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Posts posted by weedman

  1. 19 minutes ago, nick76 said:

    I really struggle to see that mate.  What you are saying in theory is ok but reality I wouldnt think that's what they are trying to do.  I'm not sure Steer would want to be a yoyo and the club loaning him being at that risk themselves.  You go on loan with the intention of not being called back during that loan period.  In the scenario you are suggesting there is a huge risk for loaning club.  The only people that benefit are Villa, the player and the loaning club I'm not convinced it's a great deal.  Obviously goalkeepers dont get injured often but if Emi starts the first few games and then gets injured after the transfer window is closed and Steer is called back then the loaning club is screwed until next window.

    Pretty sure you can only be recalled during a transfer window anyway, I'm guessing to prevent teams being totally screwed over 

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  2. 3 hours ago, hippo said:

    Well we didn't give steer a chance when Heaton got injured. We went out and signed a top quality replacement.

    Im sure if a sizeble offer came in the club would listen. I just don't see a route back into the first team for him.

    I mean the circumstances around Steer and Wesley are clearly not the same though, you must be able to see that? 

    I'm not saying the club should never sell him regardless, I'm saying if the options are 1) sell at an enormous loss / basically give him away or 2) loan out until his contract expires and he leaves on a free then neither of those options make as much sense as 3) keep him here and see if he can still reach the potential we saw in him when we signed him.

    He's only played half a season for us, in a disjointed team in a new league in a new country. In that time he did...ok, nothing spectacular, but to completely write him - and the 20 odd million he cost us - off at the first opportunity is just crazy in my opinion. Its the equivalent of shipping Sanson off in the summer on a free transfer because he didn't do much then got injured after signing for £15m

  3. 20 minutes ago, hippo said:

    It's what happens when a player doesn't deliver goods.

    Barring a massive upturn in form he isn't going to be a regular in the first 11 - and no one is going to offer anywhere near £24m for him.

    Which leaves a series of loans and a sale at reduced fee the only option open to us.


    I mean, surely everything you've written there screams "give him a chance" rather than "cut our losses"? 

    There is still plenty of opportunity for him to be an important player for us, no need to just throw 20 odd million pounds away because his first few months were average and he then had an injury, why not wait and see how he recovers before completely writing him off? 

    Should we be looking to sell Sanson as well in the summer becuase he hasn't delivered the goods for us? 

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  4. 10 minutes ago, DCJonah said:

    You mention Leeds having a style of play. Do you not think having multiple years with the same squad helps build that?

    At this current time, Smith has completed one full season with Aston Villa. He's had one proper pre-season with the club. 

    This point is underrated, it's telling that the only managers ever compared to Smith are ones that have had years moulding their squads to be at a similar level as us. Last season it was Wilder, this year it's Bielsa

    Smith has had to oversee an enormous turnover of players and squad in a really short period of time, and despite this has generated a fantastic team spirit and seen us steadily improve since he first walked through the door. 

    He's not perfect, and there's areas that can improve for sure, but anyone that isn't happy with Dean Smith as Aston Villa manager needs to have a long think about where we were before him 

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  5. 2 hours ago, May-Z said:

    Can't argue with their penalty. Definite pen. What is frustrating is that Pogba knows it is coming when he is on the floor and does nothing apart from ensuring contact...then Luis obliges.

    Never a dive in Ollie's case. He's kicked. In a day and age when all that is needed by VAR to confirm a pen is slight contact then that's BS.

    Greenwoods handball is handball. His arm is up in the air ffs.

    Also, just after getting a yellow for pulling Watkins back, Maguire pulls his shoulder again, kicks him, then pushes him over out of play. Ref waves play on. 

    Just too much bias involved. 

    When that happened I literally shouted at the TV "the only reason that's not a fk is cause the ref knows he'd have to book him if it was", there may be been some more colourful language used. 

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  6. 2 minutes ago, Genie said:

    Why on Earth have they got a vocal Birmingham fan to give punditry on Villa? He hasn’t even played for either side.

    Its not like he's a high profile charismatic character either. Man is literally struggling to string 2 sentences together, it beggars belief that anyone thought it was a good idea to put him on TV 

    • Haha 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Mic09 said:

    I said I'd eat a hat if Delph was to leave.

    I was at the Derby 4-0 game and sent a message to my mate saying we're gonna win 10 in a row and get promoted, he said he'd eat a hat if we did. A week after we went up was my wedding and he ate a hat shaped cupcake as a compromise. 

  8. I was so confident that Solano would stay that I went a bought a shirt with his name on the back, he left a week later and I spent a season being ridiculed by everyone around me at VP. In hindsight I should have just bought a new shirt 

  9. 1 hour ago, Tumblerseven said:

    So wait are you saying that you actually think its all just an opinion and there is no correct action??

    So why the hell are you mad when people express theyr opinions on match thread its just an opinion by your own reasoning.Freedom of expresion and speech they can say whatever they want right?

    Here's the difference between someone having an opinion which no-one will get annoyed about 

    "I think we need fresh legs on, I wish Dean made earlier subs sometimes" 

    And here is what actually happens 

    "wtf is Smith doing not making subs?! Time to start looking for a replacement, we need a proactive manager" 

    Can you see the difference? 

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  10. The subs thing is entirely a product of video games where you make 3 subs every game, virtually never keep a GK on the bench and mix up the formation regularly, and the games are designed to make you do that so it just seems crazy when managers don't do it irl. 

    Sometimes subs win games, but most managers actually put their best team out on the day and trust those players to execute their game plan. Very few teams regularly make 3 subs before the 90th minute and you can watch teams making 2 subs after the 90th minute to waste time quite frequently. Subs are good to freshen up the team but the offset is that it will affect the flow of the team while they get up to the speed of the games. Not such a big deal when you're Man City and the likes, where your subs are £50m players, but when your subs are Nakamba, Ramsey, Hause etc unless a player is injured they are more likely to have a negative impact than a positive one. Despite that I'm sure that I read Pep uses one of the fewest number of subs in the league (although I could be wrong on that) 

    The idea that a new manager is going to come in and them making more subs will suddenly transform us is completely comical. What do we think having Ramsey get 20 minutes instead of 10 is going to change our season? Or switching to 442 with Davis up front is going to magically get us more goals and wins despite it not being a formation anyone other than Burnley would regularly use. Smith doesn't use many subs and it's clearly working over the medium to long term, so maybe he's right and we're wrong? 

    I can understand it in the heat of a game, I'm thinking about changes after about 20 minutes, but realistically no manager is doing that unless they've made a horrendous mistake in their team selection in the first place. 


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  11. 23 minutes ago, foreveryoung said:

    Bu but, there a midtable team we should expect results like this.

    Which is a fine stance to have, but some are desperate to complain that we are so far off Leeds when the reality is we're in basically the exact same position. An inconsistent mid table position

  12. 2 minutes ago, MessiWillSignForVilla said:

    I don't like complaining about VAR too much, but that's ridiculous, a red card for kicking the ball essentially.

    Yeah that's one of the worst decisions I've ever seen, stuff like this shows we need some match fixing investigations going on. There is no way that qualified referees genuinely think that's a sending off 

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  13. 12 hours ago, rodders0223 said:

    When is the club content going to go back to youtube so I can actually be arsed to consume it on the app I use all the time....


    The worst thing about highlights being on the app rather than YouTube is that there's no obvious "videos" or "match highlights" section on their app, you have to sort of figure out where it is by clicking on a bunch of things. If you want to find highlights of an older game it's pretty much  not going to happen. 

  14. You need stronger refs. I watched the 2nd half of the baggies Chelsea game and the ref kept play going all the time, didn't give those little "not really a foul but always seem to get given" free kicks and the game was so much better for it, was similar in the PSG game last night. 

    Having a ref that let's the "soft" fouls go means the whole game is better. We were pretty bad at going down easy the other day, but the ref blew his whistle at virtually every opportunity, so the players are always going to try it on and the result is a broken fragmented game where there's no real chance for quality to show. 

  15. 2 hours ago, GingerCollins29 said:

    Has to be back. He didnt play last time cus he was ill. 9 days to recover from an illness is more than enough, unless its a serious illness.

    Did Smith actually say that though? I'm sure I heard him say that he was progressing well but got an illness which set him back. He didn't say he'd recovered from his injury from what I heard, just that his recovery had been set back by getting ill, although I'm happy to be proven wrong on this one. 

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