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Posts posted by KevinRichardsonsMoustache

  1. 12 minutes ago, gilbertoAVFC said:

    Grealish is 20 years old. He's far from our biggest problem, just has zero confidence. Has the national media against him for a bit of silliness - would rather us fans don't turn on him as well.

    Agreed that he's not our biggest problem. Definitely not.

    Unfortunately, he doesn't understand how to be a professional and he's more bothered about a feud he's having with Remi. He's not showing any commitment to the club - 50/50 balls not being attacked, runs not being made. Yes he's a confidence player. But frankly he needs telling that, like a great many players, he's clearly an a-hole and needs to earn his place. 

  2. 1 minute ago, BleedClaretAndBlue said:

    When you have limited quality, and i mean limited, you really need your team to have desire and fight in them to at least try to compete. With neither you end up with about 8 points from a possible 60 and get found out to be well and truly out of your depth.


    This. We've been carried by a few players for the last few years and it's showing now. 

    Fact is: both teams were poop in that first half. They were lucky to get the deflection. Little quality from either side but we have no idea how to respond. Genuinely, psychologically, they've forgotten how to win. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Villa87 said:

    And he's a Villa fan?!


    I can take a lack of quality, but a lack of effort is disgraceful.

    He's a villa fan but as his brain is tiny, he cares only about stabbing Garde in the back because he was dropped. It's like managing a f-ing kindergarten, I imagine. Kids with egos.

  4. If you're a coach of youth footballers, this is a fantastic example of how not to play or approach football.


    Grealish is the absolute image of the young, won-f-all, sense of entitlement, waste of space, a-hole that characterises twenty-first century football. Hutton is not a right back. Gestede is isolated. 


    This isn't a team. It's a bunch of individuals some of whom could be quite decent in their own right, I guess. Who in that team will cry when we go down? Cry for the club, not for the black mark of a relegation on their CVs? Modern football has bitten Villa on the arse.


    Not a premier league club. Good bye.

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  5. It's difficult for both Gana and Veretout. I have a bit if sympathy, to be honest. They're playing positions where they need to take responsibility in dictating tempo and style. Neither of them is confident enough as yet to do this and Sanchez is incapable of leading by example. 

    Prime among our many problems is this squidgy centre. 


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  6. 1 hour ago, markavfc40 said:

    It makes me angry when I hear this prat say we are building something special. As I said the other day the guy is either totally deluded or taking the piss out of the fans. We are half way through the season and cut adrift at the foot of the table and he has the audacity to say we are building something special. You couldn't make it up could you.

    Lets have a bit of honesty from the club. A bit of we got this, this and this wrong and a bit of holding up hands and saying I am partly responsible. The club have continually brushed things under the carpet by sacking managers and making them the scapegoats. No acceptance that they got things wrong. No acceptance that maybe the funds provided to the previous 3 managers were not enough to build competitive teams, no acceptance that those with an input to incoming players may alongside the manager have also got things wrong. Tom it seems is convinced that we have a decent squad of players. That the transfer policy over the summer was the right one. I'd hate to see how bad things would have been had we ended up with a poor squad and the transfer policy over the summer been the wrong one. I mean what a piss take. Two managers have been unable to get a win out of this mob for 17 games, two managers Fox chose, and yet this is a decent squad of players and we are building something special. I mean FFS.

    Things will never improve unless you can acknowledge and be honest that you have made mistakes in the past and given the shit Fox is spouting I don't expect things to improve any time soon for us.

    For all of the bluster of forums like this (myself included), I have to say that this is a beautifully-crafted post. Thanks, Mark.

    If you're googling what the fans think of the club and want, Mr. Fox, please read this.

  7. 28 minutes ago, HanoiVillan said:

    Would you be surprised if it turned out to be fraudulent in some way? I wouldn't. 

    This. I wouldn't want to libel anyone at this point, but it does stink to high heaven. Then again, quite a lot the club is doing is quite weird to put it mildly. 


    Is he Championship standard?

  8. Unless he is absolutely pants then I think he's been treated unfairly by the club. These are the depths that Aston Villa Football Club has sunk. 


    I wonder what what excuses he has been given as to why he doesn't play: 'we spent a lot on sorting your legs out, they aren't ready yet'. We don't think you can take the emotional trauma of another leg break'.

  9. I think there's far more going on than we know behind the scenes (unsurprising, I guess). The Delph and Beneteke clauses are the tip of the iceberg. I have no proof of any of this, but various things don't make sense.


    We know about the Adama clause - probably not surprising. I think they've clearly built clauses into transfer deals that have playing time attached to them, too. Remember Sherwood dropping Sinclair with his 'change of formation' and then, by the season's end, we discover that his transfer clause was activated by playing a certain number of games? Gestede's touch and general skill levels are pretty questionable, but he clearly had an impact on the Newcastle and WHU games. Then he's dropped to the bench yesterday. Kozak's case is utterly baffling too. We need firepower and no one will take a chance on him. Gil is much the same story.


    I'd say Grealish has a similar playing-time clause in his deal to trigger a new, lucrative, contract but frankly he's been a word removed with the lads.


    Randy, Fox and Co. aren't forcing the managers' hands with team selections, per se, they're simply tying them in red tape. This will only get worse the less points we have: the prospect of less in TV money next year will get them looking how to save prospective costs in future: these kind of selection clauses are perfect. This is not how a football club should be run and until it stops, no manager will be able to do anything truly excellent. A dead cat bounce from the Championship next season is the best we can hope.


    What I'm doing here is trying to explain away our problems, conspiracy-theory style. I just can't get my head around why the players we have - who are mid table at best - aren't gelling into an actual team. Maybe this is just business and to paraphrase the words of Mr Fox 'this is how every team on the planet works'.


    Positivity resuming in 3, 2, 1...

  10. Can a club declare that the season is over and that we won't be playing again? 


    I don't know if it's my time if the month or something, but I'm almost crying at this word removed. 

  11. Appalling football. Appalling tactics. No direction. We have been a dead club for a little while now and what we are seeing here is the protracted, sombre, yet boring, funeral.



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