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Posts posted by ED

  1. meltdown1.jpg

    I showed my missus this picture and said "there should be a quote with this saying - This global warming thing is getting serious". My missus said "nah, he's been waiting for Villa to win a game".

    Comes to something when my other half is even taking the piss out of us.

    Hows her stand up career going, out of interest?

  2. Some very bad Villa support on show on here tonight.

    I'll bite.


    People can support who they want but there has been a few hate filled over the top celebrations at Hollands defeat. One of our own has gone out and done us proud in the international stage tonight. Bit of recognition for the once great Aston Villa.

    Would've been nice to have a finalist.


    Who cares. 


    He plays for Holland not England.

    For the first time ever I agree with this guy. I'm glad the Dutch are out, they get my goat. One (soon to be ex) Villa player won't sway me I'm afraid

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  3. Nothing wrong with supporting (or following on the TV to give a more apt description) underdogs taking down the big $$$ men. As a Villa fan it gives me hope.


    If you had went into the bookies and asked for an Atletic La Liga/Champions League double you wouldn't have been given odds you'd have been laughed out the shop. 


    100-1 for the Champions League

    300-1 for the La Liga


    Imagine that in a double.

    In fairness you've made up those odds. They were 66/1 for La liga. Unsure on champs league but I'm guessing around 25/1

  4. I'm flying about 4 times a week at the moment and every flight makes me hate it even more. I know the stats, I know how safe it is but I can't stop myself expecting to fall out of the sky at any given moment. The most irrational of fears but if I never had to get on a plane again, I'd be delighted.

    Same with me.


    I'm not flying very regularly, but my fear is getting worse each time.

    Now it's not very bad, just a bit of nerves. But it's definitely getting worse.


    Barely an hour flight from Cork on Wednesday, and I was dreading it. Found myself thinking "I'll go to the supermarket when I'm back in Birmingham... if I survive the flight"


    As you say, totally irrational. I KNOW I'm more likely to die on the way to the airport. But I can't help it.

    I'd love to cure it. It's not enough to stop me flying anywhere. But it's enough for me to hate the prospect of taking a flight.

    what you need is a scary flight with heavy turbulence and people screaming and crying


    once you survive that then you'll be cured and never fear flying again



    Has that happened to you? What happened?

    Im guessing there was turbulence. And people started crying.

    Most regular flyers will have had a flight like that

  5. You could argue the ‘older’ generation don’t realise what is racist and what isn’t.

    Then Why did he mumble it? And have you heard his apology/defence? He knew it was wrong, which is why he mumbled it. It was clearly audible on one of those takes though

    So is the rhyme still inherently racist even if you replace the n word or mumble instead?

    Because I think I recited it as a kid with different words in order to decide who was 'it' in tig. I need to know if I'm racist


    They were much better to watch last year.

    Yeah. I thought appointing Pep was odd but hoped he would change his style to what Bayern and Dortmund had been playing because it's just better. But apparently not. Why is he making players like Robben, Ribery, Muller, Mandzukic play such heavy possession slow tempo shite? It's so obviously not suited to them.


    I mean they're still going to destroy everybody in the league because they are that much better than everybody else but they've not convinced me in a single game against top teams. Scraped past Man Utd ffs.



    Their performance at the Etihad was one of the best club performances I've ever seen

  7. One of my mates is enraged because the Guardian spoiled it.  Looks like they've pulled the article now.


    The spoilers debate is an interesting one. With so much content being consumed on demand, it goes to show you're still better off watching something as soon as it airs. With GoT though, the last scene from the most recent episode, was written what, 15 years ago?


    What is the statute of limitations here?

  8. I don't get the Liverpool hate at all. It'd be amazing if they won it

    it would be an amazing achievement.

    But I hate Liverpool fans. So **** them. Anyone but them

    Media bias I get. Hating a whole fanbase not so much. A few of my mates are glory grabbing Liverpool fans (do you hate then too?) and as unbearable as it will make them I can't begrudge them a bit of happiness, life's too short to hate on everything.
    yes. I hate your friends.

    I hate yours. Let's fight!

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