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Posts posted by Kiwivillan

  1. My personal belief, (thought), is that everyone will get saved in the end.

    Having stayed out of posting in this thread (mostly for the fact that it's almost impossible to have a reasoned debate) I'm somewhat surprised that this particular quote is the one that makes me break my vow of silence.

    SnC, if you believe in the bible (which I don't believe is in doubt from the previous 100 pages), I'm amazed at how you can hold this view. As you are a fan of quoting the bible, I thought I'd give you John 14:6:

    "Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

    I'd have thought it pretty clear, if you want to get God, you have to believe in his son. I don't see how you could believe in the bible and believe other than this.

    Its very hard to explain..

    One man dosnt believe in Jesus v a man that does..

    Something in the life of either person triggered that way of thought/belief.

    So who's fault is it they gained this thought/belief, the man or the trigger?

    Adam fell for the trigger right at the very start...

    For the majority it's what Dawkins rightly decribes as a hereditary virus. I didn't choose to be baptised Catholic. My parents decided for me. When I was old enough to discern I rejected religion.

    It has been my experience(particularly in Ireland) that many people who count themeselves as belonging to a particular faith but "don't really believe" continue to christen their children,get married in church service, do so as a sense of tradition, or that it's the done thing.

    As for people who become religious in adult life, there is strong evidence that points to particular personality types being more susceptible/predisposed to accept religion.

  2. My personal belief, (thought), is that everyone will get saved in the end.

    Having stayed out of posting in this thread (mostly for the fact that it's almost impossible to have a reasoned debate) I'm somewhat surprised that this particular quote is the one that makes me break my vow of silence.

    SnC, if you believe in the bible (which I don't believe is in doubt from the previous 100 pages), I'm amazed at how you can hold this view. As you are a fan of quoting the bible, I thought I'd give you John 14:6:

    "Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

    I'd have thought it pretty clear, if you want to get God, you have to believe in his son. I don't see how you could believe in the bible and believe other than this.

    I'm pretty sure after following this thread God's not going to bother arguing with a JW...

  3. Also, on the topic of the afterlife, how old will I be for eternity? Will I have to spend eternity as a six year old? Or will I be 24 as I currently am? Or will I have to spend eternity as the age I was at death? If I have to spend eternity as an 89 year old with incontinence and dementia I'm going to be seriously pissed!

    Jesus bro! Read the bible. It's all in there. You clearly haven't read and understood it.

    Don't ask Julie though. JW have some wierd convoluted shit about 144000 cut-off limit. Then there is this Watchtower line about followers that die that doesn't fit with the bible.

  4. Leviticus Chapter 21:16-20 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, "Speak unto Aaron, saying, Whosoever he be of thy seed in their generations that hath any blemish, let him not approach to offer the bread of his God. For whatsoever man he be that hath a blemish, he shall not approach: a blind man, or a lame, or he that hath a flat nose, or any thing superfluous, Or a man that is brokenfooted, or brokenhanded, Or crookbackt, or a dwarf, or that hath a blemish in his eye, or be scurvy, or scabbed, or hath his stones broken."

    Where are you getting these quotes from taken completely out of context?

    Wait, what? Are you saying my interpretation of the bible is wrong? :shock:

  5. More WIN from Leviticus. It's official. God hates disabled people.

    Leviticus Chapter 21:16-20 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, "Speak unto Aaron, saying, Whosoever he be of thy seed in their generations that hath any blemish, let him not approach to offer the bread of his God. For whatsoever man he be that hath a blemish, he shall not approach: a blind man, or a lame, or he that hath a flat nose, or any thing superfluous, Or a man that is brokenfooted, or brokenhanded, Or crookbackt, or a dwarf, or that hath a blemish in his eye, or be scurvy, or scabbed, or hath his stones broken."

  6. Julie or steaknchips. Please tell me you don't believe Numbers 5:12-31 literally?

    I don't think you are at all interested in what the answer is to that question you are just trying to post up scriptures taken out completely out of context to try and catch someone out.

    Adultery was not permitted under the Mosaic Law - as it is in some Muslim countries today. If a man or woman committed adultery they could be stoned to death under that Law.

    However as I showed with King David who added to his crime of adultery with the wife of one of his generals.... by having the woman's husband killed in battle, he sincerely repented and was spared the sentance as was Bathsheba.

    Please focus. Do you believe the following is true or made up:

    27And when he hath made her to drink the water, then it shall come to pass, that, if she be defiled, and have done trespass against her husband, that the water that causeth the curse shall enter into her, and become bitter, and her belly shall swell, and her thigh shall rot: and the woman shall be a curse among her people.

    If you believe in belly-swelling and thigh rotting then I'm afraid you're retarded.

  7. Julie, are you sure of your ancestry going back 10 generations? Any bastards in there and you can't be in the Lord's congregation

    Deuteronomy Chapter 23:2 A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD.
  8. Mark chapter 16:16: They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

    Thirty-five christians died in America between 1936 and 1973 as a result of handling rattlesnakes. In 1998, John Wayne "Punkin" Brown, the leader of Rock House Holiness Church in Alabama died from a rattlesnake bite, leaving his 5 children orphaned as his wife Melinda had also been killed 3 years earlier handling rattlesnakes.

  9. Get two birds. Kill one. Dip the live bird in the blood of the dead one. Sprinkle the blood on the leper seven times, and then let the blood-soaked bird fly away. Next find a lamb and kill it. Wipe some of its blood on the patient's right ear, thumb, and big toe. Sprinkle seven times with oil and wipe some of the oil on his right ear, thumb and big toe. Repeat. Finally find another pair of birds. Kill one and dip the live bird in the dead bird's blood. Wipe some blood on the patient's right ear, thumb, and big toe. Sprinkle the house with blood 7 times.

    This is God's cure for leprosy according to Leviticus 14:2-52

    Why wouldn't you take the bible literally!

  10. Anyone know what this about?

    Get two birds. Kill one. Dip the live bird in the blood of the dead one. Sprinkle the blood on the [something] seven times, and then let the blood-soaked bird fly away. Next find a lamb and kill it. Wipe some of its blood on the patient's right ear, thumb, and big toe. Sprinkle seven times with oil and wipe some of the oil on his right ear, thumb and big toe. Repeat. Finally find another pair of birds. Kill one and dip the live bird in the dead bird's blood. Wipe some blood on the patient's right ear, thumb, and big toe. Sprinkle the house with blood 7 times.
  11. Glad this is all over and we've sorted it out... No? Ok then...

    Why do people who aren't Jewish believe in a book written by Jewish people, about Jewish people, for Jewish people then co-opted by the Romans.

    Also why is the Jesus story a conglomeration/carbon-copy of religions that existed before the Jewish people existed as a recognized group.

  12. How therefore can Atheists deride people for even daring to say that there is another explanation.

    I think most people baulk at mention of canopies, nephilim, and 400+ year old people living in ancient time as fact.

    (taken out of context to the quoted post but just saying you nailed your colours to the mast early on)

    There are lots of times where VT Atheists post up stuff that actually is easily refutable, which indeed reveals a lack of research etc on the Bible

    How about this. Jesus wasn't born in a manger surrounded by animals, shepherds, and magi, nor wsa there a great star in the sky.

    I completely refute that and for very good reason. I'd mention the fact that he wasn't born on the 25th of December but I'm sure you knew that was the case being a Pagan festival that they used.

  13. The bible's version seems perfectly sensible and reasonable when you realise the truth - the bible was written at a time when practically nothing was understood about science and human anatomy

    Agreed so how would the Psalmist King David so accurately describe an embryo?

    My post from above...

    David was the second king of Israel. He comes from the bloodline of Adam and Eve, Son of Cain etc. Were Adam and Eve Jewish too?

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