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Posts posted by johnsonp

  1. Can anyone help? Weekend food for 2 on a budget. To include all meals and snacks.

    The thing I'm not good at is buying ingriedients that you use for more than one thing. It's so wasteful, I can buy a 6 pack of tomatoes and use 2 for a recipe and throw the rest because I'm not using tomatoes for my other meals - very silly and just need a bit of planning to stop it happening again.

    (The fella and I stay in a house during the weekend that's not used during the week and we don't go every weekend, so can't keep food for the weekend after - hence this weird request.)

    Any advice appreciated :)

    Can't you just buy 2 tomatoes?

    Yes perhaps bad example.... Eggs... You get the idea though...

    Don't go to the supermarket for potatoes, eggs get them from a grocers/farm shop in fact you could possibly get a whole meal from a good farm shop

    Sausage & mash with onion gravy, perfect also pretty quick and easy

  2. I cut out bread 3 weeks ago and could not feel better, I just buy a load of salad stuff at the start of the week and have a sandwich box of salad every lunch time with either cold meat or tuna.

    Also with toast out of the equation I have a yogurt and a bannana every day for breakfast.

    Weighed myself yesterday and have lost **** all weight but do feel so much better

    I believe you, but that is seriously my idea of hell on earth.

    It is not as bad as it sounds plus then I can have a nice chinese* (replace with fave takeaway)

  3. I cut out bread 3 weeks ago and could not feel better, I just buy a load of salad stuff at the start of the week and have a sandwich box of salad every lunch time with either cold meat or tuna.

    Also with toast out of the equation I have a yogurt and a bannana every day for breakfast.

    Weighed myself yesterday and have lost **** all weight but do feel so much better

  4. I agree with your sentiment to some extent in that I find MON massively frustrating

    I don't want to selectivly quote, but I have anyway.

    If you listen too fans from all clubs they are frustrated with the manager (look how much crap wenger was/is getting at arsenal, it does not matter if it is about not winning things or the fact he does not buy star players) but I am not sure how anyone can argue with the results, which in the end is all that matters.

  5. One of the funniest moments for me was the game against Newcastle (04/05) where Dyer & Bowyer had a fight, still remember asking the guy next to me if they were fighting in disbelief.

    Then Steven Taylor handballed on the line and went down like he had been shot.

    Made all the better as when the game finished I had to walk into a pub full of geordies :clap:

  6. I went to my daughters nativity last thursday and kevin nolan was watching his daughter, and he would have sat next to us if it was not for some non famous person.

    Not that Kevin Nolan is famous but at least slightly well known

  7. An absolute bag of crap for the first half, worst football I have seen in a long time, better in the second half but I have to say our central midfield are sooooo lacking in any creativity.

    The fans were brilliant tonight, great turnout (free coaches and half term possibly helped) and I had a couple of texts from some friends in the sunderland end who said we sounded great.

    But I feel sorry for the fans going back to brum that must have been a effin late night, I got back at 11.45 and I only live 20 miles away

    Guzan was solid and a couple of really good saves as well as the penalties

  8. I could turn that round and ask you if finishing 17th one year with 36 points, then finishing on 18th with 38 points the next and being relegated would be an improvement?

    And I could turn that around and say that it would mean you have improved but unfortunatly so have the other teams

  9. Anyone come across the following when creating gameface:


    Any idea what causes this? I can still edit it and apply it to my pro but it would be nice to do it properly before applying it rather than trial by error to make it more accurate.

    You have to take the balaclava off first :)

  10. I should imagine that Indian mothers-in-law are marvellous cooks

    I can assure you that they are. :)

    I normally only eat indian food (i.e.curry) when I am pissed so that would make visiting the in laws interesting ( if I married an indian girl, which by the way I also think are fit)

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