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Posts posted by bobzy

  1. If we spend anywhere near 3 million on Hoolahan it will be a joke


    It would just prove that we are extremely limited in the scouting department


    I'd rather we not sign anybody than waste 3 mill + on a 32 year old with no resale value


    Save the 3 mill scrape through to the summer and put it towards getting Kiyotake


    "Extremely limited in the scouting department" - what a load of bollocks that statement is :D



     people basically want an oil merchant to come in and pump hundreds of millions into the club yet again.  

      because of our performance in the transfer market.....but irrespective of the net worth of an owner, no right minded business man is going to subscribe to our record.



    Lerner can certainly be held accountable for hiring poor managers or not ensuring the clubs finances were in order from the off or even holding over ambitions of getting into the CL when this was unlikely giving the amount of money coming into the game.


    However, what he can't be accused of is our performance in the transfer market.  He's not a "football man" (one of the most horribly overused phrases around at the moment) and would've trusted O'Neill when purchasing some of the expensive dross that he did.  He provided the funds and provided the impetus for us to build on but the money was poorly spent and, after a couple of years of exciting football, we find ourselves here.

    • Like 1
  3. If Lambert was given the kind of money O'Neill was, this thread wouldn't exist and we wouldn't be struggling in the same shape we are.


    I still enjoy that people basically want an oil merchant to come in and pump hundreds of millions into the club yet again.  We've been there, it went wrong, we're now paying for it.  Why the hell would you want to repeat this?

    • Like 4
  4. Man U have just spent 37m on a player.

    While I do not expect us to spend on that level there have been one or two players available on loan which could have improved us further if the right level of finance had been made available.


    Man Utd have panic bought a player that (whilst world class) isn't the solution to their problems.


    Unless you're saying you want us to do just that?

    • Like 1
  5. As an aside, by the way, all of this "bad blood" is a shame.  I've always quite liked Norwich and they're not really an offensive club (unlike, for example, Sunderland and West Ham who I actively want to be relegated).


    I'm just hoping that the persuit of Wes is over if Norwich don't want to sell.  There's only a week left and we really do need a creative midfielder so let's just look elsewhere and leave him with them.

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  6. I haven't said you're being unreasonable.  It's whatever is in Norwich City's interest - I'm concerned about Aston Villa.  I'm just quite surprised that they won't want to move a player on that;


    a) Doesn't play regularly

    b ) Wants to leave


    c) Is 31 years old with not much time left on his contract


    If Norwich want to keep an unhappy player, by all means go for it guys.

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    Yet we are supposedly showing being pathetic or showing a small club mentality by refusing to sell you a first team (regularish) player at a knock down price? Can you not see the irony in those claims? Our manager is still on thin ice with our fans at the moment. Selling one of our most popular (and importantly an attacking player with a bit of creativity) players to Lambert for a pittance would be appalling PR for him and its therefore massively naive for anyone your end to think that this approach would ever going to be successful unless you were offering very good money.




    I agree with a lot your post on principal, but Hoolahan has played 9 games this season - 4 of which have been substitute appearances.  I don't know how this fits in with being a "first team player" but I'd assume you won't be getting a transfer fee for him after this window (31 year old, not playing regularly, lack of time on his contract).


    What are Norwich honestly holding out for?  You'd almost be better selling him for £750k given the lack of impact he's having on your season.

  8. I have no problem with Norwich not wanting to sell to what they see as a direct rival.  If they don't want to let go of a player who wants to go then that's their lookout.  I couldn't give a monkeys what happens to them and am only concerned with Aston Villa.


    If they want to be difficult, we just look elsewhere.

    • Like 1
  9. Apparently PF is travelling somewhere, hopefully its Spain to sign up Dongou, looked absolute quality in the NextGen Series last year, joint top-scorer alongside Drennan??


    Loan Drennan to Carlisle, bring in Dongou to replace him... plan.


    Being as people want some excitement I may as well continue, it beats the doom and gloom anyway. Here is Graham Hunter's view on Dongou (the Spanish football journo):



    “I’m not going to say he’ll be better than Messi, but he made far more of an impact on me than Messi did as a 16-year-old. He’s a completely different player, a striker whose physical shape is going to be a little bit like Romario, but his attitude and work ethic is going to be a little bit like Eto’o. If you get a laboratory and put those two players together, you’d probably take the product"





    By the "utterly shit part", I mean in terms of transfer dealings and the infamous budget.  I'm only speculating, but it looks as if we've shifted the expensive stuff which (in theory in theory in theory) means that we'll be able to add more quality now.  I'm thinking it'll happen in the summer and, as BJ says, Hoolahan would be a decent short term signing for this period.


    Not really short term if we are signing him, not loaning him.



    A 31 year old.  If we give him a Shay Given contract I'll cry but, other than that, can't see it being anywhere beyond 3 years.  Max.

  12. By the "utterly shit part", I mean in terms of transfer dealings and the infamous budget.  I'm only speculating, but it looks as if we've shifted the expensive stuff which (in theory in theory in theory) means that we'll be able to add more quality now.  I'm thinking it'll happen in the summer and, as BJ says, Hoolahan would be a decent short term signing for this period.

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