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Posts posted by MarkLillis

  1. 11 minutes ago, Zhan_Zhuang said:


    Villa have lacked the right blend for as far as I can remember, "lightweight" is often a term labelled towards Villa over the years. It still seems adequate as way to describe us unfortunately. 

    This is how I always think of Villa. I’m used to it now.

    We are everybody’s fall guy when a team need a win….

    West ham you are welcome ☹️

  2. 2 hours ago, Laughable Chimp said:

    Have you seen United's scouting this season? Its horrendous. And that's from one of the biggest clubs in the world.

    My gut feeling is that the scouts themselves are good at their job. But its the upper management who decide what players to buy who are choosing against the scouts recommendation.

    I think this theory has a ring of truth about it.

    Maybe some managers are more risk averse than others.

    Take Graham Potter for example he probably would be happier than SG to take a risk on unknown CB.

  3. On 19/08/2022 at 20:30, VillaParkAvenue said:

    At Saints forums they expect 15m. But they also seem happy to give him away if that was the case.

    You realise that you can’t pay any attention to what fans on forums say…..don’t you? 😉

    • Like 2
  4. 6 minutes ago, Steero113 said:

    Mood/anxiety level/optimism levels on this forum is driven by one thing and one thing only. 

    Our performance in the last 3 league games only. 

    If we'd won the last 3 games we'd all be on a massive high and be eulogising over the squad depth, with various players being lauded for their performances and the club just needing to fill "perhaps one spot" with a quality upgrade. 

    As it stands, its the opposite, we've won one and lost two with mostly car crash performances, therefore all other clubs business is looking amazing, our squad is dogs**t and we need a huge overhaul before the end of the window just to stand still 🤣

    Most of that is in jest, but you get the point. 

    You say most of that is in jest but generally it’s is spot on the mark.

    Your not doing yourself justice with regard to the accuracy of this appraisal.

    Well said 👍

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  5. Not being a Southampton fan I haven’t paid much attention to this guy.

    Therefore I really have no idea if he’s a good footballer or not.

    If he signs for Villa I will watch him more closely and make an opinion then.

    • Like 2
  6. 14 minutes ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    And we know there is " no plan " because we are armchair football experts, or we don't see it coming off? 🤔

    You point out that they might have " messed it up " ( Arsenal ) but they would try it again.

    Do people genuinely think there is " no plan "?

    I'd prefer people to say whatever the plan is, is " shit " than to confidently declare there is " no plan ".


    professional football without a plan…..?

    We would have lost by far more.

    Plan that didn’t work most definitely. If he didn’t have a plan then he definitely hasn’t got a plan b which as we all know is every football managers ultimate downfall.

    We are really in the sh@t 

  7. 9 minutes ago, Galway Lion said:

    Beginning to realise why previous managers and other fans call Villa fans fickle.We really do have a large percentage of entitled fans 

    It’s not just Villa who have a large percentage of entitled fans……


    Man Utd



    I could go on……..you can talk to Baggie’s fans who think their club is well known for an attacking brand of football based on a couple of seasons in the late 70s

    Or West Ham fans who think that they should only see a certain brand of pure passing football when their team plays.

    All fans think they deserve a good team with a good style of play……it’s normal for a fan to think like this.

    • Like 2
  8. 20 hours ago, Zatman said:

    like the first minute of his debut when he hit the post at Spurs from a ridiculous shot, or when he made a great assist from Ollie at Norwich or when he helped change the game vs United and nearly equalised vs City


    Thanks for listing Carneys highlights.These have come during approx 20 first team appearances btw.

    I can’t be sure but I think Gareth Barry was in the frame for England by then.

    But Carney has hit the post I guess 😉

    • Haha 1
  9. What I have to say is that if a player has something special you see it.

    You see in the first few touches of the ball no matter how young they are (in fact the younger the player the more fearless they are).Gareth Barry or Jack are good examples and you could tell very early on that Lee Hendrie would have a good career.

    I have yet to see it with this boy.

    Good career maybe….great one  highly unlikely.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 9 minutes ago, allani said:

    But seriously none of my friends who support other PL clubs think we have a prayer of challenging for a place in the top 8.  They all think the Sly 6, West Ham, Newcastle and Leicester are ahead of us.  These are people who have followed football like me for over 40 years.  They think we are a bang average mid-table side.  My West Ham mates say that they wouldn't be interested in any of our players apart from Emi.  My Newcastle mates think that they have recruited much better than us.  My Sly 6 mates see West Ham and Newcastle as the main threats and laughed when I asked whether they thought we could challenge for Europe.  There seems to be a massive disconnect here.

    This is the after effects of our horrendous decline in the past decade.

    Nobody relates Aston Villa with having a good team anymore.

    We are not considered capable  of getting it right by the majority of (dare I say it….) knowledgeable football fans.

    In fact I find it hard to convince myself we can!

    • Like 1
  11. 15 minutes ago, bobzy said:

    Personally, I wouldn't really call it a rivalry.  Just the majority of Leeds fans are awful

    This is the truth…..they don’t back their own side…. they put pressure on them their intense desperation to achieve something like past glory (which cannot be possible in the current climate IMO)

  12. Very lucky not to drop last year.

    Ive said it before and I’ll say it again there is always a sense of desperation around Elland Rd especially in big matches. it effects their players and until they can attract the standard of player that can cope with the atmosphere there during important matches they will struggle.

  13. Just don’t buy it.Any of it!

    Replica kit is always overpriced and generally not good looking or particularly flattering for most blokes.

    it’s been a rip off for years.

    Agree with the point (sorry can’t remember who made it!) that kids prices should be subsidised so that we would have more young fans able to run around the playground or park in our colours.

    • Like 2
  14. 56 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

    nor me

    wasn't he in new contract talks with Leeds? something tells me the summer will end with Mr Leeds showing his "loyalty" whilst coincidently becoming their highest ever paid player, pep and man city sat at home bemused by the whole saga

    Then one year later sign for Man City because they paid his release clause and “he needs to play the highest level he can”

    Pep will then proceed to play him in approx 20% of the seasons matches….

    • Like 1
  15. I was just beginning my love affair with football and Villa.

    I hadn’t attended a live match (Dad was unemployed which was not unusual in 1982) but watched anything I could on TV and played every chance I got.

    I was actually on a Coca Cola super skills(remember them?) class at my local park and the coach finished early so we could get back to watch that game.

    I don’t remember much about it tbf Nigel Spink coming on and doing a lap of the living room followed by a very strange press up type celebration in front of the tv when we scored before being told to settle down it’s only football!

    At the time I thought Villa winning stuff was normal…the naivety of youth eh.

    • Like 2
  16. I have to say I want Leeds to go.

    Elland Road has an incredible atmosphere but the way they are it actually works against their side in important fixtures IMO.

    You can almost feel the desperation through the TV….

    Everton would be good for the spectacle but i think their fans have really rallied round once they realised how much sh@t they were in.They will get a result against Palace.

    However I think actually will be Burnley and that will be……dull.

  17. He was great for us! One of our best ever players without a doubt.

    However he is now playing against Villa, he’s not “one of us” he’s a player…a player that swapped possibly legendary status at his boyhood club for a bit part play in a trophy winning franchise. 

    If they win of Sunday it won’t be an Aguero moment there will be nothing special about it and the rest of football will forget what happened by the start of June.

    However an Aston Villa player scoring a winner or an equaliser will go down in Liverpool  history in the same way as Bosco Jankovic is fondly remembered here.


  18. I think that level of refereeing will improve as soon as we start quizzing refs after the final whistle.Like players and managers are.

    They should be interviewed about the key decisions in the game and asked for their perspective.

    We will soon see which refs are actually in control and know why they have made the decisions they make.

    It’s too easy for them at present no matter what there performance is like they are protected from the aftermath of their mistakes by refereeing pundits who watch replays and think of excuses for them.

    Make them defend themselves in the full glow of the media after all they are happy to take centre stage during the game!


  19. There is a lot of opinion out there on Steven Gerrard.It’s understandable that as he hasn’t exactly set the world on fire (like Howe at Newcastle that people feel underwhelmed.

    However the PL is an unforgiving league and a new coach will make mistakes and they will be punished.I think we have suffered from Gerrard and his teams “teething” problems this season and hopefully next year will be better.

    We aren’t the only fans to maybe expect to much from a new manger in his first season….Talk to a Wolves fan about Bruno Lage they are confused as to whether he is the right man or not too!

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