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

    The goal was an error but Gnoto is some player to be fair and Young dealt with him well for most of the game.

    Can you believe they got him for 4 million.

    Leeds do their homework to be fair. They get more right than wrong. It’s annoying that they can out smart us in this department especially with someone like this kid. I feel we can outmuscle them financially all day long but they put in the hours scouting properly where as we can kind of be a bit lazy and hurried at times. 

  4. 2 hours ago, ChesterDad said:

    Fair summary - but this guy can play and must remain part of the group imo 

    Based on what ? Where’s the evidence to suggest this ? His best bits v Lorient and St Etienne on YouTube ? Yeah, Guilbert has those videos too. And Engels. And Wesley. 

  5. The Leeds goal was why he never made it here and won’t. There’s no conspiracy. There’s nobody not wanting to give a him a chance. He’s not even close to the most persecuted player ( subjective opinion to who that is ) to play for this club. Sanson isn’t that good. Stop looking for something that ain’t there and move on folks. 

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  6. 2 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

    Watching the highlights I forgot how weak he was for the goal, he's played for the foul and it's not even close, it's really poor

    Sold blip on otherwise playing Gnonto, who I thought looked good, perfectly

    I actually thought Sanson was dogshit for the goal. Made a token “ look I’m tackling someone “ motion without actually tackling Gnonto. Sanson hadn’t a bead of sweat on him. Was just on. Young was immense tonight i thought. 

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  7. 3 minutes ago, smg said:

    That may be true but sadly it takes time and patience, sadly Villa fans don’t have that and therefore are going to be disappointed.

    Getting Diego back will be huge for us. It helps that we are going relatively well. There will be no rush to get him back and his recovery can proceed in a careful and considered fashion. 

  8. 11 minutes ago, Wurzel said:

    Absolutely, to achieve European football we are going to have to upgrade Mings and Konsa, especially if Emery wants us to play out from the back.

    Guys can be coached , to a point. And you can’t recreate game scenarios to an exact science in training. I think Mings and Konsa have an absolute desire and want to carry out the blueprint Emery wants. It’s just not going to look as effortless for them as is it is to say Kamara. 

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  9. 2 minutes ago, Adam2003 said:

    Looked at voting for him in the MOTM thread and was like “nah, he was the best player on the pitch but I expect that of him”… can’t believe how quickly he’s set that standard.

    How he receives the ball and opens his body - i mean since 92/93 im following Villa. Townsend, Draper, Barry, Taylor, Petrov, Gueye ( to name a few ) ive never seen a midfielder at this club in my living memory, receive a ball like he does and nonchalantly leave the bloke pressing him for dust - and he’s not even that fast !! They say the first 5 yards are in a players head. This guy is testament to that. 

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  10. If he even has an off day i don’t care - he’s 37!! He’s doing what Ronaldo can’t. I know it’s said flippantly at times when players retire “ get him a role at the club “ Young stays at our club in some capacity for the rest of his working life. I really hope. 

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  11. 16 minutes ago, sheepyvillian said:

    What about the stupid shove in the box. Lucky, it could have been costly. He done some really good things, but he's not up to the standard of where we want to be. 

    Exactly. Villa fans want to go places but wanna stay stuck at the same time. The push pull technique. Make noises about Europe and kicking on but we only have living memory of mediocrity that it’s a sort of comfortable place to stay. Mings has a great attitude but he isn’t good enough ( just to confirm I’ve not yet gone to hell for writing and posting that ) 

  12. In an almost ironically weird way Gerrard will attain iconic status at this club incrementally as time goes on. Not for his managerial stint here. That was awful. He got this guy to sign . Gonna get popular by association basically 😂

  13. 1 minute ago, VillaChris said:

    Just a total class act.

    We've missed this calm head infront of back 4 ever since Barry left and Petrov then got ill so it's well overdue.

    So calm in possession and I really like he's always looking to play forward and he hit some lovely balls tonight, one in second half crossfield was exceptional.

    Only thing I didn't like is considering what a good game he had Leeds still cut through us too easily. Considering Luiz played DM for us for 2-3 years he's got to drop in more for the occasions Bouba can't intercept as they were in on our backline constantly tonight for 15 minute spells and a better team would punish us as Liverpool did the other week.

    Gareth was a fine player but if im putting him up alongside this guy the key and major thing that stands out is - balance. Barry was very left sided orientated. Not just passing, he had to receive the ball onto his left. Kamara’s balance is another level to Barry’s. 

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  14. 1 minute ago, villa4europe said:

    That's the difference with him imo he can take a touch that puts him in to space away from opposition players that are closing him down, rather than great tight control he can instead purposefully take a touch that puts the ball 5 to 10 yards away from not only himself but everyone else too, it's quality

    It’s what our MO should be now though. Villa should be proud of themselves, garner confidence at board level to be able to acquire a player like Kamara and be constantly going over the fine print and contract of every talent in Europe. Don’t rest on our laurels. Go do work like the work they did to get a player like Boubacar. 

  15. 6 minutes ago, smg said:

    It’s probably an age thing but I can’t get on board with ‘shithousery’ it’s f*****g cheating. If we need to run the clock down keep possession in safe areas use your skills/ brains but we as a team are becoming an embarrassment at the moment by adopting these tactics.

    I thought it looked quite poor from us. Like i said earlier, it’s not something id want us to incorporate in our game consistently. We were deliberately keeping the ball out of play at times - huge chunks of time. I don’t like it. Running the ball into corners is completely different, balls in play - tough shit if you can’t get it off us. What we did tonight was unsporting. Look, we won and i never seen us do it to that scale before and hope not to again. 

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  16. Lot of fans get in a tizzy about his wages. Who gives a **** . Are you paying it ? He wouldn’t of been signed if we couldn’t finance it. Enjoy him while we have him - a very long time hopefully. 

  17. My thoughts

    The win can dilute how you feel about the performance. We won, on the whole we were nervy and edgy. 

    Mings drops out when Carlos is fully fit i think. He has a great attitude but too error prone and his ball delivery to his LB and midfielders is simply too slow and laboured. I don’t think he makes the pass early because he simply can’t see it. 

    Kamara is class. Jury still out on JJ. Might he have been given too much before he actually earned it ? He’s at an age where he can learn if he wants to. He could drive on or it could completely go the other way and he could be playing championship in 12 months. Really. 

    We need Guendouzi. He’ll improve is. Dougie is too flighty. He’s a good player but has he honestly put 3-4 7/8 performances together consistently since he came here. 


  18. He’s going to create a serious amount of chances if our midfielders can arrive into the box. He’s not just launching it, he’s picking a man out. Mings did ( and will ) make him look worse at times because his feet are too slow and he gave it Moreno too slow and late , like he has Digne. Moreno at times got caught in in a 3 v 1 press because the ball is too late. The best LB in the world 9/10 won’t get out of those situations. I personally can’t wait for Carlos to come back. 

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