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Posts posted by villa4europe

  1. 6 hours ago, _AA_786 said:

    I think some of the issue people have is that there's multiple players at Juve who they'd prefer as part of a deal. McKennie is who Monchi and Unai have chosen, they clearly have a vision for how he'll be used

    I'd say more the belief that monchi and emery didn't have as much choice as people make out

    There's some on here who almost paint it like a monchi masterplan and something we actively want instead of us picking the best player on offer from Juve

    I think we're making the best we can from a shit situation and I'm unhappy about the situation 

    • Like 2
  2. On 30/05/2024 at 13:08, hogso said:

    I think Gongaga is an interesting spot in the game, as most players by the sounds of it feel a bit fatigued by the exploration side of things by that point, and because of the design of that particular zone it can feel like a bit of a slog at times. I didn't like it to start with, so basically ignored everything and concentrated on progressing the story - which was great and totally unexpected in that area - and I went back later and cleared everything. Best music in the game probably helped in that regard, and I actually liked it upon return. 

    Cosmo Canyon is perhaps the best area in the game, and then Nibelheim is pretty much perfect considering what many people complain about with Gongaga, the devs clearly knew they were pushing their luck a bit with the size of everywhere up to that point.

    And the surprises don't stop with the zones either, it keeps giving and giving until the very end of the game. I'm still in awe at some of it, although haven't touched the game for a few weeks now. 

    Just finished gongaga and I'd agree with that, I'd say two things though, it clicked straight away what the area was and that it would piss me off so I decided to streamline it and then I'm not completing all the areas anyway, I'm doing a good chunk of stuff but not everything, the only area I've 100% is junon - what's people's thoughts on the new fort condor mini game? I liked it, not sure if I'd say it's better but it's close 

    I'm 32 hours in, not a clue on level, I would say that amongst all the new functions and abilities and stuff that unfortunately imo the role of materia has diminished, I think there's too much materia, the abilities mean I'm not longer dependent on materia anyway, a huge part of the original for me was grinding so that fire levelled up to fira, that's long gone now

    So this game, which is superb no doubt about it, has the weird juxtaposition it that they've created a brilliant action game while imo removing the RPG element that in the context of the FF series defines 7 and sets it apart 

  3. 14 minutes ago, rodders0223 said:

    Mcginn has a lot of attributes but as a midfielder, getting on the ball and trying to dictate play is absolutely not one of them. It's actually really staggering how often he struggles to find space and be in positions deep to receive the ball.

    Compound that with McTominnay who absolutely does not want to receive the ball and is one of the stiffest midfielders you'll ever see and it's a nightmare.

    But what would you say his main attribute is? Other than using his arse to spin...

    Energy, tenacity and getting stuck in, combative, that "elbow" after about 2 minutes as he's jostling for the ball, do that for days

    They made him (and the rest of the team) stand 5 yards off ze Germans and point a lot

    It was a genuinely bizarre set up from Scotland that deservedly got spanked 

  4. To paraphrase the Paramore news story I read

    Paramore, who are a great band in their own right and have a stage time of 6pm to 6.45pm, are rumoured to be having their set list picked by swift

    So the main question should be when did Paramore hire Micheal O'Leary to do their PR?

  5. There's just something I find funny about Sue Perkins having to apologise for misgendering Emma D'Arcy the actor (?) from GoT 

    You can argue she should know better seeing as she runs a GoT podcast and I think a sky TV show discussing it but it being a news story and her having to issue a public apology has a different ring to it when it's a 50 year old well known lesbian woman with seemingly a jolly and kind personality rather than a middle aged gammon doing it on purpose 

    Is it even a mistake? I mean as we sit here now did anyone here know she was non binary? We obviously all do now

    I don't see why she should have to apologise 

  6. 12 hours ago, MaVilla said:

    you would take a points deduction over selling a player?

    So sell a player for 40/50/60m and reinvest that in the squad to improve it, or keep the player and start the season on minus points?


    One in the hand is worth two in the bush or whatever that saying is

    No matter how much we all rate monchi and emery if we sell Ramsey, luiz, cash, Duran, digne and replace all of them we will either end up with a bust or that much change at once will lead to a slow start

    I'd rather keep at least one of our good players 

    • Like 2
  7. 2 minutes ago, Tom13 said:

    Yeah, I do. Experience of Kroos, Rudiger and Gundogan.

    Quality of Musiala, Wirtz and Havertz. It's a strong mix. I've backed them to win it.

    I'm not going to say they can't because that's why the euros is the best competition (well it was before UEFA got greedy and **** it) but they're not the strongest team

    Hard to look past France but then after that everyone has a weakness, England Spain Portugal etc they're in the mix but all bearable 

    But the German squad is flawed, there's not actually that much buzz around them winning it here, a lot of them think England will so obviously don't know Southgate...I still think they needed a striker this tournament, needed moukoko or adeyemi to hit it like Owen in 98

    He's had a bad year and doesn't deserve to be there but I think they'll miss an in form goretzka come the end too

    • Like 1
  8. 6 minutes ago, Tom13 said:

    Don't tell me you don't rate Germany as a top side?

    Do you?

    Because they're not, they've had a tough couple of years, euro 21 was poor, WC22 was a disaster, neuer hummels Muller and kroos are all more or less finished, they don't have a proper reliable striker, for club and country kimmich has gone back to RB where he's good but imo he's better at DMC, they've done it because they don't have good fullbacks or really a good defence overall

    Fortunately for them they've had musiala and wirtz break through 

    They will do better because they're at home but they're not a great German side 

    • Like 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, Tom13 said:

    Well he's likely still the best option though.

    Yeah I'd say so, I get the problem with it especially for the likes of England but when it's someone like Scotland they're not loaded with options 

    And he's been in the Scotland set up for a long time, pre arsenal

    For me it's more a case of they play a 5 and try and squeeze in him and Robertson, they've also got hickey, just a weird thing where they have so little quality in the squad but somehow 3 decent LBs

    • Like 1
  10. 1 minute ago, Stevo985 said:

    Yeah they’re fine at the Olympics. But I don’t think anyone would miss them. 

    I can’t imagine someone going “these Olympics have been amazing but I wish there had been an opening ceremony!”

    I always take the Olympic ceremony we being for the athletes as a huge chunk of them will be amateur and not in events at the big 80k stadium, I think it's nice for them 

    Footballers I doubt give a **** 

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