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Posts posted by alreadyexists

  1. Well we may lose, and if so it would be away to an undeniably stronger side. No shame in that, and it might check any expectations on our side after games 1-3. As long as we play to our strengths we do have a decent shout of getting something from it though.

    Totally agree. the days of us challenging for the league aren't now, but hopefully some day they will come again. For now I will take just playing well, and accept that there are better teams than us in the league, I don't think that's defeatist, just realistic. But I would love us to pull it out of the bag today and get a result, even a draw would be good. Come on Villa

  2. He's 14/1 to score first, those aren't bad odds considering he's been pretty productive so far. Like others have said, you generally can't argue with his work rate, and now he's getting end results from the hard work then that's all we can ask. Go Andi!

  3. "Tom, would you rather face a Gorilla with a cricket bat or a Polar Bear with a Taser?"

    Did he answer that one?
    The gorilla with a cricket bat I can buy, but how would a polar bear hold a taser?

    Yeah I thought that, but then even if it ate it and you were faced with a polar bear, i'm not sure whether I'd prefer the gorilla or not.
    Surely it means you have the bat vs. The Gorilla or you have the taser vs. The Polar Bear haha not you against a Polar Bear with Taser-in-paw you doughnuts
    That makes more sense. I'd assumed the bat and the taser were cellotaped to the hands of the gorilla/bear, like the PG Tips monkeys back in the olden days.

    Like someone else said, professional footballers get a lot of crap, those that can't take it get out of the game a lot earlier. Not excusing it at all, but I doubt he cares one bit about it. It does seems a bit of a PR blunder though, surely they'd expect a fiat bit of trolling.

    [i didn't add that link, it goes to amazon, no idea why it's there]

    • Like 2
  4. Guzan

    Hutton vlaar senderos cissokho

    Cleverley Sanchez delph

    Nzogbia benteke gabby

    I love that we've got a consistent (so far) back four and GK, or at least one that seems to pick itself, it's a luxury we've not had for a while.

    • Like 1
  5. Feel like we could win, but gonna say draw so as not to jinx it. Only two questions for me:

    1. Will Sanchez or Cleverley get a start (not necessarily an either/or scenario)

    2. Which Liverpool player dives for the penalty

    Would like to see Bacuna get some minutes. I know it probably isn't the best game for him to start, but then realistically which game coming up is?


    I can't see Lambert changing a winning side. It would sort of undermine how well some of the players have played, so I think we'll start like against Hull. 

  6. Was Ian Storey-Moore still a scout when lambert first came to the club? If so, could be him coming back?

    EDIT: just googled him and he left with MON.

  7. Trent has said, literally about 6 posts before this one, that he did know, but couldn't do anything about it.

    I had already read that. Let me reiterate for you: I don't buy it.

    This is his staff. They answer to him and he can hire or fire as he pleases.

    Now not being willing to take action - that I can believe. But not being able? That's a big stretch.

    Fair enough, it's not my place to convince you of anything. I personally can believe it though, employment law is applicable to football clubs as well as it is to anywhere else and without proof it would be very difficult to fire someone without some messy legal proceedings. I don't think they we're Lambert's staff really either, they're employees of Aston Villa, so he can't hire and fire anyone without buy-in from the company, who also have to be willing and able.

    I'm in the same position as most of us fans though, I've only a vague idea what has happened based on some vague stuff in the press and limited releases from the club. Perhaps we'll never know. I do feel as though there's more than meets the eye with this one.

  8. Maybe because knowing something was going on isn't the same as proving it?

    Thats the thing, we don't really have enough facts to know one way or the other. Which is why it's ridiculous when people say that Lambert 'could/should have done something earlier' when we don't know what

    happened exactly, how long it was going on for or how long Lambert knew there was a problem before he acted.

    The early signs with Keane are positive. Maybe Lambert & Keane can be our Clough & Taylor ........ that would be something :)

    This I can't buy.

    Whether we know the facts or not, he is the manager. It is his job to know - and to act accordingly.

    If our performance towards the latter part of last season was down to those 2 clowns, then Lambert did not just show poor management by not removing them earlier....

    ... he risked the premier league status of the club, which borders on incompetence.

    Trent has said, literally about 6 posts before this one, that he did know, but couldn't do anything about it.

  9. He played 90 minutes yesterday for Danish U-21 and did well. 4-2 vs Russia.

    He said that he felt no problems with his knee.

    I was hoping for a highlight video.

    This was all I found.



    Found a 1min highlight reel, but it only shows the Russian goals, and you barely see any Danes, so it's virtually pointless, but here it is:


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