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Posts posted by Bizzzle

  1. Finished gangs of London and really enjoyed it although it was a bit over the top and far fetched at times. Hope there will be a second season. 

    Just started watching Upload on Amazon prime which I'm really enjoying so far 

  2. 1 hour ago, Xela said:

    They've all done pretty well I think. Obviously not at Gervais levels but Merchant does a lot in LA nowadays. 


    Merchant's contribution makes the shows better. He's a really funny bloke and him and Gervais work so well together. In the XFM shows, its Merchant who is better at telling anecdotes and jokes IMO. The three of them combined just work perfectly. 

    I always found Merchant the funniest of the 3 on the xfm shows! It’s a shame they don’t get together any more I’d love for them to do another podcast or something. I like afterlife but it’s nowhere near as good as the office or extras imo I think Gervais works better with merchant although I wasn’t a massive fan of life’s too short 

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  3. 2 hours ago, stuart_75 said:

    So stuck with it and finished the whole season, not bad after all. Timothy Dalton is good along with the Brendan Frasier/Robot character. Worth checking out if you can "acquire" it.

    Also started Counterpart. First 2 episodes are showing promise. Reminds me of the TV show Fringe meets Jason Bourne. JK Simmons knows how to act, so that's a good start.

    I loved both counterpart and fringe 

  4. Can get a smoke pretty easy still which is good. I've stocked up. I'm happy to lockdown but I'll be dammed if I'm doing it without a smoke!

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  5. Watched a film called Vivarium last night and it was hands down the strangest film I've ever enjoyed. It was like watching one of my panic dreams on TV! I'd give it 7/10 but could understand why people wouldn't like it 

  6. 12 hours ago, kurtsimonw said:

    Finally watched The Death of Stalin tonight. I'd put it off for a while as I find 90% of comedies to be a bit shit. Wish I hadn't, it is fantastic.

    Absolutely loved that film!!!

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  7. Watched a fair few recently. 

    Outbreak 7.5/10 love a cheesy 90s film

    Contagion 6/10 pretty boring imo

    The platform 7/10 **** weird but decent 

    Birds of prey 5/10 pretty poor 

    Bloodshot 5.5/10 had potential to be good but really wasn't. Still relatively entertaining mind

    Underwater 5/10 meh wouldn't waste your time with this 


  8. 45 minutes ago, wazzap24 said:

    The second season disappeared so far up its own bum, it was tickling it’s tonsils. 

    I still loved it but I do get what you mean. It was far more complicated than it needed to be. I’ve heard the 3rd season is much easier to follow though 

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