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Posts posted by Neil

  1. A game totally made into a lottery because of conditions. You only have to look at the other scores.

    Bad poits - we never played the condition. As other results and all 4 goals proved, we should have shot on site, put crosses into the area for the ball to swerve - we hardly did it, instead atempting to play tippy tappy - which was never going to work in those conditions.

    Gabby and Ash - they are becoming a total and utter waste of space - they are totally ineffective at the minute. They either need to improve of be shipped out.

    Good points - you can see right in front of you the improvements we are making. I know the tble don't say it, but I feel we are now out of the relegation battle, and within the next few weeks will be around 9th, and can start looking at getting 7th which should get us Europa.

    Downing. Thought he has struggled of late, but yesterday worked his socks off again. All our good play came through him.

    Makoun - good and bad. Good - one touch play is second to none. However, he needs to learn composure. Many times yesterday he put us into trouble by trying a one touch pass near our own area. However, looked good and promosing for future

    Bad - probaby his worst game so far, but Walker still looks class - Spurs will never sell him !.

    You certainly make some good and valid points here.

    Agree its harsh on gabby, he was shit, but that position does not come natural to him at all. Everyone but Houllier knows what Gabby is about I think :?:

  2. No players out injured, 3 of his own players in the starting line up, terrible selection decision with Gabby and Young. No excuses available today for Houllier that simply wasn't good enough, not even close to being good enough.

    Yeah, did smack of managerial selection/tactic problems.

    You could say the defence should have been better and the keeper should have definitely been better.

    However, not realising the problems on the pitch and making any form of subs way earlier was a massive fail. Gabby out there was a massive fail.

    As soon as we went 2-1 up we were screaming to make a change sooner and set things a light. Instead leaving it till the last minute when theres no time for any sub to make a real impact (and could they even be arsed, I dont blaime them).

    Another game that was easily winnable and all it needed was to match them tactically and it was in the bag. That is down to the manager.

  3. Played some really lovely football today. It does seem now everyone has been fit for a while, couple new signings, players have just lifted the game.

    Not 100% about right man but signs are starting to look positive. I must say though, I can't see why anyone would NOW vote 'sack'....it'd obviously make no sense, we'll see at the end of the season...then it'll be more of a debate.

    I'm also glad we are pretty much moving away from relegation and up the table, especially considering some people believed it was near certainty we'd go down under Houllier.

    Surely we are overdue an "experiment" ;)

    I'd like to see how that looks now.

  4. Well, we're not playing him so we might as well sell him. I think he's a fantastic player, but it just isn't happening.

    If hes been injured for 3 weeks then...which incidently puts a lot of food for thought on some comments in this thread.

    Unles of course people think its not a real injury.

  5. I've decided 100% I'm not renewing next season for me and my son for the first time in 8 years(4 for my son). Nothing to do with Houllier. I'm just fed up with it. Villa and football have got boring to be honest.

    It costs a lot of money, very rarely are we entertained, were highly unlikely to win anything and it's cheaper to buy your tickets separately anyway with all the deals they throw at fans(which I used to point out to the general but got shouted down for it). There seems very little benefit of being a ST holder.

    It cracked me up the other night when they did the poxy badge giveaway at the Sunderland game. I never took my 10 year old season ticket holding son as it was his first day back to school. I showed them his season ticket and asked if I could have one fore him explaining why he hadn't come. They informed me they were under 'strict' instructions not to give any extra out as they only had enough for those that turned up? I pointed out they were expecting him but they wouldn't budge for their 'strict' instructions. Just pathetic, I know its a very minor thing but the club doesn't give a shit about us so why should we bother caring back?

    This for me shouldnt be confused with what I'm talking about.

    If the whole thing has been going stale for you for some time and your just kind of fed up with it then its warranted not to spend your money on it.

    My point is knee jerk reactions to one manager being in charge for half a season.

    Just cant get the "I would renew but I wont because of Houllier" ideas.

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