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Posts posted by ED

  1. I don't get the Liverpool hate at all. It'd be amazing if they won it

    it would be an amazing achievement.

    But I hate Liverpool fans. So **** them. Anyone but them

    Media bias I get. Hating a whole fanbase not so much. A few of my mates are glory grabbing Liverpool fans (do you hate then too?) and as unbearable as it will make them I can't begrudge them a bit of happiness, life's too short to hate on everything.

    • Like 3

    Exactly as you predicted Con. How is your level of accuracy so high across every subject?


    Mystic Con.



    Con is right though. Why choose a draw randomly when you can fix it to create what looks like a completely random draw.


    Or maybe it's just idiots claiming fix by creating narratives for every single possible tie.

  3. Pain and Gain was his 'break' from Transformers. He said he was sick of them and needed a rest.


    Now he's making another, apparently it'll be more grown up and mature..........


    Who knows, maybe he's grown up

  4. Excellent boobs in episode 2 of True Detective

    I may be opening myself up to a load of abuse but aren't they a little too much?I mean - those puppies could cause you a serious injury if you weren't paying due attention.

    [Gay called. It's for you meme]

  5. So about two years ago my mates and I were just randomly talking about penguins and polar bears (might of been watching Planet Earth or something). When the suggestion/fact came up that Polar Bears only live in the North Pole, while penguins are only in the South Pole. Well...I called bollocks on that and was quite adamant that there was no way that could be true by stating, "Feck off, there is no way that is true, what would stop a penguin/polar bear from walking a couple of feet to the other pole!?" After that statement I was met with the most confused stares ever. Digging myself deeper, I started to explain, obviously since the two poles are connected, penguins/polar bears meeting up somewhere and interacting was inevitable. That's when my whole word was turned upside down and it was pointed out to me that the two poles are completely separate. Don't ask me how I never realized that...I am actually really big into maps and own a quite a few globes and what not, so how that one slipped between the cracks, I will never know, but I have never felt more stupid in my life. Obviously I know the effect the two poles play in terms of magnetism and what not, but it just never clicked for me...soooo dumb.


    So you thought the North and South pole were both at the North pole??

  6. Can spoilers be used properly please, especially for shows just coming out. You don't have to reveal specific plot details to be a spoiler.

    Fair enough. Though there's been absolutely nothing spoiled there.

    Surely it's more of a review. Like saying the second half of a film is of a different pace to the first?

    But then you are expecting something to happen. Reading film reviews is asking for spoilers.

    But maybe I'm weird.

    Hmmm I'm not sure on this one. Ultimately the best way to avoid spoilers is to watch it. Or stay out of these threads.

    Bruce Willis is a ghost.

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