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Posts posted by Bizzzle

  1. 3 hours ago, screwdriver said:

    This is an absolute disgrace. A flukey last min win over watford via a deflection and all the transfer news has gone quiet!  like everything is rosey.....well its NOT!

    We still need 3 more strikers. Only  calibre of Beneteke, Sturridge and Piatek.

    People getting excited about semmater? like who?  How can anyone say this guy deserves to wear the sacred Villa shirt in the premier league, more than scott hogan and Jimmy Kodjia? you really think he can move to birmingham and hit the ground running? dreamworld!....

    This is wesley MK2 crap touch, bad decisions, breathing out of his ring after 15, one solid tackle and he's rolling around screaming....  for the next 3 months whilst he "gets up to speed"  the belgium boys are laughing all the way to the bank having offloaded junk to us time and time again. I refuse to even acknowledge him unless he proves himself by scoring a hatrick on his debut. minimum.

    I just can't understand the appeal of shopping in belgium, I bet deano gives it the big one about his no brand chinese phone that no ones heard of either!  "check out the goophone lads"

    he must be taking a big brown envelope stuffed with francs from behind the radiator in the gents of the chorley services to keep scouting there, then moan about a process that has been in football since year dot. It's called completing a transfer.

    “Check out the goophone lads” made me laugh out loud at work! So thanks for that haha I love your posts

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  2. White House farm is pretty good if you can get over Stephen Graham’s awful Welsh accent! I like Stephen Graham but he doesn’t have be in every single British drama! Why they couldn’t have just used a Welsh man I don’t know 

    I have watched documentaries on the case so I know who dunnit but I won’t ruin it for those that don’t know 

  3. I actually liked the new Terminator film but I get why people hate it. There were things I really didn't like about it but for the most part I found it entertaining. Definitely the best squeal after T2 for me

  4. Can't really get my head around why tickets are so expensive for the games against the top teams. Us Villa fans are paying to see Villa not Man City or who ever so it should be the same price as any other game imo. I am sure there is a reason for it but 50 bloody quid to watch a game where we will potentially get hammered and is on TV anyway?! Pfft no thanks 

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  5. People keep going on about how good the Jojo rabbit is (not just on here). Is it really that good? Because the trailer made it look like absolute dog shit! I mean like Mrs. Browns boys level of dog shit comedy! But if it's decent I may give it a watch

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