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Posts posted by BG_Villa_Fan

  1. Obvious troll is obvious, tbh, not sure why so many people still bite. It's all about slagging off Villa fans. Apparently as a fan you may not :

    1. Express any disappointment, no matter what happens;

    2. Demand anything from the owner - better stewardship, better decision making, better hirings, invesment

    It works both ways. Apparantly we're also not allowed to be positive about the future under Randy's ownership or under McLeish's management.

    If we dont join in and cry onto our keyboards, we get told that we're 'clueless' or have our heads in the sand.

    Agreed. I'm not saying that being positive = clueless, but was more about the certain troll's schtick, which is highly offensive to a lot of people.

  2. Obvious troll is obvious, tbh, not sure why so many people still bite. It's all about slagging off Villa fans. Apparently as a fan you may not :

    1. Express any disappointment, no matter what happens;

    2. Demand anything from the owner - better stewardship, better decision making, better hirings, invesment - forget it , just clap your hands;

    Perhaps there are probably about 5000 fans who will put up with anything, even Venkeys/Thaksin/Yeung type owners. The rest uf us are worse fans than M'sG.

  3. Also, as you point how how good 9 in 16 was last season - are you suggesting that Darren Bent hasnt made an arse of at least (at least) 3 clear cut chances to equal that record this season?

    You talk like you haven't seen the man play. He's not the greatest finisher ever, yes, he misses easy chances, he's always done that. He's not the player who'll score on a single chance to win you the game 1:0 ( if he had been all that he wouldn't be here in the first place ).

    BUT, he's the kind of striker who gets himself in a lot of good positions, that give him a lot of scoring chances, while not necessarily scoring an extremely high percentage of them. However, when a team has 10 crosses a game and you watch the opposition defenders clear them all you don't think of how the striker could have been in a better position to take advantage and get to the ball before any of the defenders do. It just seems like half a scoring chance. Now, Bent is the kind of striker who gets to the ball more often than most other strikers do, he scores some and he misses some, but he's there to make these half chances into scoring opportunities, whereas, most strikers would just not get to the ball at all to even make an arse of the scoring chance.

  4. But, for his defence, he picked the team that 90% of the VT:ers wanted before the game, we all liked that!? The players doesnt perform = the manager gets the shit? I know that is how it works... But surely the players MUST be the ones taking the most shit from the fans?

    There's much more to managing a team than picking some players, every Villa fan can do that on paper. However, he should have known if players were tired, out of shape, their mindset, etc. Look at Brendan Rogers - he's rested some players, he's given his bench some playing time, he's kept his better performers fresh and sharp, all that despite not many Swansea fans willing to put the 11 he actually did at Villa Park. Still, he got 4 points from two very difficult games. McLeish should have known the players, or some of them, were not up for this Swansea game, that's his job - to know his players better than any fan who'd just put 11 names on a team sheet.

    On a side note, on McLeish, he's going to do just enough to keep his position, isn't he? He'll win a game here and there that'd keep us in mid table because we've got a vastly superior squad to some of our rivals, but he'll never be able to make a run of wins, he'd be doing just enough to keep his job.

  5. MON manages to squeak out another win after initially squandering a 2 goal advantage...

    Meanwhile Fulham ship 5 at home to ManUre - Jol really isn't all that is he???

    I'm beginning to think it was actually Poyet who was the brains behind Tottenhams success.

    i think that's more than likely to be honest

    edit : nvm

  6. I dunno what it is about Demba Ba. I just can't convince myself he's actually good, despite the goals.

    Whenever I've watched him he always seems to lack finesse, not to mention seemingly that much skill, he doesn't appear to be a good player... but he scores all the bloody time. I can't quite put my finger on it.

    This also applies to Mario Gomez.

    And a certain Darren Bent too.

  7. Anyone seen this quote from yesterday's MON press conference. When asked about how he left Villa he replied;

    "It is interesting because, to my discredit, I once broke a contract. But I did not break a contract at Villa. I broke a contract at Norwich after just six months but not at Villa.

    "That said, Villa have a great history and it was a privilege to manage there at the time — but this is a great opportunity now at Sunderland."

    It's been mentioned before, but doesn't this pretty much confirm the stories that Randy sacked Martin? If he didn't break his contract, then he must have been sacked.

    Well it was pretty obvious, it's just that most people prefered to lay the blame on the man who chose not to give his side of the story. ( which is fair enough tbh )

  8. He's safely back in Birmingham anyway. Perhaps he is sporting a newly acquired flak jacket :winkold:

    He heard McLeish was interested in Kaboul so Faulkner organised a scouting trip.

    You will now be quoted as a 'source close to the player' when some rag inevitably links us to Kaboul in Jan :)

  9. Yes, I think Sunderland finishing above Newcastle would be a struggle. Pardew is a very good manager, definitely better than MON. If you look at their squad it's better than anything MON could hope to assemble at Sunderland.

    Please don't tell me you honestly think Sunderland could finish above Spurs and Chelsea?

    lol is this the joke thread now?

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