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Posts posted by bobzy

  1. 13 minutes ago, Zatman said:

    Portugal like England has 2 domestic trophies and the trophies he won are the easier to win League Cup as play about 4 games. He has done a good job but he was a top 5 record transfer for a manager so I would expect more if honest

    Many managers came from Portugal with better records and struggled

    He's broken multiple records as a manager over there (fastest to win 50 games etc), so technically has a “better” start to his managerial career than Mourinho.

    Still a risk, of course, but he’s doing very well. Sporting have become a very solid side under him, despite still losing their best players season on season. 

  2. 8 hours ago, StewieGriffin said:

    They must have known weeks/months ago that Gateshead weren't going to be eligible

    They had a cutoff point of sometime in March and then an appeal failed. It seems Gateshead and the Council didn’t sort themselves out for whatever reason.

  3. 10 hours ago, Zatman said:

    League isnt over yet but they are favourites to hold on. He has only one one title and 2 cups so far(out of 15 in his time there) and was one of the highest transfer fees ever for a manager. I would expect a lot more

    He has also had one decent run in Europe at Sporting

    2 cups out of 15?! Are you including European trophies here?

    He’s done a very good job at Sporting. Not really sure how you can think otherwise. His Sporting side are the first team not called Porto/Benfica to win the league in 20 years or something.

    1 league title (likely 2) and 2 domestic cups in 4 seasons is fantastic stuff - 50% of the available domestic trophies.


    • Like 2
  4. 3 minutes ago, Keyblade said:

    So Forest have been singled out for extra poor treatment then? Natural coincidence or corruption? 

    I can't see why it would be corruption - but Forest and Wolves have had the most "big" decisions go against them by some distance.

  5. 23 minutes ago, Keyblade said:

    What is the conspiracy against Nottingham Forest? I'm sure every team can make a reel like this. Ours could probably look as juicy as this from memory. There's no conspiracy, the refs are just not very good and often make mistakes. But no, I'm sure it's because the FA (?) don't want Forest in the PL.

    Not a **** chance :D

  6. 3 minutes ago, Keyblade said:

    His arm was moving before the ball was kicked. It was a completely natural movement. The entire law is broken imo. It's not in the spirit of the game to give a penalty because the ball hit someone's hand from 2 feet away, with their arm in a natural position.

    It moves back towards the ball.  A very natural, instinctive movement... but his arm goes toward the ball.  It's coming down slightly as the cross goes over, then flicks back out to make contact.

    I'm not fussed about it not being given, but I'd want it if against Villa etc.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

    Just let them know that these things have a habit of evening themselves out, and in this case they just have to average it out going back to the 2022 playoff final. They love that ;) 

    "Yeah, fair point lads... but. really, it should be Huddersfield in the Premier League, not you guys.  So just suck it up!"

    • Like 1
  8. Just now, duke313 said:

    I noticed that Onana got booked in the shootout, and the commentator said he wouldn't be suspended for the final.  Any reason why Martinez has been in that case?

    Different competition, different rules.


  9. 25 minutes ago, Zatman said:

    They were robbed vs Liverpool recently when the ref didnt know the rules then add in a points deduction then I feel they reached breaking point

    There's loads more.  I'd have to message my Forest-supporting mates, but there was a massive list that got reeled off at the pub after the Liverpool incident :D

    I'd be happy to oblige if people want to know more!

  10. 31 minutes ago, lapal_fan said:

    I'd like to have him with a chant using Miss Dynamite's song because I want to hear the Holte sing in the Alto range. 

    Mous-sa Dee-arb-ieeee-he-heeeee :lol: 

    That's great, but his first name is Mohammed.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Zatman said:

    Lille be a similar level club to us, if he did it against a team like Mostar or Hibs be different


    If you're getting abuse/verbals, you have every right to give it back.  Doesn't matter on the level that the club is at - that's nonsense to be honest.


    (Although FWIW, I'd say Coventry are on a similar level to Man Utd).

    • Haha 3
  12. 2 minutes ago, fightoffyour said:

    It's true; if you introduce a 10 cm or 20 cm or - if you're Arsene Wenger - a 1 metre margin of error, or whatever, you just move the edge and will still very tight calls at a different point that will be debated.

    However, I think it would be much more palatable for fans having that debate to say "well, it could have gone either way, but he is clearly [x] cm ahead of the defender, I can accept it's probably offside" (as if any fan ever talks like that).

    What we saw yesterday is a prime of example of what's not palatable.

    I agree, but that's only because we're anti-Man Utd and/or the decision hasn't gone against us.  If that offside was given against Man Utd rather than Coventry, there'd be so much less sympathy.

    The main issue for me is that I'm not sure how they've determined he's factually offside.  Weirdly, the player looked more offside without the lines being drawn than he did when they were drawn.

    I don't know what the answer is, if I'm honest.  The new system is a mile better so that should help, but there's always going to be horrifically tiny, marginal calls which get given as offside/onside.

  13. 3 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

    The 3rd penalty shout is one of the worst non-calls I've ever seen. VAR or not.

    I think real time it could absolutely look like Young has won the ball.  It pings up in a really odd way so I've got no issue with the referee missing that.

    How VAR doesn't pick it up; no idea.

  14. Just now, sne said:

    Did the Coventry fans pelt him with bottles and what not the whole game?

    What?  We're not on about Coventry fans - Genie is referring to Fernandes mouthing off at the Coventry keeper.  I said he probably gave some verbals to Fernandes - it's what happens and is "fine" IMO.

    The Martinez reference is that he got verbals from the Lille fans and then gave it back; again I'm OK with that.

    • Confused 1
  15. 2 hours ago, S-Platt said:

    The offside rule back in the day was amended so we as fans said "clear daylight"  it stopped those arguments about being level and gave the attacker the advantage. 

    Now it's a whim on when they press pause on the video which can be manipulated to suit agendas.

    Villa have actually done well with the offside rule these days using it to our advantage.  

    However if lines are needed then I think most of us would agree it's level.  

    The new tech next season they are using will be interesting.

    The new tech is good, quicker and that's basically all we need.


    There will always be "the edge" with offsides.  It doesn't matter whether or not you want to make the rule as being level with the defender or "clear daylight" or 1m advantage or whatever - there will always be the point at which a player is 1mm 'over' that edge.

  16. 5 minutes ago, Genie said:

    Just shows how small time he is doing that to a lower league GK. It wasn’t just 1 word or comment either.

    Here’s Antony show what a prick he is too.



    Was it small time for Martinez to shush Lille fans and dance in front of them or was that OK?

    It's all the same stuff.

  17. 6 minutes ago, desensitized43 said:

    Where is it? I'm sure there's an official register of this kind of stuff at the PGMOL but unless you're someone like Mike Dean who has been pictured at Tranmere games and was very open about it then it's all rumour about who supports who.

    It's important that we know where these people's allegiances are though for us to trust the system.

    Loads of places report on who referees support; you can just Google it.  Here's one such article:


    "Stuart Attwell

    Luton Town

    Currently, the longest-serving referee in England’s top tier, Stuart Attwell has been presiding over Premier League games since 2008. After 183 Premier League appearances and over 200 EFL games, Attwell is a seasoned pro and enters his 16th season as a first-division ref.

    For the first time in his professional career, his allegiance to Luton Town will directly impact his ability to referee his club’s games following their promotion to the Premier League ahead of the 2023/24 season."

    (Link: https://www.givemesport.com/football-teams-premier-league-referees-support/)


    Just a random example

    • Like 1
  18. 53 minutes ago, desensitized43 said:

    Respectfully, I think whether we think the incidents are penalties or not isn't the issue. Or shall we say, it's half the issue. Forest have not accused the refs of 'just' getting the decisions wrong. I think we all agree that the standard of refereeing has been totally unacceptable for a lot of years now. They have accused a ref of being biased and what amounts to match-fixing. The statement also by extension accuses the league and the PGMOL of being complicit in it.

    It's like our situation in the cup final against Man United in the cup final where we all looked at the ref that day and knew he had history of giving Man United some fairly contentious decisions previously. It's fine for fans to say these things, but for clubs to do it? They need to produce the evidence. If they think the VAR is a Luton fan then they need to produce the evidence of that. If he is, then I think you can definitely argue conflict of interest.

    The VAR was absolutely a Luton fan - it's widely reported which team each referee supports.


    That said, I'm not entirely sure they'd be gunning for an Everton win?  Who knows.

  19. 6 hours ago, Keyblade said:

    Only the third is stonewall. That statement is crazy. Like for the second one, what could Young even do at that distance? Unless you have your hands way out from your body those should never be given imo

    The thing with the handball appeal (as with the one against Grealish on Saturday) is that Young moves his arm toward the ball.  For me, that's what makes it a handball.

    I think the first one is iffy... but then there have been so many worse penalties given this season.

    The handball probably should be given and the foul on Hudson-Odoi is just a stonewall penalty.

    • Like 4
  20. 23 minutes ago, Genie said:

    Fernandes was smack talking the Coventry keeper after scoring his penalty too.

    They keep reminding the world why they keep failing to deliver. A team of word removed.

    Don't massively mind that - I'm sure the Coventry keeper was saying plenty, it's what happens on penalties.

  21. 2 hours ago, rodders0223 said:

    They sacked Cooper for Nuno and they're getting pissy about losing football games.


    FWIW, they’re far happier with how the side plays. Definitely a sense that the rub of the green doesn’t go their way, though. 

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