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Posts posted by brummybloke

  1. when fulham lost their last manager who went to liverpool, on paper it seemed good in theory.

    manager doing well at a small club. who did he attract for liverpool player wise?

    and hodgeson had a decent if not spectacular agin reputation in some parts of eutope as a manager.

    signing a top manager gives far more options on and off the pitch than an average joe, or average 'mark'

    this season has been poor results wise, i much prefer the brand of football we are playing and i also like the chopping crap players quickly which has been adopted.

    we need to keep that going, not go back to 1 dimensional football

  2. this is the most imortant signing of the summer, sign a hughes = a meh at best from the fans and no doubt the best players in the team, sign ancellotti - deschamps - rijkaard and it sends a message right through the club as to what the ambitions are

    People have to stop seeing this appointment in such black and white terms. It's not simply a question of the board deciding 'let's go and appoint Ancelotti or Deschamps or Rijkaard' - those men have got to want to come here. As of right now, we can't offer Champions League football, we can't offer the immediate prospect of challenging for Champions League football, we can't offer them the chance to contest the domestic league title and we can't promise them an unlimited warchest - all of which they may well find elsewhere from other prospective employers. We have to have some perspective that extends beyond our own bias and affinity for Villa in order to properly evaluate what our realistic options are. The signs are that it is going to be too much of a stretch to persuade David Moyes to leave Everton as we represent little more than a sideways step for him - once you accept this, you have to arrive at the conclusion that world-renowned coaches with an even higher pedigree are not going to think otherwise.

    The board are in a much better position to make a good appointment than they were last year when circumstances couldn't have been more difficult - and this appointment will be one borne of pragmatism designed to get us competing at the right end of the table so that we may once again establish ourselves among the chasing pack and be able to challenge the likes of Spurs, Liverpool and Everton. Only then can we realistically expect to mount a charge for that elusive Champions League berth because the plain facts of the matter are that we have slipped considerably down the pecking order.

    We need a manager that will see the potential that is here, recognise the size of the club and the opportunity that it can realistically provide in the near future. A figure like Mark Hughes will see the job in its full light and be well aware of what needs to be done to claw our way back into contention. He's ambitious and still hungry to prove himself, knows the league inside and out and has proven he can adapt to the varying demands of different clubs with both slim and vast resources. I would be very optimistic he can at the very least get us back to where we were under Martin O'Neill and as much as I'd like to think we could make the kind of headline-shattering appointment that may arrive with all guns blazing and announce our newly drawn plans for European domination, to do so is as futile as it is delusional.

    If, as reports indicate, Hughes is the chosen man then I think we can look forward to a new campaign in which we will be consistently competitive and go some way to restoring a reputation that has been tarnished and a position that we have slipped from. When we've accomplished that we can start thinking about what lies beyond.

    so you think it is better to appoint a short term manager and then if we improve get rid of them for a better manager? rather than apoint a better manager to start with? really?

    there are only 2 or 3 top teams in each league in europe so i think some managers may realise that they are not going to be managing the top teams each and every year as they are more than 3 top managers in most of the top leagues, so where does that leave them?

    it leaves them managing teams not in the top 2 or 3.

    ancellotti with wilkins was doing a great job, wilkins was removed which underminds the manager, results fell and the chairtman again decided to buy a forward which hasnt worked, rather like he did when he got shevchenko

    i would rather aim high and fall short than settle for joe average and be happy finishing 6 to 10th each year which would seem rather likely under someone like hughes

  3. this is the most imortant signing of the summer, sign a hughes = a meh at best from the fans and no doubt the best players in the team, sign ancellotti - deschamps - rijkaard and it sends a message right through the club as to what the ambitions are

    signing a top manager doesnt mean we will spunk money on players left right and centre but it does command respect from the players.

    people who are 50 50 whether to leave next season or this season wil take notice, players thinking about coming to the club will take notice, season ticket holders umming and arring will take notice

    we saw what at top quality signing in darren bent did for the whole club, it lifted us from the shit we were in , it created positivity and a 'feel good' factor, it got us better results.

    to get a top manager rather than a meh manager should create the same but in a larger scale

  4. perfect scenario is GH getting fully better and moving into a role of overseas youth development and overseas scouting

    So long as he's overseas and not here I don't care!!!

    David or Carlo are the only 2 choices for me!!

    well to be effective in that role, i would guess he would need to be over sea to have that role.

    he did the same job for france national team so why not continue with what he had achieved and built on for france but for us instead, i presume it included checking out the best young players in africa who may have been able to play for france and also that he would have been in regular contact with all of the french league teams concerning up and coming players.

    those sort of contacts and knowledge is a waste if we dont take advantage of it, almost like arsenal did with wenger.

  5. the same quotes each year from our top players agents

    this sort of thing needs looking into, when the player signs the contract the agent is then not allowed near the club full stop, not allowed to try and renegotiate things not allowed any kind of contact what so ever other wise their licence should be suspended and then removed.

    they have a job to do, fine. get your player the best contract they can get.

    not all this shite of trying to renegotiate ever year or 2 years to get a further 10%

    once the contract has been signed any disputes should then go through the clubs personel department and if things cant be resolved then a tribuneral, like other employment.

    it would take these muppets out of the way and let the players do what they do best.

    we have always had our captains or better players stating they want top football, that is meant to bouy the other players on and also poke the management into improving the playing staff.

    im sure if downing and young look at what has improved since being here, in their own game and also in regards to the quality of the squad they will see they have improved.

    if they move on then so be it although bent will probably then be the next come next summer if downing and young go and are not replaced, at least we know so it wont be a shock if it happens.

  6. gmac had an almost fully fit squad to chose from, also without some of the trouble makers such as carew, sidwell, ireland and curtis davies

    in the time he took charge we played

    stoke - drew -

    west brom - lost-

    wigan- drew-

    arsenal- won-

    liverpool- won-

    the manner in which we played the first 3 games was poor bearing in mind we had just won 2 in a row. cant argue with the 2 wins at the end of the season but he is not in my opinion, someone who can move the club forwards.

  7. Should probably have squared the ball to Gabby when he was clean through.

    I think he shot, which deflected of Reina on to Gabby. Not sure though.

    Wasn't really in the game for large parts but that's what you get with him. He also showed some good instinctive play when Petrov's shot was parried away. Oh and the build up play for the goal was excellent, didn't think he could do that.

    he did square it for gabby, it should have been a goal, it would have been if the roles were reversed, gabby doesnt have that poachers instinct like bent has, gabby has explosive pace which is what normally gets him his chances.

    Disagree, was just unlucky. Not being in the position is like not being in the actual position of an open goal but being on the edge of the area.

    It was just one of those where the squared pass was just inches past Gabby's boot. Right idea, near perfect execution, near unfortunately wasn't quite good enough!

    and that is the difference between someone who has better anticipation, someone who expects it to be somewhere so goes into that space or slides in or dives for it expecting it to come to them, gabby reacts once the ball has been played, this loses him that split second.

    it is also why benty is so good at what he does, he expects the ball and so makes the challenge as if the ball will definately go there rather than that split second waiting to see.

  8. Should probably have squared the ball to Gabby when he was clean through.

    I think he shot, which deflected of Reina on to Gabby. Not sure though.

    Wasn't really in the game for large parts but that's what you get with him. He also showed some good instinctive play when Petrov's shot was parried away. Oh and the build up play for the goal was excellent, didn't think he could do that.

    he did square it for gabby, it should have been a goal, it would have been if the roles were reversed, gabby doesnt have that poachers instinct like bent has, gabby has explosive pace which is what normally gets him his chances.

  9. wilkins has shown himself to be a good first team coach and assistant manager, he is well respected across thw hole of europe and speak several languages.

    the same can be said for ancellotti only as a manager rather than assistant.

    both know the premier league, both are familiar with winning.

    while i would want hiddink, he is obviously chelsea bound.

    unless man city want ancelotti we should go out for them

  10. This thread should be about praising all the work the guy does, not a debate about how good he should be, can be or whatever.

    So we should never look for him to improve??

    Or point out when he doesnt perfrorm??

    Strange how we dont do that with all players??

    There really is a will on here to avoid saying anything negative about the fans favourite.

    Darren Bent earns 70,000 a week and if he has a bad game, then he should be looking for ways not to have a bad game. Why cant we as well??

    I didn't men you can't slate him if he has a bad game, but when has he for us? The times he has been 'poor' so to speak are the ones when he hasn't scored, and he hasn't scored because he has not been given the service that he needs.

    What is the point in arguing about him not being the most prolific goalscorer in the PL, when in fact he is in the top 3 anyway, which is far higher than our current position in the table.

    I'm trying to say, he won't adapt his game, he has no need to. He isn't the greatest of footballers, he is not like Rooney nor Drogba, but do the majority of us care? I'd say no. He scores goals when he is given the chance and that is good enough for me and a lot of other fans.

    He isn't my favourite player at the club but from what I have seen of him so far there is very, very little to slate him about. FWIW, I slate Coker for not being able to play simple passes and not really offering much else other than being a bloody good defensive midfielder.

    I bet people aren't giving Hernandez at Utd any stick. Yep, he is slightly younger but he offers the same to Bent. He just has someone around him called Rooney that does his work and his own work so it doesn't look as 'bad'.

    Bent would probably score more goals if he was around better players. Oh well, what does it matter to us?

    But nobody is slating him? Nobody is argueing over whether he is the best goalscorer in the league.

    Were debating whether he is world class or not?

    Were debating whether he has different parts to his games

    were debating whether he could turn 9 goals in 15 games to 13 goals in 15 games and if so, how he might go about that.

    If you and others fail to see that that is NOT slating him then them Im sorry, theres not a lot else I can do because to me its clear as day.

    If you dont feel what we are debating is necessary then fine, thats your opinion - dont read the posts.

    I happen to quite enjoy the debate as its one which focuses mostly on a positive rather than the drab negatives that flood this site. No ones slagging him off like they do Heskey, or Houllier. No ones saying that he needs to be doing better. Its the Darren Bent thread for god sake, were talking about Darren Bent, and apologies if my opinion is more in depth than 'I want to jizz on his face'.

    Rant over

    FWIW I disagree with in you in that he didnt score because of a lack of service. He had chances (very good chances) in both wigan games! Thats not me slating him btw, thats me disagreeing with your reasoning for him not scoring in games where he hasnt.

    let him take our penalties, that will net him a further 5 goals per season i would guess at least, since he joined we had 3 or 4 penalties none of which he took.

    if you 'give' him 3 extra goals for the pens then you would be looking at 12 goals in 15 games, not bad really bearing in mind we were deep in the shit when he arrived.

  11. i like the look of him, he is different to bannan, while i can understand the points of blocking his development, they are 2 different types of player, makoun so far, looks the water carrier, nothing is spectacular but it is all neat and tidy and he shifts the ball with acuracy in most games, something we have needed for a while, an accurate quick thinking ball shifter.

    bannan looks decent, he is a gifted player with the ball but unless we play 5 in the middle i think he wont get much play time as with the ball he is good but his work off the ball is not as good as others.

    i personally think we should go 5 in the middle with benty up front on his own which would mean something lige young and downing on the wings with delph makoun and bannan in the middle ( if we were to play bannan)

    it would be a young midfield which is full of running although tackling would become an issue as only makoun and delph look like being able to win a 50/50 challenge and both also apear to not have their timing quite right for those tackles.

    bannan needs to come on another level or 2 in order to see regular footy at villa park for me, he has the time as he is still young but he would not be a first team starter and at the moment would be lucky to get into the first team match day squad as we still have petrov and NRC and albrighton who would for me all be above him, plus delph, downing and ashley young.

    makoun with a full preseason and some more time aclimatising to england, could be a good bit of business.

  12. GMAC is trying to get us relegated at this **** rate


    stop playing slow unatractive negative football for **** sake

    show some motivation, leadership and common **** sense you stupid man

    selection was poor, heskey.. playing with 10 men for the entire first half

    then he puts on alby so young can play in th hole, the place which has got us in the mess we are in

    clueless **** bell.

    either put 5 across the middle with bent up front or play 2 strikers, NOT bent and fat boy.

    we have had the most easy of run ins, something when we looked at the start of the season we must have all thought that 4th place would go down to the last 2 games instead we need to try and get a point somehow against 2 teams on form to insure our survival

    really, i cant express how **** shit this is.


    why does ashley **** young take ANY free kick, can anyone give a proper reason? i thought noot

  14. well NRC has been utter shit, pretty much ALL passes to them came from NRC. **** slow motion today, normally he is everywhere but today he is giving it away all over the pitch mainly in our own half within 30 yards of the goals.

    it HAS to be NRC off at half time, i would also swap young and downing, as predicted shorey is slow but downing keeps checking back, young should be able to go past him, who knows it may help him remember how to do it becasue today he has been pretty pedestrian to say the least.

    delph on for me, the only problem is what happens after 60 mins when petrov tires? this is the only reason i think NRC may stay on the pitch.

    back 5 been decent, petrov decent downing decent young and NRC ok to poor benty and gabby not working.

    young is drifting far too much into the middle and looking to lay the ball off instead of going to the line or crossing it or beating a play, he seems to think he is a midfield play maker?

    well he isnt and if he wants to look at the work rate of messi then by all means look but dont start thinking you are him.

    i would like to have seen bents 'goal' again i think it is a lot closer than the shit camera man and utterly shit director who keeps picking the wrong cameras and angles for the action, then despite showing petrovs half shot 9 times where nothing came of it, not one repla on bentys goal to see if it were actually off side.

    my view is not great but it looked pretty close to me.

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