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Posts posted by alreadyexists

  1. Blimey, I've not been online for a couple of days and there's an additional 100 pages. From reading the last 10 or so I gather that we've not been sold yet, and no one knows who is interested, but there's been speculation about quite a few people. Is it genuine that Lambert flew to new york for a meeting with Lerner? It's all go on VT!


    Am I the only one who cannot see that pic.

    You should be able to see these...



    By gawd they're nice. drool-smiley.gif


    I think they're the nicest I've seen for a few years, really impressed with the design. I think the home shirt last year wasn't great (although I bought it) and the away was better. This year looks as though they're both good. I like how the sleeves are ribbed for her enjoyment.

    • Like 1
  3. Is everyone ok if it's russian money, after the last few months?

    I hadn't really thought about it until you mentioned it, but purely in footballing terms, I wouldn't mind a Russian owner. If they stump up the money, I don't think I'd mind who it was. Unless they brought the club in to disrepute, I'd hate to see the AV name dragged through the mud because of an owner, like the SHA owner banged up in jail. Morally speaking, I suppose it would be harsh to label all Russian owners with the same brush; I don't like a lot of things the UK government have done in the past, so I wouldn't like someone to imply that I am part of those decisions when I'm not. Interesting question.
    I agree with you that not all russians should be judged by what's going on.

    At the same time russian billionaires are either pals of, or at the very least accepted by, Putin or in jail.

    I wouldn't want our team or name be tarnished in any way because of some connection to global politics like this.

    Meh, I'd suggest that any individual (russian or otherwise) who has amassed vast swathes of personal wealth has probably had to make some moral compromises along the way. but haters gon hate

    To be clear I'm not saying we should absolutely not have a russian owner. But I think it's a relevant issue in this time.

    My own feeling is that I would rather have for example an American owner.

    Totally agree it's a relevant issue. Like JuanPablo said; most individuals rich enough to buy a premier league football team have probably had to make questionable moral choices in the past (I'm sure with some exceptions). Having a Russian oligarch owner doesn't seem to bother Chelsea fans too much though, or damaged the name of the club. Not suggesting any owner would put that much money in, but success would certainly help fans warm to them. Interesting what villa-rev is saying re: two owners lined up, I assume it's fairly imminent then?

  4. Is everyone ok if it's russian money, after the last few months?

    I hadn't really thought about it until you mentioned it, but purely in footballing terms, I wouldn't mind a Russian owner. If they stump up the money, I don't think I'd mind who it was. Unless they brought the club in to disrepute, I'd hate to see the AV name dragged through the mud because of an owner, like the SHA owner banged up in jail. Morally speaking, I suppose it would be harsh to label all Russian owners with the same brush; I don't like a lot of things the UK government have done in the past, so I wouldn't like someone to imply that I am part of those decisions when I'm not. Interesting question.

  5. Incidentally this is from around the same time (season? Too young to remember)


    Are the stripes on the new kit that thick? ;)

    I think I'd settle for a pinstripe halfway between this and the impression we've seen above. So far I really like what I've heard of the new kit. I must say I do like a good round-neck shirt though.

    I'm a bit too young to have been certain but turns out it's 1994: http://shop.avfc.co.uk/shop/aston-villa-retro-1994-league-cup-final-shirt/index.html yours for £35 (sorry to go slightly off-topic).

  6. Ha! Remember that blue-ish one, with I think the Müller sponsor, Bosnich era; that was a belter!?


    Cannot find it anywhere. I'm convinced it was never actually sold.

    Look at that beaut of a kit. Just did a quick google and found the bluish goalie kit with AST on, reebok turtleneck, perhaps you can track that down?
  7. He's praising Sevilla (his former club) for making it Europa final tonight.

    "C'mon ******. They say never give up. How big (the win)!!!! Go Sevilla

    Ha ha, I was miles away! Oh well, cheers mate.

  8. Not sure if it means anything but Luna just tweeted:

    Vamooooooooooooooooooooioooooooooooosssss coñooooooooo,dicen que nunca se rinde!!!!! Que grandeeeeeeee !!!!! #VamosmiSevilla


    Which in my pigeon Spanish means something about 'never playing' 'how great' and the hashtag means I'm going to Seville. Hmm... does it mean we're more likely to sign Bertrand, or perhaps I've completely got the translation wrong!?

  9. Disappointing result today against Swansea, although I did pretty much expect it. And in a way it sort of echoes my overwhelming feeling about Paul Lambert; one of disappointment. When he first took over in 2012, remember when we thought it might be Solksjaer, I was really pleased that it was Lambert in the end. I knew how well he'd done at Norwich and hoped he could replicate that success, but with a bigger club obviously pushing to the next level. Ultimately, I suppose I always knew, once the severe budget restrictions were placed on the team, wages and transfers (although to what extent these are concrete we can only guess, will they be in place for the next manager too?) that it would be a very high risk strategy. Low risk in terms of money, but high risk playing with Villa's top flight status. It simply hasn't worked, even if we are to stay up this year where will we be in 5 years... Under new ownership, new manager, and probably a whole new squad, because this just isn't going to work long term. It's a real shame, as I think Lambert could have done well here, given the financial backing. But now he's lost the fans, and possibly some of the players too, so I think it's a matter of when, not if, he goes now.

    I'm sorry I can't agree with that.Yes Lambert look the job knowing the financial constraints but he spent £40m by most peoples estimations. I am, bizarrely perhaps, one of the few that do not think he bought too badly.

    What has happened in the last two seasons is that Lambert has been woefully exposed as a manager who is completely out of his depth in the Premier League. I just don't buy the fact had the circumstances been different argument. He has been completely found out as a manager and I seriously doubt he will ever manage in the top flight again. The biggest problem has been Lerner's reluctance to put Lambert out of what is clearly is his misery

    Yes - he probably has spent roughly 40m, but that's not on a couple of players, it's to build a squad, which (although I think football money is obscene) is not a great deal of money... The argument of whether that was necessary is a different one, and one we're unlikely to be able answer. Part of what I was getting at is the wage side of it. If Stoke and Swansea are paying more than us then who will come here regardless of the transfer fee?

    It's really not my place to defend Paul Lambert, and I've no intention of doing so, but in my opinion his job was made a lot harder by the strict financial restrictions and to say it didn't make it harder doesn't seem realistic to me; football is about money now.

    I do totally understand the argument that aside from the financial restrictions, he's simply unfit for the job, and tactically he's poor and so on. It could well be right, but it is difficult to separate the two factors when they're so linked in terms of how we perform.

    Edit: typo

    • Like 2
  10. Disappointing result today against Swansea, although I did pretty much expect it. And in a way it sort of echoes my overwhelming feeling about Paul Lambert; one of disappointment. When he first took over in 2012, remember when we thought it might be Solksjaer, I was really pleased that it was Lambert in the end. I knew how well he'd done at Norwich and hoped he could replicate that success, but with a bigger club obviously pushing to the next level. Ultimately, I suppose I always knew, once the severe budget restrictions were placed on the team, wages and transfers (although to what extent these are concrete we can only guess, will they be in place for the next manager too?) that it would be a very high risk strategy. Low risk in terms of money, but high risk playing with Villa's top flight status. It simply hasn't worked, even if we are to stay up this year where will we be in 5 years... Under new ownership, new manager, and probably a whole new squad, because this just isn't going to work long term. It's a real shame, as I think Lambert could have done well here, given the financial backing. But now he's lost the fans, and possibly some of the players too, so I think it's a matter of when, not if, he goes now.

    • Like 2
  11. I'm getting the Villa nerves already, I think this is a really big game (they all are now I suppose!) but would love a win. Honesty, can't see it, but might get a draw. Sky sports said average of 2 goals a game between us and Swans, so I reckon a 1-1.

    I think:


    Lowton vlaar baker Bertrand

    Bacuna Westwood albrighton


    Weimann Gabs

    (Sorry for terrible formatting, I'm on a phone) was on the cusp of kea for bacuna.

  12. It does seem very suspect that they managed to get the team sheet ahead of time, I can't think of an example of anything similar happening before (although it probably has). And it's therefore difficult to guess what sort of punishment is likely to be meted out.

    Would simply knowing a line-up have changed the game that much? I assume they must have also had some more in depth tactical information, otherwise what good would just a line-up be?

  13. Saw Football Focus, they just mentioned about 30seconds on Carsa and Culverhouse suspensions, then praised the Southampton team for 2 minutes.

    They do have a good side, stronger than ours, and they probably played better than us last time we played even though we god the win. Trying to be optomisitic so I'm going to say 2-2 they score two in ten mins and we spend 80 getting the equalisers.

    If we lose today, it might mean the eggsit of Lambert...

  14. I remember him being the stand out player in what was in truth a pretty poor Watford performance in the Play Offs against C. Palace last year. He showed a bit of quality.

    That said I can't see us stumping up 8mil for him, think what 8mil could buy in a non-British player (there does seem to be quite a premium on young British talent).

  15. Radosevic against Belguim.... Can't find much on YT about him... but if the scoutings right then i don't have a problem with us getting him of course that's if we are even interested!

    From the video he seems like the sort of midfielder we thought Sylla would be this season... High pressing to win the ball back and play it to the other midfielders...

    Looks like he's borrowed Tonev's boots at 1:05! [edit: I was too slow with my Tonev crack, apols.]

    To be fair he looks ok though, but it's so hard to tell anything from YouTube clips, I'm convinced you could make Messi look crap with one. He did seem to make a few errors, and would probably got a yellow card for one of those challenges in the PL.

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