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Posts posted by Bizzzle

  1. 3 hours ago, Kuwabatake Sanjuro said:

    Yeah I watched the first couple of episodes last night and thought the same, some very wooden performances in it too apart from mayber Stephen Rea and one or two others.

    Another thing is the theme music like a lot of the netflix originals is awful. I'll persevere regardless.

    Christ the theme music for the stranger was absolutely awful! So glad you can skip it 

  2. Finally finished After Life. Meh it was okay I suppose but I’m honestly not sure why it gets so much praise. It’s not even close to being as funny or as clever as the office or extras imo. I will definitely watch season 3 mind 

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  3. Watched the 1st episode of something called Solar Opposites last night which is a new cartoon by Justin Roiland one of the guys that does Rick and Morty. It was pretty good tbf it felt a lot like Rick and Morty but one of the characters sounds almost exactly like Rick which was kinda distracting. If you like Rick and Morty there is a good chance you will like this too

  4. 2 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

    I'm not sure the violence itself is silly. It's very graphic and probably one of the most violent shows I've seen on British TV. But it's realistic violence, if that makes sense. It's not like cartoony fountains of blood or anything. It's just if someone is shooting someone in the head, you see them getting shot in the head. If someone is getting their throat cut you see them getting their throat cut.

    But the storyline itself gets very over the top the further you get through.

    I'd almost say it's worth watching just for the first 4 episodes. I really did think they were very good indeed. But it goes downhill after that.


    Edit: I also want to watch Top Boy but can't find a decent source for the first two series. I think it's only season 3 that's on Netflix

    Series one and two are on Netflix too because that is where I watched them. The first 2 are called Top Boy Summerhouse and the third is just called Top Boy 

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