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Posts posted by mattyvilla

  1. That would be a big mistake on the club's part.  Aside from PieFacE's valid comment about a refund being appropriate, aside from the fact that the general standard of football on offer next season will be worse, aside from the over-inflated prices charged in the Premier League, and accounting for an extra few games to be played, there's a massive argument to say that the club really needs to get supporters back on side. The fans have been shafted, basically. Payback is due.

    Completely agree but even at our current prices we are cheaper than many championship sides already , time will tell , i for one am annoyed that i have to wait to get my installments started .

  2. 54 minutes ago, PieFacE said:

    So do we think that season ticket prices will drop much when we go down? 

    I kinda feel like they should be slashed in half to be honest, this season has been so bad, if I bought any other "product" that was this shit I would have asked for a refund. 

    No i think they will be frozen , they will use the extra games to justify it

  3. 3 hours ago, sidcow said:

    I was holding back the tears and a little choked when the Holte End stood up and sang defiance in the face of it all. Villa till I die. Had to stop for a while and compose myself as I would have started sobbing properly but all out of pure pride and knowing it's all about US,  not the cretins playing or the knob head who owns Aston Villa Private Limited Company. It's about US and one day we will once again roar another set of players onto great things. 

    I felt the same at that exact moment , my wife unfortunately couldnt hold back , i will hate lerner externally for this

  4. 20 minutes ago, Woodytom said:

    Was he still being singled out?

    Completely and utterly wrong if he was.

    Yes booed nearly every touch , guzan , richardson and lescott got it to a lesser extent

  5. So the mail are reporting there will be a new badge next season , with prepared being removed and the claws on the lion returning.I for one would love to see the 80's circular badge return.

    • Like 4
  6. The kids couldnt beat 9 man west broms u21's last night , im not sure there is anything to gain by blooding them.Generally speaking the better u21's are out on loan anyway

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, bretonvilla said:

    Does the law actually peirmit banners being  confiscated ( stolen ) and supporters being ejected from a ground . Is it legally an offence if it's not offensive behaviour ? 

    I believe they have the right to refuse admission , or ask you to leave for any reason they see fit , unfortunately its theirs now , not ours!

  8. The problem is , many of the players simply aren't good enough , you can't beat them over the head when Aston Villa have come along and offered them a boatload of cash , do people really expect them to say no im not good enough to play for you.The buck stops squarely at whoever has assembled this squad for me.

    • Like 1
  9. Yeah because that's what's getting column inches. I'm sorry mate but a walkout is a very visual thing and it translates brilliantly for the tellybox, far more effective than a chant.


    brilliant from all those who arranged it and participated, I'm very proud to be a villain tonight despite the loss, we showed fight as a fanbase it will make us much more stronger in the long run. Utv

    The gesticulating towards tom fox was also very visual , the volume increased after the walkout

  10. In my opinion , there isn't much to suggest at this stage that he's going to be anything other than an inconsistent wide player who only plays 10 games a season through persistent injuries , probably the last type of player needed in the championship

  11. The reality is protests involving not going will do nothing whatsoever. The game has been taken from the fans , they are more interested in you buying a sky tv package than they are in you paying £20 to sit in the stands. In the context of what tv payments are ,  nowadays gate receipts are spare change

  12. Is there any substance to this? , are we therefore closing the club shop , and food kiosks and only having 3 stewards for the rest of the season . I believe if we do well in the championship we will hit similar attendances to what we have now so there would be no need anyway?

  13. 1 minute ago, Silafou's_besi_mate said:

    Yes, this is for real...you couldn't make this up in a Holly script!

    I also find it hard to believe we are working on nikes numbers from 3 years ago , very sceptical

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