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Posts posted by welnik

  1. 49 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

    They either ban the account, or the console, you can google the specific error code you see to find out which it is. They don't care about your IP at all.

    If it's an account ban, I don't think there's anything stopping you from creating your own PSN account and playing Destiny on that.

    If it's a console ban, I think you're shit out of luck, you should probably spend your Destiny time over the next month thrashing your son so he knows better next time. ;)  

    Can I create a new account and transfer all the data as i'm 400 ll. I don't want to be staring again 

    Cheers Nick 

  2. So my son has managed to get himself banned from PSN for a month, which means I can't play Destiny for a month!  Is there any way I can get around this or is it all about my ip address. Is there any way I can mask my ip and will sony know? I wouldn't mind but he's only 12!

    Rant over, and calm!  Hopefully you all know more than I do and I can get on the Iron banner later this week. 

    Cheers Nick 

  3. Hi there,

     I installed "file commander" yesterday. It came with the phone (2 years ago), and was handy for when i'd downloaded PDF manuals. Anyway, the demands for me to upgrade to premium pissed me off so much, that I deleted it.So I had cause to use one of the manuals I had downloaded, couldn't find it, remembered "file commander", went to the app store, got it, all good! Got on with my job.

    I went to bed, turned off my phone, booted it up this morning, to no calendar or text messages. At all !!! Now, according to the storage app, there is 23.27mb of text messages stored somewhere, but I can't retrieve them. I'm hoping someone here who is a lot more tech savvy than me ( which, to be fair, won't be hard ) can possibly help.

    Thanks for any help,


     Cheers Nick

    P.S apart from this issue, it's still the best phone i have ever had, Th battery still lasts two days, even after two years!

  4. Hi there, 

     So although i am a level 40, i'm struggling on a couple of levels. Specifically, the Dreadnought level with the "tank". And although my 12 year old tells me i play like a paraplegic, I absolutely love this game, although it is the very first of this type of game i have played as it was the bundle with the PS4 when i got it.

    Usually it's F1 games.


    So, my user id is welnik1 if you would like to add me, 

    Cheers Nick

  5. Thanks for the reply. I'm looking for software that is not browser based, i.e. the messages from several different accounts/ISP's all come into one bit of software. Can I do that with Google Mail? I need to support POP and to be able to store mail locally on my hard drive so that it can be accessed without an internet connection

  6. Hi,


    I'm currently using Windows Live Mail 2011. I really like it because I have the whole family's email accounts set up and it will let you send and receive from any of the accounts. I also like the calendar as I can see it on several different devices and also through a web browser.


    The only thing is, it has been discontinued.


    Can anyone recommend a good free bit of software which will do the same? I've just ordered a new PC and I know that Windows Live Mail wont work on there.



    DJ Campbell, now 33 - playing for Maidenhead.



    His daughter was at school with mine about nine years ago, and they became good mates. They used to live in Bickenhill and my daughter used to go round his house quite a lot. As a consequence i met him a few times, and every time he was a complete bellend. 


     Cheers Nick

  8. Evening all, 


    I play a thing called "Superbru", what it is, is a social sports prediction game. What you have to do is, usually predict who gets pole, the top 10, and the fastest lap. I have been playing this game in a pool for the last few years now, and it does get pretty intense. It also adds extra spice to the race weekend. You would have to get your predictions in before qualifying starts or you won't be able to get the points for pole, which at the end of the season could make the difference between winning the whole thing and coming second.


    Once you have made your picks, you just sit back and relax! Until the next race and it all starts again!


    Anyway, I have started a pool called "VillatalkF1", the pool code is "dashloss". If you want to join me just go to superbru.com , click on the F1 tab, click on find pool tab, find the right pool, and apply to join. Hopefully we can get quite a few to join.


    If i'm stepping on BOF's toes then I apologise as i know. cheers nick

  9. So, my new Experia Z3 came last night. I say, what a machine!!!!!!!!! I'm sure it will take me ages to figure everything out. One thing i can't seem to find though. Can i turn off the data from  my 4g, i can turn off wifi but the 4g seems to be always on, which can be helpful but i want to be able to disable it to help with battery life. I'm hoping to get to 4-5 days on battery life. i don't use the internet on my phone much because i find the screen too small (even this one!). 


     Hopefully the rather groovy people on VT can help.


     Cheers Nick

  10. Has anyone saw 'The who' live over the last couple of years, well what's left of them. Thinking of getting tickets for one of their shows in december as its the final tour. All depends how costly tickets will be though.

    I saw them on the "quad" tour last year. I wasn't that bothered at the time i booked, but as it was "quad" i thought, what the hell. I am so glad i did, they were quite fantastic. I might have to go again.


    See you there!!!


     Cheers Nick

  11. Some small garages will charge you what they pay for the parts. And parts can be quite a bit cheaper trade.


    I had my entire A/C system replaced in my Octy for £600 by a highly rated local A/C specialist using the best make compressor (Denso). The parts alone retail would be more than a grand.

    Which octy do you have? I used to have the 2.0 petrol estate. A brilliant car!!! And so underrated, factory fit everything, a quite stunning engine, and was like glue on the road. only got rid cos i went VAT and had to get a van! A truly stunning car they really are (no i don't work for skoda!!!)


     Cheers Nick


    A couple of questions about Arya.


     Where is she going?


    She is sailing to Braavos, which is one of the "Free Cities" across the sea on the continent of Essos.


    What was the "iron" she gave the ships captain that made him change his mind?



    See Rev's answer above.


     Bit odd Stannis just turning up like that, how did he get there without being seen with his vast army?


    He hired ships and men using the gold he got from the Iron Bank of Braavos, then sailed along the coast of Westeros to reach the north side of the Wall (See the yellow line on this map). 


    Thanks for that. Wish i'd seen that before asking all the questions  :blush:  :blush:


     Cheers Nick

    • Like 1
  13. A couple of questions about Arya.


     Where is she going?


     What was the "iron" she gave the ships captain that made him change his mind?


    Also, "you are my son, she was a whore"  bang, cop that you bastard!


     Shame about The Hound, he was great


     Bit odd Stannis just turning up like that, how did he get there without being seen with his vast army?


    It's set up nicely for the next few seasons. I think , in the end, Bran will become king , and the dragons will kill Dany although i'm usually wildly wrong about these things


     Cheers Nick





    The song is perfect in everyway. The way it builds up to its climax, great lyrics,great guitar solo,great drumming.

    Kashmir FTW
    stairway imo is a better song for the reasons mooney has already said. But its an epic song for sure. Songs like stairway and kashmir are what set zep apart from rival bands like sabbath,purple and even the stones and the who. Those bands mentioned could not make songs like that and make it work.
    Sabbath and Purple, agreed. The Stones, arguably. But I think Behind Blue Eyes is up there with Stairway.
    love it, can listen to behind blue eyes anytime but have got to be in the mood for stairway.


    And it's not even the best track on what is a quite breathtaking album. And "Who's Next" is not even the best album either! Quadrophenia for me every time.


     Cheers Nick

  15. Hi everybody,

     I need a logo for my business .The one i had in mind was sort of a 3D cube with the "S" at the top and then "D" and "G" on the other two faces. I'm not too sure about colours and fonts and stuff. The colours on my website were just to get the site up and running. We built the site ourselves, but neither of us are creative at all!!!

     Has anyone done anything like this?

     How much would it cost me for someone to do something like this?


     Also if anyone has a better idea of what i could use please feel free to suggest as i'm sure some of you do this for a living, and will probably be able to do this in your sleep.


     Thanks in advance,


  16. Anyone here with any experience of Blackstar amps. They have a range with some built in effects, the "i" range it is. i was looking at a 30watt amp that they do. Now i'm no expert, so i don't know anything about them, but the sound wasn't bad. 

     Any help would be appreciated.


     Cheers Nick


    P.S. The sound i'm looking for is a little bit Gilmour/Rotheryesque, if that helps!

  17. "No hair, The Bozzies got no hair, The Bozzies got no hair......" Sung to Mark Bosnich when He was warming up at the Holte End goal. He had cut off his locks and looked like a thug, although to be fair to him, he saw the funny side of it and was laughing along with us.


    The day we beat the cheating scousers with a goal squeezed in at the near post from Downing(the turncoat). I'g got the radio on in my ear, Wolves scored, which meant the scum were down. The whole ground it seemed joined in with "going up, going down........". Ah those magical days, i hope they come back soon.


     Cheers Nick 

  18. Following on from the films thread.


     I'm a big fan of Peter Gabriel, and when my dad died we asked for the song "Father, Son" to be played at the funeral. My God I bawled my eyes out. We went to see the "Growing Up" tour a couple of months later, and at the end, it's just PG and a piano, I just knew I would be in floods, and of course I was. Even typing this is a bit hard.

    Also , another one is Britney's "Everytime". But you have to watch the video, as it helps make sense of the song.

    I'm sure there are others........


     So, What about you lot?



     Cheers Nick

  19. Hi.


    Son's 9th birthday coming up and he is after an Xbox. There seems to be a wide range of choices and I'm not sure what to go for. I wont be buying any of the shoot em ups or violent games and he doesn't like football games but he will want to play Minecraft.


    Which one should I go for? We already have a PS3 and Wii and I dont want to spend a fortune on the console.


    Anyone know of any good offers at the moment?





    ps What games would you recommend for a 9 year old?

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