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Posts posted by Enda

  1. Signed him in FM, and played him in a creative midfield role. He was excellent. Good move by Lambert, I hear you say?

    Nah, because I managed to get him for 4 million. So clearly this is a shit bit of business. Fox OUT.

    • Like 2
  2. I'd go with








  3. "We had chances"

    Mmm no we didn't Paul.

    Don't treat us like mugs.

    Well done on the clean sheets but don't swerve the attacking problem with generic bull shit comments like "we were excellent" "we created chances" and "all we needed was a finishing touch".

    None of those are true.

    Bit unfair that.

    We were clearly lacking up front, as evidenced by the "no shots on target" statistic. But:

    1. Zog's header was over but was a decent effort that beat the keeper

    2. Zog's free kick was half a yard wide

    3. Scottish Cafu had the ball just outside the 6 yard box. Thought he should have shot, but laid it back

    4. Andi (who was crap overall) swung in a lethal cross at one stage. Gabby was a few yards behind, but it was screaming for someone to just touch it

    5. Our best chance I think mostly went unnoticed. When Andi took the shot from 30 yards, Delph and French Roberto Carlos were in space to his left. A decent pass there and it was 1-0.

    So although we were poor up front, I think the "no shots on target" line is a bit misleading. We created about as much as we did last week and, as we all know, we got three points from that one.

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    We have been very coy with our acquisitions, not paying over the odds for average players like the rest of the league seem to be doing. By saying he'll only sign players if the price is right, he's not giving the selling clubs (if any are in the pipeline) the imputes to increase the price. 


    If he says 'yes I'm very keen to add another player' and on transfer deadline day we make a bid, that club is going to know that Lambert wants to add the player and will add a few quid..


    Wow, you must have a MSc in Economics as well as in Advanced Negotiation Techniques.



    As it turns out, I do have a masters in economics! And I think you're wrong on this one.


    One interview isn't going to make much of a difference, no. But if PL routinely said "Yes, we're certainly looking to add quality to the side" in press conferences, that would definitely change the tone when it comes to negotiations.


    Same reason governments routinely try to suppress poor news stories, and to not "talk down" the economy.

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