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Posts posted by Sam-AVFC

  1. 38 minutes ago, lapal_fan said:

    No, it was just a couple of odd Americans :lol:  

    The second point, again, I don't feel we can cast judgement because there is no context for us to judge him on.

    What if Mendy had said "when I was a kid I was told I looked like the character"? And in a moment of stupidity, Silva put a pic he found of Mendy alongside it?  Is that ok?

    The stupidity of it is all I'm judging. I can't believe he's that unaware of the world we live in.

  2. 10 hours ago, mjmooney said:

    1. Leave (no deal) 

    2. Leave (some form of a deal, let's say the Theresa May one, for tbe sake of argument)

    3. Remain

    The above wording would enrage the Leavers, as it would split the Leave vote and usher in a Remain win, with quite possibly a smaller number than the combined Leave votes. 

    (All fine by me, but I can't see them daring to do it). 


    Section 1:


    Section 2:

    If the result for Section 1 is Leave, would you prefer the agreed deal/no deal.

    Or you could do the same with a ranking vote. You could probably assume all those voting remain would take any deal over no deal.

  3. 18 hours ago, tonyh29 said:

    So we replace one mediocre wicket keeper with another mediocre wicket keeper in Buttler   .. its like the selectors don't watch any cricket

    Not quite that simple though as I'm sure they'll be hoping the new batsman also ends up with a higher average. Sadly I don't think wicket keeping ability has really been coming into it when picking the team.

  4. 12 hours ago, lapal_fan said:

    There was a tweet today with a video of a couple who did a "gender reveal" of their unborn child, a man threw a watermelon filled with coloured ink into a live hippo's mouth, as the hippo chomped on the watermelon, blue ink came from his mouth.  Upon seeing it was going to be a boy, the guy hugged his wife and said "thank god".

    Is this a traditional way of doing a gender reveal somewhere? Interesting if it is! Very strange if some random couple have just come up with it.

    If the melon inker only has enough blue and pink ink to fill half a melon each do they just use both to signify hermaphrodyte?

    12 hours ago, lapal_fan said:

    He took it down, hopefully he'll have learnt by it. The end.

    I'm sure he will in the end, but was stupid to double down with his "you can't even joke with friends anymore" follow up tweet. Take the race issue completely out of it - to me the main problem is being so removed from the real world that you don't understand that will cause a backlash. More media training needed I think.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Dr_Pangloss said:

    Not clear how it can implemented such that people's pay will not be impacted, especially those who are paid a wage derived from an hourly rate, which is a lot of people. Strikes me a pie in the sky. 

    From a business perspective, for companies who rely on staff working e.g. a standard 35-40 hour week this is going to impart a lot of cost pressures that may send some firms under. I think it's unfeasible and electioneering. 

    This clearly isn't evidence, but I personally think I'd get just as much if not more done. That said if we had a 4 day working week I doubt very much I'd be doing less than 40 hours anyway though.

    You're right that the hourly wage market is where it really struggles as you'd need to increase the minimum wage to make up the time shortfall which would probably bust a whole bunch more retailers. It would be compunded by having to pay them 20% more for their 4 days and still having to cover the 5th. Maybe this only becomes workable once a universal basic income are brought it (which I think is inevitable).

    Sweden have been looking into it though and the early tests suggest it might be doable. No idea if this has come to anything - any Swedes that can help us out? The having more energy and flexible working arguments still don't work for hourly wage jobs.

  6. 19 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

    isn't HS2 compensating people for their property   , I got the impression this schools plan was an asset grab to redistribute their endowments, investments and properties ?

    ...and they will only get a fair price if they have access to a good enough surveyor and the ability to use brinkmanship as they aren't desperate to get it resolved.

    You're right that they are different things, but I don't think this is anywhere near close enough to policy to discuss differences yet.

    It would be fascinating if they tried to do it as would they only take the assets of schools run by trusts for the benefit of the schools, or would they also take schools run by religious institutions? You could see that causing a bit of uproar.

  7. 16 minutes ago, Mic09 said:

    Mendy did not seem offended. Club mates having bantz. No one harmed.

    Do FA not have anything better to do?

    Once he puts it on Twitter it is no longer just Mendy's opinion that matters. If he is joking just with his mate who isn't offended then whatever, but he is posting it to a public forum where people might feel differently

    Even if you don't think there was malice in it, you have to admit it was very stupid.

    7 minutes ago, villarule123 said:

    I don't get it? Black guy said to lookalike someone black? He's not going to be compared to Harry Hill is he? 

    Does this mean we can't joke about someone looking like another person anymore? 

    I think the problem is more the outdated caricature that should be confined to the past.

    In much the same way I'm sure a lot of asian people would be offended if you posted a picture of them next to one of the old caricatures with a paddy hat, fu manchu beard and exagerrated rat like features.

    • Like 1
  8. Just now, Mic09 said:

    That can't be a bad thing in itself?

    Not saying it is! If anyone ever asks I'll say this is easily the biggest benefit you gain from a private school, far more so than the difference in teaching. Probably added to by the fact most of my friends' parents came from far less privileged backgrounds and started their own business.

    It is definitely something that needs to be addressed in state schools. It's just how you instill the kids with this belief when they may be told at home that they will never amount to anything.

    • Like 1
  9. 14 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

    Private schools aren't just for the elite   ... you're making the mistake of thinking Eton typifies every private school  , most of the people at my children's schools are from middle class families like myself seeking to give their children a decent education , we don't have any toffs being driven around by chauffeurs just waiting for a top job at Lloyds of London   ...

    this policy has been worded to make you think of Cameron , Johnson , Mogg etc and ignite a class war against posh white boys   ..its already backfiring and that's before people start legal challenges as is the current trend

    No I'm not, I went to a private school that was nothing like any of the major 'public' schools. I'm also aware they're not all toffs as I had a mum working nights as a carer and my dad days as a carpenter (as well as having to have a scholarship) to be able to attend.

    That doesn't mean the network of contacts isn't by far the most valuable thing you gain from the experience whatever private school you go to. Both in terms of what they can do for you and the benefit you gain from everyone around you believing (some irrationally) they will achieve something.

    I am aware these are distinct groups though. I met a guy at uni who went to Stowe and used to use the term 'old boys' when constantly discussing the favours and free leg ups he got.

  10. 19 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

    It's like every time Labour get close to having a chance at power they think ..**** we don't actually want to be in government , quick come up with a bonkers plan to sabotage it 

     use of terms like "old boys network" shows how out of touch they are with their thinking on private schools .. its approx 600,000 children in private schools , how exactly will state schools take up these extra pupils ?

    I'm interested why you say that is out of touch? Do you just mean in terms of it being an attack? It quite accurately describes it in my experience!

  11. 27 minutes ago, bickster said:

    Labour is supposedly a broad church, if it carries on like this it'll more likely become the third series of Broadchurch

    This is how Trotsky envisioned his revolution. This is entryism, pure and simple

    I haven’t watched Broadchurch, but I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt that it’s a good line!

    I’m not defending the actions, just pointing out why I don’t think it’s surprising. Of course parties need to have a range of views if they ever want to develop and improve policies.

  12. Doesn’t Tom Watson still come out and contradict most of why Corbyn says? When people keep saying he doesn’t have a clear message at all it doesn’t seem a surprising move. Is it that weird, with the looming prospect of an election, for some people to think he will undermine the parties chances by being unable to agree with the leader?

    What these activists (and presumably the man himself) don’t seem to understand is doing this sort of thing will just get Corbyn more gutter press attention that everyone seems to love lapping up.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Keyblade said:

    Wait, I thought his comments were for the black players to "go ape"...is that the name of the event they were at then? And his comments were something else?

    Go Ape is a company that does high ropes days for team building. I've not got any idea what the comments are, but if it is true that one of the incidents was during this you can quite easily fill in the gaps!

    It took about 2 minutes after this broke for me to see the first "my mum used to call me a cheeky monkey when I climbed a tree, is she racist? PC gone mad" comment. As if that's even remotely similar to (allegedly) making insinuations to just black players that they should be better at climbing/used to it*.

    *a few of the things I've seen people say he was supposed to have said. I doubt we'll ever know exactly what happened unless one of the players writes a book after retiring.

    • Like 1
  14. Racism can definitely be decreased with effective education.

    That said, I don't think this works with people like Beardsley who would have experienced great diversity in his life and is wealthy enough not to have got caught up in arguments that create a bogeyman. It's much easier to see how someone on JSA in one of these dead coastal towns gets trapped into the mindset.

    15 minutes ago, bannedfromHandV said:

    What sort of banter are we talking about, does anyone have any idea of what Beardsley's alleged to have said?

    I'm still not sure if this is actually true, but apparently made comments to black players on a day out at Go Ape. I don't know what was allegedly said, but imo it would have been impossible for anything like this to have been an acceptable way to single out kids in a group.

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  15. 10 minutes ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

    Long term I agree he needs to be replaced but for the time being it’s not as big a problem as some seem to make out in my opinion. 

    Hourihane is no longer playing and someone has to be way more at fault than the rest of the team though.

  16. 21 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

    It's always much more difficult to argue for the status quo. When people are feeling pissed off they tend to be attracted by anybody promising change - any change. Gotta be better than what we have now, right? Well, no, not right as it happens, but nobody likes to back down once they've nailed their colours to a particular mast. Even if the mast is on a sinking ship. 

    This is what frustrates me about people.

    I know more than one person who didn't have strong feelings either way before the vote, but ended up voting Leave as "I wouldn't bother going to vote if it was to keep something the same". Yes, that is an actual quote.

    Funnily enough they all regretted their vote within days of the result, but at least they got to feel part of something for a few hours!

    • Sad 1
  17. 13 minutes ago, Dr_Pangloss said:

    Targett can defend though.

    My Southampton supporting mates disagree. This is from discussions before the summer as well so I can't even accuse them of sour grapes.

    They do believe that he has the potential to hugely improve though.

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