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Everything posted by The_Steve

  1. Convinced there’s still legs in the tank to get points in the league. It’s an improvement on Brighton.
  2. That’s a booking and foul every day of the week. **** hell.
  3. Sorry this ref is nowhere near good enough for this level
  4. At one point he almost ran into Cash as he’s stood there out of position. He’s just trying to do too much. We are over complicating it.
  5. There’s encouragement we can take from this and lessons. The self flagellation by some is getting embarrassing.
  6. It’s not on Digne though. Twice we should have closed that down. It just unfortunately went through Pau’s legs. He’s a wingback today wasn’t going to be dropping that deep. The biggest errors occurred before.
  7. Not enforcing their wall for the free kick. Missing corners. He’s not without fault.
  8. Still mad about their lad deliberately taking out Leon’s knee too.
  9. A goal early in the half would give them a huge lift.
  10. I think we started with a much better tone. That’s something to be encouraged about.
  11. Missed two clear corners in succession. Our lads looked baffled.
  12. I think we’ve played well in the system but too naive defensively at times. We struggle against teams who sit deep but I don’t think it’s been terrible by any means. Still room to improve.
  13. Overhitting the final pass. Too one dimensional when the best chances came from the left hand side
  14. Digne out one good one in for Leon but otherwise it’s been shoddy or over hit
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