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Posts posted by mattyvilla

  1. 17 minutes ago, TheLeftSide said:

    I don’t get that? You’d be younger if born in September 58, wouldn’t you? My heads fried 😆

    I’m trying to contact them as my kid turns 18 in a couple of weeks but has been charged U21 price - you’d think there’s a standard cut off date for age categories, I’ll let you know once I manage to get through. 

    It will be because they will be 18 on the 1st day of the season I had the same 

  2. 1 minute ago, bannedfromHandV said:

    I’m not a ST holder and I get it, no one likes paying more for the ‘same’ but is circa 5% really that heinous given that we’re seemingly going full throttle to be one of the top 7-8 clubs in the country on a consistent basis? How do the costs compare with the other top 7 or so clubs I wonder.

    Also an extra 7% or so arrangement fee for finance , they have truly hidden this one 

  3. 1 minute ago, markc said:


    £89 admin fee on mine. I guess its done on a percentage basis,  2 tickets on my purchase.

    Yes 4 on mine , probably would have worked out cheaper to stick it in a card , done now though

  4. 6 minutes ago, Deano & Dalian's Umbrella said:

    My own unsubstantiated Theory is that they might be moving the away fans to where you are

    snap ,  extending to blocks either side of the current downstairs away section and giving the safe standing upstairs back to home fans

  5. 49 minutes ago, turvontour said:

    If the Albert Adomah 'doing work in the local community' poster isn't in the lower North toilets again next season, for the 6th season in a row, I'll be very disappointed.

    If and as and when they knock down the North stand and build a new one, I want that poster to be transferred to the fancy new rest rooms. It's the least it deserves. 

    It's ok you can cheer yourself up by buying the 3 match conference league deal from August if that happens

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  6. 45 minutes ago, Zatman said:

    People were taking the piss out of atmosphere online compared to the atmosphere in Rome and Marseille at same time

    i find i hard to belive they were at the games and online at the same time , the atmosphere last night couldn't have been any louder

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  7. 4 hours ago, mikeyp102 said:

    Hopefully, whatever happened in the lower Holte at HT the person is alright. On that, credit must go to the Olympiacos fans who clapped the incident and medical staff as much as Villa fans 

    All sorts of rumour which i won't speculate on but clearly very serious hopefully all works out. On the atmosphere thought it was deafening for the most part

  8. 100% isn't a winger for me , he struggles with the defensive side of that job , fully expect he will be a striker he will more than likely fill out even more 

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