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Posts posted by AVFCDAN

  1. Clearly a 50-50 match, Murray only just beat Djokovic in a slam final so he obviously can win the match. Novak also had to put a lot into beating Del Potro, far more than Murray needed to see off Janowicz.

    I think the first set is crucial, if Murray can win it he has a good chance.

  2. Sorry don't agree with that at all, his persona on the court is nothing like his real character, always congratulates people after they have beaten him, never makes excuses for his losses, evidenced today by the fact he refused to blame his knees for the loss.

  3. Spring Breakers is a seriously weird film. It's shot in a very interesting way which actually left a lasting impression on me, especially that piano scene... But it's essentially all naval gazing about not a lot really, it's all pseudo deep.

  4. Love all this talk.

    Recommend watching Stephen Hawkings universe for some interesting insights.

    My belief is that the universe will end after a certain amount of time - say 100 billion years because of the big chill, where everything is so far apart gravity has no effect and everything becomes cold and lifeless, eventually leaving no matter at all. Then it just waits for the next Big Bang to happen and it all starts again.

    The scary thing is that this may be the first time this process has happened or it could be the billionth time, Thats when the numbers start becoming quite intimating. Add in the fact that there could be millions of parallel universes all doing the same thing and it really blows your mind.

    The fact that it would take thousands of years to travel to the nearest stars using current technology when our galaxy is full of billions and there are billions of galaxies in the universe really takes some comprehension

  5. Watched Maniac yesterday courtesy of Designers advice, quite enjoyed it. It was certainly different and that first person perspective when he's hunting his prey.

    Got any more like that mate, I do love my horrors but its quite a sparse genre.

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